Twin Flames and the Money Dynamic
The relationship positions around money say a lot.
In any relationship, it seems like money should not get in the way of love. But with twin flames, it often prevents a beautiful union. I hear all kinds of twin flame stories in my work. Some people have told me that they’ve given their twin flames a lot of money. I relate to this because I did the same — I didn’t hesitate. These people who tell me their similar stories feel the same way: it was never a question, at least in the beginning.
Love means you give your resources and support when it’s needed. You don’t think twice. If it can save a life or help your twin flame survive, you would give anything. Many twin flame relationships involve an imbalance of financial advantage, and the twin with more of the money will often provide financial support over and over until they can’t anymore.
The problem I hear about arises when the situation escalates to a level when the doubt begins to arise about whether the richer twin is being taken advantage of. They start to wonder if the other twin loves them or if it’s just about money. They start to weigh the risks. It gets into their heads.
Money is a strange thing. It represents different things to each of us, and it can represent fear and freedom all at once. It can create a sense of obligation even with the best intentions. For some of us, it comes easily, and for others, not so much. It’s energy, and it flows in elusive ways. You can try to dismiss it as not important to a relationship, but it is there and it can change things. It can give someone power but it can also be a burden.
With twin flames, the money aspect is no accident. One twin may hold the power money over the other — and it may start to seem like the reason the relationship is still going. If this is the case for you, then you should analyze the dynamic. There are no accidents in twin flame stories. The imbalance of affluence happens for a reason — the universe wants it that way. Maybe there was an imbalance in a previous existence where the other person had more, and the scales were tipped the other way. The universe is always trying to strike a balance and reconcile polarities.
Money emerges in your relationships as a tool to teach you some kind of lesson. How do you handle affluence?
If the money in the twin flame relationship represents fear or a point of blockage between the two, this must also be looked at closely. It can be the reason one twin doesn’t feel worthy of the other or a reason that the relationship falls apart because the two twins come from such different backgrounds.
How can something like money have such a great impact on a relationship? It’s just energy, after all.
But the problem is, everything is energy. If money is causing a rift in your twin flame relationship, don’t brush the issue aside. Ask why this would be happening and what the lesson is. What do you need to release? What’s the attachment that’s holding you back around money?
Are you supposed to be overcoming your fear of giving so much money that you are left with nothing? Are you supposed to be giving without expectations of what you’d receive? Instead, are you meant to learn that the money you have is valuable and you should guard it? Are you worried that money (or lack of it) gets into peoples’ heads and makes them behave in a way that ruins relationships? It must be confronted. The answer and the lesson are not the same for everyone.
Hi, I’m Emily. I’m a twin flame coach among other things. For twin flame guidance, book a session with me. I am also the author of Twin Flames and the Love Story Within, available on Amazon. You may also be interested in the Twin Flame Support Group that I run.
The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.
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