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Bruce Springsteen’s 1 effective fitness tip for staying cut after 70

You’d figure a meeting between Coldplay frontman Chris Martin and rock legend Bruce Springsteen would revolve around ideas for guitar riffs or stories about life on the road.

Instead, the two famous musicians discussed how to stay fit after a certain age.

I came across an article in the LA Times this week detailing that conversation, and what Springsteen had to say was quite fascinating.

It also serves as a nice complementary footnote to this story I wrote last week called “Jacked Rob Lowe revealed the 1 harsh truth about staying fit at 60.”

According to youthful and muscle-bound 59-year-old Lowe, it’s not so much about time in the gym, but what you’re putting on your plate.

Here’s a quick reminder of what he told Men’s Health in their most recent issue:

“I hate that it’s 80 percent diet.”

“I’ve tried every way of getting around it. And I love working out, but it doesn’t get you where you need to get at my age.

“And that’s a f**king bummer.

“The thing that works for me … there will be days when, no doubt, you’re getting the f**king pie. There are times when I will run over my grandmother to pick up a milkshake.

“But that’s not all the time. So wait till then, have the milkshake, and be cool.”

Well, I guess you have to add 10% per decade, because according to the buff-for-73 Springsteen, after you cross the seven-decade barrier, it becomes 90% diet.

Bruce Springsteen in 2023. (Credit: Dharmabumstead, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

The 1-meal plan

Back to Springsteen for a moment.

Chris Martin was recently asked on the Conan O’Brien podcast what he learned from The Boss, and here’s what the Coldplay star said after revealing Springsteen’s wife told him Bruce only eats once a day:

“I don’t actually have dinner anymore. I stop eating at 4 (p.m.) and I learned that from having lunch with Bruce Springsteen.

“I was on a really strict diet anyway, but I was like, Bruce-ster looks even more in shape than me … well, there you go, that’s my next challenge.”

I’m not sure I could manage that at my age (41), especially given I’m in the gym every day, but evidently it will take some preparation if I wish to stay in shape as the decades pass.

Luckily, my diet is fairly straightforward (I eat the same 3 things every day) and healthy to begin with.

Honestly, I think if you just get the basics right, cheat days become sort of an afterthought.

One thing it takes is consistency, however.

The more I go to the gym and eat well, the less lazy I feel and the less I crave crap food.

Now, again, sticking to one meal a day may seem a bit restrictive, and I’m sure there are days when Martin and Springsteen get away from it.

But it speaks to, as Lowe pointed out, the increasing importance of diet as we age.

In fact, I was surprised to learn that Springsteen had actually dialed his once-legendary workouts way back.

Diet, diet, diet

Here’s what he told country star Tim McGraw a couple of years ago when asked why the heck he still looks so good.

“I don’t do that much (exercise) right now. I lift a little weight to stay toned, I may get on the treadmill and I’ll walk, I don’t run anymore.

“The biggest thing is diet, diet, diet.

“I don’t eat too much and I don’t eat bad food, except once in a while when I have some fun for myself.

“So I think anybody that’s trying to get in shape, exercise is always important of course, but diet is 90 percent of the game.”

Now, I’m sure it certainly helps fitness-wise that Springsteen is still crazy active playing three-hour shows (and famously putting out his best effort every single time).

I’ve never been to a Springsteen show, but I’ve heard from people who have that they are incredible.

You may think of being a “singer” as a stationary thing, but it takes a great deal of endurance to go out night after night and give it your all in front of tens of thousands of people.

But even that isn’t enough at 73.

If you want to stay fit at that age, listen to The Boss and watch what you put on your plate.

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Health And Fitness
Bruce Springsteen
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