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The article argues that most people have more time than they realize to make money online through writing and content creation, challenging the common excuse of lack of time.


The author, a 42-year-old with a full-time job, two kids, a coaching role, and daily exercise, refutes the notion that one doesn't have time to make money online by writing and creating content. He suggests that individuals with a regular schedule likely have more free time than they admit, often spent on TV and social media. By highlighting his own experience of running a successful content business alongside a busy life, he encourages readers to reassess their time management and replace passive entertainment with productive, income-generating activities. The article includes a progress report on the author's experiment to retire by publishing daily across platforms and investing earnings, with a current daily goal of $250 CAD.


  • The author believes that the excuse of not having enough time is often a cover for laziness or a preference for passive entertainment like TV and social media.
  • He emphasizes that making money online requires time and effort, but it is more fulfilling and financially rewarding than spending time on brain-candy activities.
  • The author asserts that even individuals with demanding schedules can find time for side hustles if they prioritize and manage their time effectively.
  • He implies that the perception of having no time is a matter of priorities and choices, rather than an absolute lack of time.
  • The author's use of personal anecdotes and a public tracking of his financial goals serves to motivate and provide a realistic roadmap for readers to follow.

Why you’re a liar if you say you have no time to make money writing online

I’m sorry to be the one to break this hard news to you.

You’re a huge liar if you say you don’t have time to make money online writing and creating content.

OK, OK, maybe liar is too strong of a word. I hate being mean :(.

But I WILL say that most people have so much more time than they think.

Allow me to explain.

Making money online isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme — it does take time. But trust me, you have more time than you think. (Credit: James Julian/DallE2)

My reality

I’m 42 years old.

  • I have two kids and a wife
  • I have a full-time job
  • I coach competitive sports almost every single night
  • I exercise for at least an hour a day (gym, running, yoga, or some other type of exercise)

I also run a five-figure content business outside of all those activities.

So when I get comments on my posts here or on my YouTube channel from people saying they’d love to make money online but they just don’t have the time, I bristle a little bit.

You think I’m swimming in free time?

If you’re a single mom working two jobs and can barely get in a proper night’s sleep — yeah, you probably don’t have the time.

But if you’re a run-of-the-mill human being with a fairly regular schedule, you have way more time than you think.

And I’ll prove it to you right now by asking you two simple questions:

  1. Do you watch TV?
  2. Do you go on social media?

Check your screen time in the setting on your smartphone right now and you’ll find even more opportunities to do something more productive and lucrative with your time.

The harsh truth

The problem isn’t that most people don’t have time to create online.

The problem is that most people are LAZY.

The simple fact of the matter is that watching TV and scrolling reels is cotton candy for the brain.

It’s easy and it gives you a little sugar high and leaves you feeling ill afterward.

It’s a lot tougher to show up every day to write and create video content.

But I’ll tell you from personal experience that the latter activity is way more fulfilling — and the money is pretty nice too.

So turn off the TV, put down the phone, and get to work … now!

Publish Every Day Goal Tracker

I’m doing an experiment to see if I can make enough money to retire from commuter life within a year by publishing every day on multiple platforms and investing my earnings.

How much I need to retire comfortably: $250 CAD per day

What I earned on Day 3: $16.79 (writing), $1.24 (YouTube), $0.46 (Real Estate) — $18.49 total

Progress chart:

Progress chart for my Publish Every Day Project

2023 averages ($USD):

Side hustle earnings in 2023 ($USD)

What I published yesterday:

Thanks for following along! If you enjoy following this project, please give this post some claps so others can find it, and let me know in the comments how your journey own is going!

Looking for something else to read?

My 10 most popular stories:

  1. Do these 4 exercises and you’ll be in the best shape of your life
  2. The 1 main reason most people fail to make money online
  3. The one priceless book that kicked off my quit alcohol journey
  4. Jacked Rob Lowe revealed the 1 harsh truth about staying fit at 60
  5. Wow, YouTube just slashed its monetization threshold in half
  6. Mark Wahlberg’s 3:30 a.m. wake-up time actually isn’t as crazy as you think
  7. I quit alcohol 6 months ago but one thing is making me really sad
  8. Bruce Springsteen’s 1 effective fitness tip for staying cut at 70
  9. 1 important reason Jennifer Garner is cutting alcohol at 51
  10. Am I weird for eating the same 3 things every damn day?
Side Hustle
Make Money Online
Content Business
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