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The web content discusses the surrender phase in the twin flame journey, emphasizing the importance of self-realization, trust in a higher power, and the shift from focusing on the twin flame relationship to personal growth and healing.


The article delves into the challenging yet transformative surrender phase of the twin flame journey, a concept that involves one partner, typically with feminine energy, reaching a point of exhaustion from their efforts and realizing the need to redirect their focus inward. This phase is characterized by the realization of one's worth, the necessity of self-trust, and the acceptance that control over the other's actions or feelings is an illusion. Surrender is not an act of giving up but rather an active process of letting go of the need to control, embracing faith in a divine system, and engaging in introspective work to foster personal development. The article also outlines signs of entering the surrender stage, such as prioritizing self-respect, relinquishing burdens to a higher power, and accepting one's own worth unconditionally. It underscores the healing power of self-acceptance and the futility of trying to change one's twin flame, advocating for a focus on individual inner work as the key to true progression in the twin flame connection.


  • Surrender is often misunderstood as a passive act, but it is actually about active trust and letting go.
  • The feminine energy in a twin flame dynamic typically realizes the need to surrender and focus on self-growth.
  • The surrender phase is a critical transformation that leads to self-discovery and healing.
  • Trying to control or fix the other person in a twin flame relationship is counterproductive and stems from one's own ego.
  • Each twin flame must undertake their own spiritual work; true change cannot be imposed from outside.
  • The journey towards surrender involves recognizing and releasing the pressure of unrealistic expectations.
  • The process of surrender can lead to a renewed sense of joy and a lighter heart, as it allows for the acceptance of one's true self.
  • The article suggests that the twin flame connection will naturally evolve when both individuals focus on their personal growth.

What Happens During the Surrender Phase of The Twin Flame Journey?

Pay attention to wake-up calls to realize your worth

Photo by George Milton at Pexels

Breaking up has always been the scariest thing in my life. Leaving school, and breaking up with a friend or someone I’m in love with is frustrating. Here you have to leave something familiar. It hurts to leave a piece of you in one place forever. It hurts not to have the same memories again. For years, I had difficulty distinguishing between surrender and the act of separation. Because I was trying to keep control I lost by leaving.

Surrendering was a very passive act. Leaving everything, including your soul, blindfolded was the opposite of controlling. The most important thing here was to learn to trust a power greater than yourself.

Surrender is all about trust. You know for sure that when you let yourself go back into someone’s lap, they will hold you. Surrender is about keeping your faith green in a god who will always support you. When I thought about why I couldn’t leave myself in anyone’s lap, I realized I was afraid of falling. But I never fell. Because I was squeezing my body not to release it.

In this article, we will talk about one of the most difficult but necessary transformations in the twin flame journey, the surrender phase.

What is the purpose of surrender on the twin flame journey?

In the surrender of the twin flame journey, one of the parties (99% feminine energy) slowly begins to realize that they are doing everything they can and starting to enter a dead end. There is no communication, not even any attempt at communication, the other side is frozen, and the feminine side is still working. They work so hard that their thoughts and actions are now starting to eat them up.

At this point, the feminine energy starts to think about where its own lives are going and starts to shift its focus from its twin to itself, albeit with difficulty. But the feminine energy never realized that it was such a difficult thing. Because the feminine energy is just now realizing that it hasn’t done anything for itself before. They poured their energies out so much that they finally began to see that every time they were left to themselves, the emotion they felt was sadness. Yes, it’s part of my story, but it’s also your story.

In the twin flame journey, surrender is not the end of the road. Since we always perceive surrender as “leaving”, we feel like a part of us is missing. I was afraid of being disconnected from my twin flame feelings because I was afraid of being lost. Therefore, I could not surrender my effort and all my hopes to the divine system that has always supported me. But now I realize that it’s time to stop wherever I stumbled. And that means giving in to my doubts and all that my rational mind is bothering me with.

In the twin flame journey, surrender is now a new phase when all darkness has passed and both twins are starting to find themselves. While the twin who woke up earlier begins to develop their own strengths and move towards their own selves with more comfortable steps, the other twin who comes from behind may find themselves in a more depressed awakening or struggling. Both twins have different ways of dealing with their darkness. Everything starts to flow more easily here when we stop rejecting and move on to acceptance and surrender.

What are the signs of going into the surrender stage?

I could never accept that I was the “chaser” on the twin flame journey. I always wanted to be the “guide” on this journey. But, while my twin was running away, I was running after him, trying to show and teach him something.

I was sharing what I realized inside myself with my twin. But that was part of being the chaser. “You can’t tell them something they don’t realize and accept in themselves”. The biggest lesson I learned on my twin flame journey was to break my ego and understand that I can’t force anyone to teach anything.

After a busy year, I was tired of being the chaser. Of course, I did not think that what I did was in vain. Just because my knowledge and energy is running out, I decided to go inside myself. I had given too much of my own energy and had to stop by necessity.

When I forcibly stopped nurturing the masculine side, a channel opened up in me toward different selves of myself. Here I realized how much pressure I was actually putting on myself. The surrender took place precisely in this area. I began to understand the signs of surrender.

  • Protecting our self-respect first
  • To no longer fall into the same doubts to show our intuition and divine reverence that has guided us until today
  • To transfer all the burdens on our minds to a greater mind than ourselves in order to protect ourselves.
  • Accepting that surrender is an “inner work” rather than renunciation.
  • Seeing the joy and joy we lost with the dark night of the soul come back and lead us to different activities
  • Living life with a renewed perspective and a lighter heart
  • Understanding that the most important thing we can do for our twin flame connection is to unconditionally accept our own worth.

What I did wrong before I surrendered was hating my twin’s ego. I thought I could fix it (because he was a reflection of me) but it was an ego in itself to think you had control over someone. When I came face to face with my own ego, I couldn’t take it. It was my shadow side to ignore the things I didn’t like or try to fix them when I couldn’t bear them. Because I needed to accept my twin flame unconditionally.

My obsessive urge to teach here has led my twin to always want me to do the work he has to do. I always went and told him where he went wrong. He read it and moved on with his life. Because it was difficult for him to find where he made a mistake. And when I found the parts where he stumbled and showed him, I made everything easy for him.

Now I just do my own thing. I don’t get involved in the other person’s self-healing journey. Because this was a behavior that not only made them lazier but also diverted me from my development journey. Now I know that when I do my inner work and come to unity within me, the same door will open for them too. It’s their choice to go through that door or not, but I’ve stopped exploring feelings for them now.

Surrender was precisely somewhere between sitting and waiting and constantly doing something to control the journey. Finding that spot wasn’t easy, but in the end, after too much tired thinking and falling into bed, the answer came.

Everyone must do their part

I’ve had a lot of relief lately. I do not forbid myself to think of my twin flame. I just pay attention to how I feel when I think about it. I send him favors and return to my own center. While doing self-healing, our attention and energy may wander many times over. But if we stop for a moment and breathe, we can still root the energy in our heart center.

The twin flame journey is a story of returning to the self. We can find traces of our own story in the life of our twin flame. But what will heal us is within us. That’s why surrender is to get rid of the burdens we don’t need and focus only on the healing of the journey.

Hi, I’m Bensu. I write about mind, hard feelings and self-love. If you enjoyed my articles about surpassing yourself and achieving your dreams, you can start your medium subscription from this link:

Twin Flame
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