Weirdest Things You Didn’t Know About Your Own Body
Do you know there are so many things you don’t actually know about your body? Is that shocking? We present a list of most amazing facts about the human body…
You might think that you know your body very well, but there is nothing like that. You just know the basic things like how the food is digested, how you breathe in the air, and what types of organs are present in the body. Do you have any idea that your body is powerful enough to digest metal? Yes, it is true!
There are so many interesting and shocking things about your body that you didn’t know; some of them are as follows.
Your Big Eyes Can Cause Nearsightedness
If you have big or prominent eyes, then you might develop nearsightedness (also called myopia). It is a common vision condition in which a person can only see things near to his eyes, and objects that far away look blurry or unclear. This condition develops during childhood and may get worsened with time. Big eyes are considered beautiful and attractive, but they can make you feel bad when you won’t be able to see things that are too away from you.
You Glow, But You Can’t See It
Girls spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on beauty products that guarantee glowing skin. Do you know that we all glow like a bulb or star? It has now been proved that the human body emits visible light, but it is 1,000 times lesser intense than the level your eyes are able to spot. This means you cannot see this glow.
Your Hair Can Help The Environment
Dry and dirty hair is said to be good for the atmosphere. They absorb air pollutants and can contribute to a sustainable and healthy environment. So, if you want to help improve the air quality, you should skip the shampoo and let your hair become dry and dirty.
Stomach Acid Can Dissolve Razor Blades
You must have an idea that acid is present in your stomach. This helps direct the food you eat every day. Do you know this acid can dissolve metals or razor blades too? Stomach acid, also known as gastric juice or gastric acid, consists of sodium chloride (NaCl) and hydrochloric acid (HCl). Both are strong enough to dissolve razor blades in a matter of minutes, but this doesn’t mean you should start eating metals.
You Have A Unique Tongue Print
Just like your fingerprints, you have an impressive and unique tongue print. It is said that all people have their distinctive tongue shapes, textures, and prints. Some of them have long and wide tongues and the others have short ones.