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Summer, also known as Hope Coalesce, is an optimistic writer on Medium who shares her beliefs in self-improvement, mindfulness, and the power of positive thinking, while also chronicling her life experiences and encouraging others to embrace their potential for greatness.


Hope Coalesce, whose real name is Summer, is a prolific writer on Medium who embraces the pen name as a symbol of optimism and faith. She is a firm believer in the ability of individuals to achieve their dreams, heal, experience joy, and embrace abundance. Summer's writings cover themes of mindfulness, spirituality, love, and self-love, often emphasizing the importance of letting go of the past and nurturing a positive mindset. As a mother and wife, she draws from her personal life to inspire others, sharing her journey of personal growth and her conviction that everyone has the power to shape their own destiny. She has also expanded her reach by creating content for YouTube, where she aims to uplift and support her audience through her videos.


  • Hope Coalesce views life as a reflection of one's inner world, suggesting that external circumstances are a manifestation of internal states.
  • She promotes the idea that self-awareness and focus are key to achieving one's desired outcomes in life.
  • Summer emphasizes the importance of self-love and self-affirmation, regularly practicing positive self-talk and encouraging others to do the same.
  • She considers herself "awakened," meaning she is consciously aware of the connection between her inner thoughts and her outer reality.
  • Hope Coalesce values family deeply and believes that the love and support within familial relationships are crucial for personal development and resilience.
  • She advocates for the pursuit of joy, well-being, and a fearless spirit, suggesting that these qualities are attainable for everyone.
  • Summer is committed to sharing her insights and experiences through her writing and YouTube channel, aiming to contribute positively to the lives of her readers and viewers.
  • She appreciates the Medium community, particularly the ILLUMINATION publication, for providing a platform for her to express herself and connect with others.
  • Hope Coalesce sees the potential for greatness in every individual and encourages people to release fear, doubt, and past burdens to realize their true potential.

Who Is Hope Coalesce

Hello IllUMINATION, this is who I am.

This is me :-)

Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one’s life or the world at large. As a verb, its definitions include: “expect with confidence” and “to cherish a desire with anticipation.” — Wikipedia

Now, Coalesce is to come together to form one mass or whole; to grow together.

I wrote something a few years ago and wanted to give myself a pen name for it. Hope literally just popped in my head. I felt some good vibes. I liked that. So okay, Hope. Now what? I searched my mind for a while. Keys came. Then Keys Inland. I really liked that too. Because, truly the keys are within. However, it did not settle. I relaxed. Soon arrived Coalesce. And that’s all there is to say.

Hello, I am Summer. That is my real name. I express optimism and faith. I believe that we can have the dream that we dream. I confidently believe that!

I believe we can achieve greatness. I believe we can heal. I believe we can experience joy each day. I believe that there does not have to be any belief and therefore any reflection of lack. I believe abundance is for everyone to have. I believe we can obtain the GREATEST of things.

We are so powerful. Through awareness of our capabilities and with focus, we can consciously steer ourselves right into our desired destinations. We only need to decide. There is nothing we cannot do, be, or have.

Companionship and love, career, happiness, well being, a heart of gratitude, and a fearless spirit can all be yours. You can show up like you know that you are worthy. You can nurture the garden of your mind and witness bountiful harvests from the seeds you plant within. You can let your past go. You can say goodbye to all of the things that suck. You can have confidence through it all!

I began sharing here on Medium On July 9th. I have been accepted to write for 10 publications. I’ve decided to focus on 7. They are: Know Thyself, Heal Thyself, Blue Insights, Heart Revolution, The Wide Open Space, Catharsis, Get Inside, and ILLUMINATION,. Thank you all for allowing me to write freely in your wonderful publications. You are all so very welcoming and supportive. I am grateful.

I created my first YouTube video so that audio and visuals are available with the content I will be sharing here on Medium. Here is a video I did for ILLUMINATION YouTube. It is called No Gem, No Stone. I look forward to recording so much more!

My husband helped me with this video. He is so AMAZING! If you would like to check out my YouTube channel, here it is:

My YouTube channel right now is super small. I have one video and less than a hand full of subscribers. It’s literally a newborn; it’s not even cooing yet! But heck, I can have the mindset that says “Who do I think I am birthing this thing?” And I can believe there is no one who will like what I have to share. But I’d rather not think that way. We kill our goals that way. Everything is a possibility, and I’m focused on the possibility that it can be so grand!

I am a mother, and a wife. I am insanely obsessed with my family. I smother them with loads of “I-love-you’s” and it’s quite possible my endless motivational talks can be annoying at times. But whatever. They say they love it. The best part is that what I pour into them, they pour right back into me when I need it most.

