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The article discusses Rob Lowe's approach to maintaining fitness and a youthful appearance as he nears 60, emphasizing the importance of diet over exercise.


The author shares a personal interest in understanding the keys to health and fitness as one ages, drawing inspiration from others who manage their well-being effectively. The article highlights the experiences of Diana Leotta and the author's own routine, which includes a disciplined diet and exercise regimen. Rob Lowe's recent interview with Men's Health is cited to underscore the critical role of diet, with Lowe noting that 80% of staying fit is attributed to dietary choices, especially for those over 40. The author invites readers to share their own insights on maintaining fitness later in life.


  • The author values preparation for future life stages by gathering insights from those who have already reached those milestones.
  • An active and creatively fulfilling retirement is seen as an ideal to strive for, with physical health being a crucial component.
  • The author acknowledges personal health limitations, such as fussy spinal discs and a history of alcohol use disorder, and has found a tailored exercise routine to manage them.
  • Diet is considered straightforward for the author, with a preference for consistency in meals, except for occasional indulgences.
  • Rob Lowe's perspective on fitness at 60 is seen as a testament to the importance of diet, with a candid acknowledgment that exercise alone is insufficient for maintaining a youthful physique at an advanced age.
  • The author is open to learning more from others in the same age group about staying fit and is eager to engage with readers on the topic.

Jacked Rob Lowe revealed the 1 harsh truth about staying fit at 60

One thing I really love to do is gather intel about ages I haven’t reached yet.

I know, it’s a bit weird, but hey, I’m going to reach those milestones at some point and it helps to be prepared, right?

For example, one of my favourite writers on this site is Diana Leotta because she provides a window into how to do retirement right.

She quit alcohol so her post-work years would be productive and enjoyable and she now benefits from an active lifestyle full of pickleball and writing.

Those are the kind of retirement years I want to live: physically active and creatively fulfilled.

Fitness as we age

Good health is a prerequisite for that kind of retirement, so I’m also interested in diet and fitness as I age, too.

As I wrote in these two pieces:

… the older you get, the more cognizant of your health and your limitations you need to me.

At 41, coming off alcohol use disorder and having majorly fussy spinal discs, I need to be especially careful.

Fortunately, I’ve found an exercise routine that works for me.

Now, what about diet?

For me, it’s bizarrely straightforward. I eat the same 3 things for breakfast and lunch every single day, whereas dinner is a bit of a crapshoot.

I’m not big into sugar and sweets at all, but I do go overboard every now and then with my diet.

Pizza night is a downright disaster … I’ll down pizza and wings at a truly disgusting pace.

Fortunately, I recently learned from the absolutely jacked 59-year-old actor Rob Lowe, you can still indulge … within reason.

Rob Lowe in a file picture from 2008 … check the link below for an updated pic. (Credit: dodge challenger1, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

Rob Lowe on staying fit at 60

Lowe recently did an interview with Men’s Health in which he talked about the ways he’s had to adjust his behavior in order to keep his muscular physique and youthful appearance intact as he approaches age 60.

This is especially important for actors, obviously.

Summarized: hours in the gym won’t cut it as a standalone practice.

Here’s what he told the magazine:

“I hate that it’s 80 percent diet.”

“I’ve tried every way of getting around it. And I love working out, but it doesn’t get you where you need to get at my age.

“And that’s a f**king bummer.

“The thing that works for me … there will be days when, no doubt, you’re getting the f**king pie. There are times when I will run over my grandmother to pick up a milkshake.

“But that’s not all the time. So wait till then, have the milkshake, and be cool.”

So, note to self: staying fit at 60 becomes 80 percent diet.

Anyone around that age who has any more info to share, I’m all ears! Let me know in the comments!

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Healthy Lifestyle
Health And Fitness
Rob Lowe
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