Lightworkers — Do You Know If You Have Psychic Powers?
All Starseeds (and some Lightworkers) incarnate with psychic gifts.
Rediscovering “The Gift.”
I have written a couple of blogs relating to my rediscovered psychic abilities. I have had these gifts since I was a young child. I was raised strictly Christian, so I hid them. Many phenomena happened during my early years, but I had no one to turn to. Because of this, I felt disconnected and strange. I had no idea why I knew things about people or events before they occurred.
A short example: I recently spoke to my sister regarding my stepfather. I told her I knew he wasn’t quite right when he arrived at our house. At 11 years old, I immediately tapped into his energy and could not understand why Momma couldn’t see what was so clear to me. My sister admitted she had no idea and was excited to have him in our home. If you have read my past blogs, you know my reading of him was correct.
I feel compelled to speak openly on this topic. Many people have these abilities but have not developed them. Most humans still imagine psychics as evil witches who cast spells and worship satan. They envision broomsticks, magic potions, and black cats. Of course, some psychics use their gifts for darkness, but some of us use them for light. Every soul, before incarnation, decided to use their powers for darkness and self-gratification or light and generosity.
Please note that all Starseeds (and some Lightworkers) have psychic powers. Starseeds incarnate with many gifts. However, these abilities are fully activated only after spiritual rebirth. Once Starseeds reach a certain level on their journey, they undergo activation. Many activation symptoms correlate to the ascension symptoms; ear buzzing and ringing, body vibrations, extreme tiredness, social exhaustion, abrupt emotional shifts, etc. (I can write more on these later if interested).
Why Does This Matter?
Whether you are clairvoyant, an alchemist, or highly intuitive, these abilities are needed more now than ever. Not accessing these abilities is like having a million dollars in the bank but sleeping outside in a box. The best part is these gifts are being used to assist humanity with the ascension. Once we activate individually, we will collectively induce a light force that will destroy the already thinning veil.
We are everywhere; every continent, country, state, city, town, and village. We were strategically placed all around Earth to transmute energy. Most Lightworkers are oblivious to the amount of light work we have done. If you knew, it would shock you. For this reason, many Lightworkers are called to travel. Every place I have ventured (on my travel journey) has been impacted. Lightworkers are frequency holders; we only need to exist.
How Do I know If I’m Psychic?
The short answer is — you just know. You can feel it in your gut, in your bones. You can pick up on the energies of everyone around you, predict future events, and communicate with people on the other side. You have a strong inner voice, vivid dreams, and a big imagination. Many psychics have had these gifts since early childhood, so this means you might be clueless. You think it’s normal.
I thought every human had a narrating inner voice or could communicate with their Spirit Team and ancestors. It shocked me because I have been doing this for over three decades. I found out only a year ago that not everyone had these abilities. I asked my sister, and she had no idea what I was talking about. She said she doesn’t have an inner voice, nor does she communicate with Spirit.
The best way to tap into and develop these abilities is through acceptance. Self-doubt is the biggest hurdle to overcome. My loves, I know it can be overwhelming, but these gifts have been bestowed upon you for a reason. Once you accept the truth, you must strengthen your abilities through healing and rebirth. Once you have died and been reborn, you will experience a complete activation. I hope this helps. Peace & love, Ari.
© Ari Love, 2023