Activate Your Psychic Abilities Through Healing & Rebirth
Two major things you can do to activate your spiritual gifts.
Are You A Psychic?
We are all psychics, but most of us don’t know it. I have known since I was a child, and now that I am on my spiritual path, these gifts have grown stronger. I learn more about my abilities each day. Some of us can recognize these supernatural gifts straightaway, while others need help uncovering them. If you need assistance accessing your gifts, it’s okay. That doesn’t make you any less worthy.
Though I had these gifts from early childhood, I hid them for most of my life, so they were in remission. Here are the main things I did to reactivate my psychic powers.
You might read other articles that say you only need to meditate or do some energy cleansing. These things are true, but you will need to do more to fully access your superpowers.
Like most of my blogs, I must begin with healing. I cannot begin to explain how it has helped me on my spiritual journey. Without healing (and forgiveness), I would still be lost, lonely, bitter, and depressed. It was only when I accepted healing into my life that everything, and I do mean everything, changed.
Once you release old traumas and forgive those who hurt you. The universal floodgates open. Please understand that these aren’t kindergarten-level things I am discussing. I went through intense healing and made enormous sacrifices to get to where I am today. And I haven’t even scratched the surface. Once you choose this path, you are either 100% in or out. The Universe allows you to choose; red or blue pill? Choose wisely.
As you are healing, you must undergo a rebirth. Of course, you can’t go back into your mama’s womb, so I am not referring to a physical birth. I am talking about spiritual rebirth.
What is a spiritual rebirth? spiritual enlightenment causing a person to lead a new life (vocab.com).
During this process, you are killing your old life. As one YouTuber stated, “you must pay for your new life with the old one.” Some days, you feel like you are actually dying. You are on an emotional rollercoaster; see through all the bullshit illusions, the lies become truths, and what you thought was the truth is a lie. Sometimes you want to go back to ignorance, but you cannot unsee once you have seen.
But after all the healing and rebirth, you step into your innate power.
What Next?
Once I went through healing and rebirth, I began sitting in silence (or meditation). This practice is vital if you want to access your spiritual gifts. If your mind is on what’s for dinner, picking the kids up from school, and the argument you had this morning, you will not be able to tap into your power. I believe it was Eckhardt who said (and I am paraphrasing), “you must learn to turn off your thoughts like a light switch.” This isn’t simple, but it can be done (with practice).
Learning to embrace silence is key because it gives you clear, direct access to your spirit guides (we all have them), your higher self, and higher dimensions. You might find that you can see visions of future events or communicate with ancestors that have passed on. All of our gifts are unique to us. And as I have mentioned in my previous blogs, these gifts and talents were preinstalled in this lifetime (before you incarnated).
Final thoughts
Some humans here on earth are on divine missions. So these individuals hold the key to accessing these gifts. But unfortunately, many of them are unaware. They are still looking outside of themselves for answers. My loves, all the tools you need are built within you. Once you truly understand this and eliminate self-doubt, you can do the unthinkable.
Thank you for reading! I will write more on these topics as I am guided. Peace and love, Ari.
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© Ari Love, 2023