avatarJames Julian


Am I weird for eating the same 3 things every damn day?

I eat the way Steve Jobs dressed.

The Apple founder and certified genius was well-known for the lack of variety in his wardrobe.

Jobs would get up every day, put on a black turtleneck, and go to work.

Reportedly, there were two reasons for this:

  1. He liked the simplicity and efficiency of not having to think about and pick out something different to wear every day
  2. He once visited a Sony factory in Japan where the workers all wore the same uniform, which built loyalty to the company (this story is recounted in Walter Isaacson’s biography of Jobs — apparently he tried to bring a uniform policy to Apple which was roundly rejected by employees)

It kind of reminds me of how I eat.

Every morning, I get up and have the exact same thing for breakfast.

Then I work for a while.

Then I have the exact same thing for lunch.

Is that weird?

Digital painting of a man in black surrounded by blueberries and strawberries (Credit: James Gordon/Dall-E 2)


Like Jobs, I love simplicity and efficiency, and I feel like the diet that I’ve come up with gives me all the nutrients I need naturally in the first half of the day.

By the time dinner rolls around, I can kind of eat whatever.

I don’t stick to this diet because I feel forced to or because I’m trying to gain or lose weight. I just kind of fell into the routine and I like the taste, so why mess with success?

Like I said, too, I think it’s pretty healthy when compared to the standard North American diet.

For breakfast, I have the one same smoothie every day.

If you’re interested but you don’t particularly like any of the following, you can mix them up with pretty much any fruit or veggie.

I take out my blender (here’s my affiliate link if you’re interested in the exact one I use) and I fill it almost to the top with the following:

  • 1 banana
  • frozen blueberries
  • frozen strawberry slices
  • frozen pineapple chunks
  • frozen kale
  • frozen beet slices
  • ice

I fill about 1/3 of the remaining space with pomegranate juice (or something else if Costco is out of Pom) and the rest with water.

Some people love smoothies, some people hate them.

If you’re in the latter group, this isn’t going to work for you. Honestly, for me, there’s nothing appealing about eating fresh fruit or vegetables (other than a good salad, but that’s a lot of work). If I don’t blend ‘em, I won’t eat ‘em.

This way, I probably get my entire serving of fruit and vegetables first thing in the morning. I also take care of a good portion of my daily hydration.


A digital painting of a blender full of fruit (Credit: James Gordon/Dall-E 2)


Given I’ve only had fruit and vegetables so far, I’m pretty hungry by lunchtime. For lunch, I have two wraps.

For the first, I simply scramble a couple of eggs, put them in a wrap with cheddar cheese and a little hot sauce, and that’s it.

The second is a pretty straightforward turkey wrap: mayo (and mustard if I’m feeling saucy), lettuce or spinach, some grape tomatoes, and a pinch of salt and pepper.

It takes me about 5 minutes to make these, and they take care of a lot of my lean protein for the day — and both are delicious!

If I’m still hungry or want something sweet, I’ll eat one of these chocolate chip granola bars (affiliate link).


Dinner is sort of whatever, I’m not picky about it.

We get meal boxes three times a week and the rest of the time we’re winging it because our kids have hockey every night.

Because my breakfast and lunch are so healthy and low-cal (and I go to the gym at lunch or at night), I could probably eat a pizza every night and be fine.

And believe me, I’d probably be OK with pizza every night too.

So, tell me your thoughts. Am I a weirdo for eating like this or do you see some value in it? Let me know!

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