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The article discusses the importance of releasing romantic expectations of one's twin flame to embrace a more authentic and fulfilling journey.


The author reflects on the realization that holding one's twin flame to unrealistic romantic ideals can be harmful and detrimental to the twin flame journey. By distinguishing between romantic idealization and romantic potential, the author suggests that letting go of these rigid expectations allows for a more genuine connection and the realization of one's true romantic potential. This shift in perspective encourages personal growth and acceptance of both oneself and one's twin flame, leading to a healthier and more nurturing relationship with love and life.


  • Romantic idealization can create a barrier to experiencing true love and connection with one's twin flame.
  • High moral standards and expectations placed on the twin flame can lead to disappointment and disconnection from reality.
  • Idealizing one's twin flame based on gender stereotypes or as an "ideal man" can distort perceptions and hinder emotional closeness.
  • Recognizing and embracing one's romantic potential enables a more positive, loving, and forgiving approach to the twin flame relationship.
  • The journey involves balancing masculine and feminine energies and personal development rather than clinging to romantic fantasies.
  • Letting go of romantic ideals allows for a more vibrant and energy-filled experience, as it frees one from the constraints of expectations.
  • The author encourages twin flames to examine their romantic ideals critically to avoid energy drain and to foster a more empowering and joyful connection.
  • The article promotes self-love and acceptance, suggesting that treating oneself like a "saint" can be as unrealistic as childhood fantasies about Barbie.
  • The author believes that both twin flames have romantic potential that can be realized by releasing expectations and embracing the love within.
  • The article concludes with a call to action for readers to support the author's work and to explore additional resources on the twin flame journey.

How Letting Go of Romantic Expectations for Your Twin Flame Can Save Your Journey?

Is it harmful for me to have my twin flame as my romantic partner?

Photo by Sinitta Leunen at Pexels

One day, while I was working quietly, a thought suddenly came to my mind. In my mind, I made a distinction between romantic idealization and romantic potential. This thought had the same effect on me as a large vase falling to the ground. As I stared at the hundreds of tiny pieces that remained of the vase, I tried to figure out if I had always thought of my twin flame as the stuff of romantic fantasy.

I know I always made my twin flame a part of my romantic dreams. In the back of my mind, I’m always making a movie with him. I’m an incorrigible, hopeless romantic. I’m not angry at myself for dreaming. But what if I idealize all the characteristics of my twin flame and put them in a very otherworldly spot?

I also do this idealization behavior to myself. Since I was little, I treated myself like a Barbie. I was very disappointed when I learned that Barbies don’t come in pink. I had high expectations of her. But she was going to the toilet like everyone else. Yes, these were my thoughts as a child 20 years ago. But now these thoughts are in a very different place. I wish it were as ridiculous as I was upset that Barbie’s shit was pink. But I have many strict rules for myself to be good and moral.

So in my romantic ideals, I hold my twin flame to the same high moral standards I hold myself. I expect a lot from him. I want him to be a moral prince who doesn’t approach anyone without feelings. If I hear something wrong, I will delete this person immediately.

I’ve always thought of my twin flame as someone other than myself. This was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. I attributed different behaviors to him solely because he is male. I did all of this to demolish the ideal man's mountain in my mind. But in the end, all these distorted thoughts took me away from the love in my heart. The love in my heart was my romantic potential.

We can never realize our romantic potential if we stay within our ideals' rigid, predetermined boundaries. What the twin flame journey requires from us is our romantic potential. The place where the love and romance within us can reach is eternity. The more we release our romantic expectations, the more what comes to us will be what we want, or even better.

It’s fine that I continue to imagine romantic scenarios, but I’m not committed to making these short films a reality. Because I am certain of one thing, if I have so much romantic potential, my twin flame must have as well. We can’t get close to each other because we both act like hopeless romantic movie characters.

I weirdly like this. It makes me happy that he is romantic but shy in the same way as me. Because when I believed there was no one like me in the world, I learned that I was a twin flame. Yes, we both have things we need to do. He needs to boost his healthy masculine energy because his passive feminine energy is high, while I need to balance my feminine energy and become less controlling.

We learn these on our development journey like a student. I’m not trying to speed up my journey. I give the person with whom I share the same soul time to process himself and his feelings. I am good to myself. I stay away from high idealization of myself and treating myself like a saint because I am a human being.

When I let go of romantic idealization and enter my romantic potential, I see love here beyond my dreams. This love nourishes me in a way that goes beyond my ego. When I feel this pure love, I leave all the movie scenes behind and return to my own reality. What kind of person would loving unconditionally make me? I would be a more positive, loving, forgiving, solution-oriented, and cheerful person. But my romantic ideals hold me in a rigidity that I may not want.

When these romantic ideals are not realized, I become increasingly hesitant and dissatisfied with life. I stop feeling love and become engrossed in romantic movie scenes, devoting my energy and joy to an ideal. However, when I realize my romantic potential, I let go of my expectations and embrace the love I truly am.

I continue to romanticize life, but only in the light that my love potential shines on the environment. With the energy that comes from within, I can see my surroundings more clearly. Because the energy my romantic potential provides me is exactly like this. My romantic ideals sap my energy by raising expectations. However, my romantic potential boosts my energy because it reveals the vast love energy within me.

That’s why I tell twin flames to examine their romantic ideals. Do these thoughts drain your energy? Does it make you feel powerless? If so, you’ve put your clean energy into your expectation bubbles. If your romantic dreams come from your potential, it gives you more vitality because there are no expectations within you and you know that you will enjoy everything life will bring you.

Twin Flames — The Journey to the Higher Self book is out!

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Hi, I’m Bensu. I write about the mind, hard feelings, and self-love. If you enjoyed my articles about surpassing yourself and achieving your dreams, you can contribute to my articles by buying me a coffee.

Twin Flame
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