I Guess I’m Psychic…
Speaking out about my spiritual abilities.
I have always had them, but I hid them.
Mom often spoke against psychics and said they were of the devil, so I thought they were evil and never said anything to her. I mostly read, daydreamed, and kept to myself because I was so different than my family and felt out of place. As a result, I spent thousands of hours daydreaming to escape the abuse and suffering. Daydreaming was the only thing that kept me happy; I could go anywhere, do anything, and be anyone I wanted. As a girl, I didn’t realize that hobby (to cope with abuse) would become one of my superpowers.
Your ability to daydream is a superpower.
Most with vivid imaginations are master manifesters. If you see it clearly, you can feel it, thus bringing it into your reality. It is powerful, and I have done it over and over. It is pure magic.
Premonitions & Spirit Guides
As a child, I was already in communication with my spirit guides. Until a few years back, I thought everyone had this access. I finally asked a friend, and she replied, “No, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I quickly stopped the conversation because I realized it was odd and unusual.
I also had my first premonition as a girl. The first one was when I was about 11 years old. I couldn’t shake the feeling that “something bad was going to happen.” As I rode the bus to school, I saw it clearly, “Oh, it’s a fire!” Of course, I didn’t say anything because that would be weird, and who listens to a little kid?
When we returned from school, streets were blocked off, and ambulances, news, and fire trucks were everywhere. A building on my block caught fire and spread to my and our neighbor’s house. The fire was massive, but everyone was rescued. These types of premonitions happened a few more times throughout my life. But I kept quiet because it was too weird and difficult to explain.
Clairvoyance & Inner Knowing
I am unsure of how to explain many of these abilities. Perhaps I’m not supposed to. But I will say I can see things through visions. I can read people’s energies in person, via television or photo, or through touch. I can pick up on negative energy almost immediately. There are times I have left a bar or restaurant because someone has entered with low vibration.
Sometimes having these abilities is overwhelming. For example, if a friend is excited about a new guy in her life and introduces us. I can usually see if it isn’t going to work out. Which sucks because I want the best for them. But again, I usually keep these things to myself. I’m not interested in giving out readings or making someone feel sad.
Closing Thoughts
All my life, I have felt unusual. I had groups of friends here and there, but everything seemed off, almost robotic to me. I would sit and watch everyone and wonder, “Are they happy?” I always felt there had to be more. There was a deep void inside my soul, but I couldn’t figure it out until after my awakening. Before then, I spent a lot of time questioning things, and trying to figure out what this life was really about.
I particularly remember one day sobbing on my floor alone. I yelled at God to help me understand, “Who am I? Why am I here? Is this a game?” Writing this message is emotional because I was in such pain then. But I intuitively knew this life had to be some lesson, test, or game. Now, I finally feel like things make sense, and the pieces are fitting together.
Lightworkers, do not hide your spiritual (psychic) gifts and tell your story. You have gone through hell to help others out of the fire. Your life is not your own. You are here to inspire, motivate, and spread love and light to the masses. Open your mouth, and speak the truth no matter how uncomfortable. You must be you for others to be them. So, hold your torch up high and lead the way. Peace & love, Ari.
© Ari Love, 2023