I love my babies. None of them will not know who they are. They are wonderful, beautiful, and talented spirits who came to this planet for the physical experience called life. They range in ages from 22 to 1 years old. I am busy. I have been a mother all of my adult life. I have endlessly been kissing boo-boo’s, singing baby songs, and adjusting crowns.

Family is so wonderful. You experience so much life with, and because of them. Friends too. They help you experience stuff, and the “feels” of it all. Good stuff. Crazy stuff. Love stuff. Pain stuff. Healing stuff. Growing stuff. Life.

I have done so much. I have truly had a colorful life. It’s been good. It’s been bad too. It’s been real fun, and it’s been quite scary. It’s been beautiful. It’s been ugly. It’s been rewarding. It’s been everything it is supposed to be. It’s been life. The continuous and never-ending unfolding of events I create. It’s been a reflection of me.

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

I believe in self-cheer and positive thinking. I say many things that are great about myself. I’m the person who’s into affirmations, and what I call “Great Claims.” I say that I am a lot of things. I speak great things over myself always. It has not always been easy to speak this way though.

Above the many things I speak of myself, I say that I am “awakened”. Because I am. People use the word for different reasons. There is no wrong way. When I say it, I am simply saying that I am consciously aware. I am aware that circumstance is reflection. I believe that the advancement in the outer-world blooms from the advancement from the inner-world. As within, so without.

My goal is to support, encourage, uplift, bring laughter even, and to remind you it’s okay to have a good day! And it’s okay to turn one good day into another, and another.

I write about mindfulness, spirituality, love, self-love, and life. I write about letting go, in order to become. I write about shedding. Releasing fear. Getting rid of doubt. Believing in yourself. Sometimes, I begin sentences with but, and, or because. I hope that’s cool with you. I also write one and two word sentences. I write those a lot. I write how I talk. I’m just here to convey.

So far, I’ve written about 25 pieces here on Medium. It’s been a real joy engaging with the readers and writers here.

I found this good vibe place in January of this year. I was intrigued. I joined immediately. Then I said, “I’ll be back for you.”

It simply was not time. I had goals to wrap up with my husband for the businesses we’ve created. We are best friends, business partners, and a team. We keep each other accountable. So not until major tasks were complete was I allowing myself to indulge in writing.

It was soon coming. Now, here I am. I am loving it. It is indeed the writers lounge.

Poetry Many moons ago, there was a group of friends I had. We would have poetry night. There were refreshments and appetizers. There was laughter. There was soul. There was good vibes. We’d take turns sharing words from within. That was so very long ago.

Other than that, I did a performance of a poem once in front of a large crowd. It was thrilling. I gave them a poem called Melody. She didn’t fit in. She was lonely too. Though her name was Melody, she was without a song. I haven’t seen her in so long, but I think I know which notebook she might be hiding in. If I find her, I will share her.

Notes & Messages When I was younger, I kept diaries and lots of doodling books and journals (gosh I love them). I wrote all of the time. Now that I am back writing, this time I’m gonna share. I’m going to give you my thoughts, my encouragement, my voice; my words pouring out.

I’m gonna tell you that I believe through your own beautiful mind you can set your whole life on fire. In a good way! I’m gonna remind you of who you are. I’m gonna say “Hey I get it, me too.” I’m gonna tell you to pick up your shield, and your sword too. And I’m gonna break it down real good so you can get back up.

Basically, I’m here to to say “Yasssss Queens And Kings, You’ve Totally Got This!” Life is so beautiful. Sometimes though, things get a little tricky. We have got to stay in our magic. I’m gonna help you with that. I’m gonna give you Hope.

I am Summer full of Hope, and I have good news. Everything is going to be okay. You can do anything. You can get the life that you want. You can let go of everything that has nothing to do with where you are going. You can experience joy. You can have abundance.

In the pursuit of it all, you can focus. Like, for real. You can do what you need to do in order to obtain the things that you desire. While you’re at it, you can ignore the unbelievers. You don’t have to listen to them. They are living their life. You are the one who lives yours. You get to choose to live it intentionally.

Dr Mehmet Yildiz, founder and editor of ILLUMINATION encourages all content creators for ILLUMINATION to write an introduction. This was mines. I hope you enjoyed it.

I Am Expressing. I Am Creating. I Am Witnessing. I Am Embracing. I Am Releasing. I Am Summer; Love & Light. I Am Hope Coalesce.

Bye for now

Thank you so much for reading. If you want to learn more about ILLUMINATION YouTube? Check out this awesome invitation:

ILLUMINATION YouTube is a new project that will be such a huge one. While new, with around 170 subscribers and about 50 videos, this will go so far. Everything that is birthed has to go through the baby stages. So congratulations to ILLUMINATION YouTube and welcome into the world! You are so grand!

Cheers to all of the content creators on ILLUMINATION YouTube!

If you’d like to hang around a while longer, feel free to check out some of my short stories and poems:

Hope Coalesce
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