avatarJames Julian


Why I’m writing like crazy now to bank big later (money update)

I’m a little scared right now.

When I began my Publish Every Day project a couple of weeks ago to see if I could make enough to retire from commuter life within a year, I had a lot of clear runway.

Yeah, I have a busy life with a full-time job, a side business, kids, a wife, a gym commitment, etc. etc. etc., but I had a relatively manageable schedule.

No travel tournaments, and weeknights off occasionally.

It was good.

As a result, I’ve been able to stick to, well … publishing every day.

And my earnings have been steadily rising as a result toward my goal of $250 per day and freedom from the shackles of normie work.

Publish Every Day progress on Day 17.

Well, the free ride is about to end.

Over the next four weeks, I’ll be traveling three times — once to visit family and twice for my sons’ hockey tournaments.

And if you’ve ever been a competitive sports parent, you know I won’t get a damn thing done on those tournament weekends.

November is just a crazy month for me every year.

Work, push, win

These are the moments that forge the truly successful, and I’m excited to see if I have what it takes.

Last year in November, I failed.

Will this year be different?

Effectively I’m losing 12 days of writing time, yet I still need to publish one or more articles per day, plus stay active on Twitter and push out more YouTube videos.

Am I a little intimidated?

Yes, yes I am.

Consistency is everything for algos, so any lapses will result in lost momentum.

I committed to this project, too, and lot of you have been following along.

I don’t want to let you — or myself — down.

The good news is I’m more motivated than ever.

The fear of spending the rest of my life commuting to an office is finally more powerful than the fear of doing the work.

I cannot miss a day.

Publish Every Day project update: Day 17

I’m doing an experiment to see if I can make enough cash to retire from commuter life within 1 year by publishing every day on multiple platforms and putting my earnings into income-generating investments.

How much I need to retire comfortably: $250 CAD per day

What I earned on Day 17: $39.62 (writing) + $1.22 (YouTube) = $40.84 total

Progress chart:

Daily earnings

What I published yesterday:

Looking for something else to read?

My 10 most popular stories:

  1. Do these 4 exercises and you’ll be in the best shape of your life
  2. The 1 main reason most people fail to make money online
  3. Wow, YouTube just slashed its monetization threshold in half (+2)
  4. The one priceless book that kicked off my quit alcohol journey (-1)
  5. Jacked Rob Lowe revealed the 1 harsh truth about staying fit at 60 (-1)
  6. Mark Wahlberg’s 3:30 a.m. wake-up time actually isn’t as crazy as you think
  7. I quit alcohol 6 months ago but one thing is making me really sad
  8. Bruce Springsteen’s 1 effective fitness tip for staying cut at 70
  9. 1 important reason Jennifer Garner is cutting alcohol at 51
  10. Am I weird for eating the same 3 things every damn day?

Thanks for following along! Have a great day!

Writing Tips
Passive Income
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