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This article explores the inner thoughts and feelings of a twin flame runner, discussing their intense love, fears, and insecurities.


The article "What Does the Twin Flame Runner Want to Tell the Twin Flame Chaser?" delves into the complex emotions experienced by a twin flame runner. The runner expresses their intense love for their twin flame chaser, but also their fear of the overwhelming warmth of this love. They struggle with self-sabotage and lack of self-worth, often running away from their feelings due to unhealed wounds and mental blockages. The runner acknowledges their role in making the journey difficult and hopes that their twin flame will still be there when they heal their last wound. The article emphasizes the importance of healing and self-awareness in the twin flame journey.

Bullet points

  • The twin flame runner experiences intense love for their chaser, but this love also scares them due to its overwhelming nature.
  • The runner often engages in self-sabotage and lacks self-worth, leading them to run away from their feelings.
  • Unhealed wounds and mental blockages are significant obstacles for the runner, causing them to question their worthiness of love.
  • The runner acknowledges their role in making the journey difficult and hopes their twin flame will still be there when they heal their last wound.
  • The article emphasizes the importance of healing and self-awareness in the twin flame journey.

What Does the Twin Flame Runner Want to Tell the Twin Flame Chaser?

This intense love burns me so much that whenever I get close to that love, my breath takes away.

photo by Nana at Pexels

Becoming a runner is a process that many twin flames perceive as the shadow side of the journey. Runner twin flames try to move forward by constantly sabotaging themselves or trying to suppress their emotions, but this is like going up the escalator in the wrong direction. As you take steps, you continue to go down. And it takes a lot more effort to go up, and that’s not a comfortable way to move forward. As I begin to experience runner feelings, I feel as if I encounter great resistance even when doing the smallest things in my life. Carrying a glass to the kitchen or going out for air can become very difficult because of my intense and repressed emotions.

A runner would want to say a lot to their chaser twin flame. They especially wanted to express how intense the love in their hearts was. Runner “This intense love burns me so much that every time I get close to love, I am afraid because my breath is taken away. I don’t like sweating with the warmth of this love.’’ I don’t like this love because I don’t accept how comfortable the warmth of love makes me feel. Because I have pride, I’m not brave enough to say how much I want something. You don’t know how hard it is to return to a feeling I once abandoned. This is something that compromises my determination and credibility.

In this article, we will talk about the things that Runner Twin Flames carry in their hearts to the Chaser Twin Flame but cannot say.

I’ve always wondered about the true feelings of a runner twin flame

During the period when I was trying to progress as a feminine energy chaser, I tried to “teach” something to my twin flame because of the intense emotions inside me. But then I realized that I was constantly trying to explain things to him because of my fears. I was ashamed of over sharing because I had a fear of rejection. It made me so sad to think that my love for my twin flame was so one-sided that I tried to sit with these feelings for a long time. I tried to process them inside me. But in the end, I failed.

My pride deceived me again, as it did in my early youth. As I have done dozens of times, I decided to throw the love inside me away and forget it. But I couldn’t do that either. While I was trying not to think about my love, I realized that I had been in runner energy for a long time. Avoiding the act of loving my twin flame and suppressing my emotions led to constant back and forth. The fact that I realized this situation much later showed that I had been suppressing it inside me for a long time. My mind did its best to not realize that I was a runner, and it saved a lot of time.

A runner's energy wants to tell the chaser that he/she loves them very much first. The reason they stay away is not due to lack of love. It’s because they don’t trust themselves. Their love is always strong, but because they constantly sabotage themselves with their thoughts, they think they are not worthy of loving someone. They constantly put themselves through security-related tests. What they’re unsure of at this point isn’t the twin flame journey, but making sure their unhealed wounds don’t trigger them again.

I seemed to be torn in two on this issue. The times I was close to my heart were the times I felt the warmth of my twin flame. I felt loved, but when I felt like I was going to explode from this love, my mind immediately took over me because I thought my normal was to believe the cruel words of my mind.

My mind-controlled self always stayed away from the things it loved. Because I used to think that everything I loved was created by my imagination. There was no solid evidence for me to like them. I didn’t know if my twin flame was there. I didn’t know if my love had any reality. This was my shadow side that doubted everything. Not being able to believe in anything also meant not having a reason to pursue it. That’s why I lost in love.

That’s why a runner would most like to tell a chaser twin flame that the reason everything is difficult is that of their mental blockages. But you can’t do it because it will hurt your ego so much. I know that it is the illusions in my mind that slow down the journey. It is I who makes everything difficult. This is very difficult to say. Even if the other person has made little effort, it is always the most painful to see that the real obstacle standing in your way is yourself.

We run to avoid seeing this. We go wherever we go. Finally, when our hearts hurt too much for us to move forward, we realize we need to stop. There is a great pain in my heart. And when I stop, I just want this pain to go away. I soften my thoughts for a short while.

That’s why the chaser twin flame must look at their development and know that most things are beyond their control. Even though there is one soul on this journey, there are two separate people. The wounds that two people have carried since their childhood must be healed.

So the last thing I would want to say to my twin flame would be. I hope you’ll still be there when I heal my last wound! I would love for you to be there despite me, not for you to wait for me.

Twin Flames — The Journey to the Higher Self book is out!

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Hi, I’m Bensu. I write about the mind, hard feelings, and self-love. If you enjoyed my articles about surpassing yourself and achieving your dreams. Thank you for taking the time to read my article.

Twin Flame
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