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The Twin Flame Journey’s Unhelpful Distractions

Don’t get caught up in someone else’s dogma.

Image credit: Canva

Twin flames present you with a paradox. Just by confronting someone who mirrors you, you’re confronting the deepest parts of yourself. But don’t get distracted by the thought that the goal is to chase this person. Don’t focus on what they are doing or not doing. The goal is to focus on yourself. Develop your soul. This is a great opportunity to break free from attachments.

Most twin flame coaches will not tell you this. There are twin flame “experts” all over the internet talking about how to achieve twin flame union — in the sense that the union exists in two incarnated humans coming together. But the important journey lies within you — the path to union with yourself.

The inner journey is all that matters. But many people will sidetrack you from it by allowing you to believe it’s about the relationship with another person — not a relationship with yourself.

Distractions I see recently on social media will try to get you to focus on this “divine feminine” and “divine masculine” dynamic, so commonly referenced that we see them abbreviated as DF and DM. People think they need to identify with one or the other of these, when in fact, we all embody both. The jewel lies not in the work done to bring you into union with your twin flame, it lies in marrying your divine masculine and feminine energies that are within you. This isn’t easy to do.

Striking a balance is hard. If it was easy, everyone would just do it right now.

But what is easy? I’ll tell you: giving into obsession. Allowing yourself to spiral. Attaching yourself to things that were always going to be temporary. (Life is temporary and so are human relationships.) If you disagree with me and you think that you’re choosing the more noble, difficult path by staying in the grind of painful cycles, then I’ll ask you to tell me what outcomes you have seen come from this path. By pining after your twin flame, are you learning anything? Is your soul growing?

This life is short. People die. Breakups happen. Nobody ever said you’re guaranteed to end up with your twin flame — at least in this lifetime. No one knows the future. No one knows what the universe has in store for you. The sooner you embrace the uncertainty, the better off you’ll be. The insanity will subside.

There is something, however, that is certain. Your own mind is within your control. You have to take this opportunity — amid the meltdowns and tears — to rise above your emotions and be the director of your own life. For it is like a movie, and you can play your part without feeling like you have any idea what’s happening, a pawn that bends to the whims of the plot. Or, you can decide to see it for what it is and cherish the parts of your character that you always had control over.

Your mind is personal — nobody else can make you have a meltdown. Your propensity for a meltdown is something within you — under your control. I know this won’t make sense to some readers, but others who are ready will understand.

The only possible “happy ending” of this story called your life is a peaceful, clear mind. It is self-union. This is something that can only be achieved through your own intentions. Your twin flame can’t save you — only you can do that.

Hi, I’m Emily. I’m a twin flame coach among other things. For twin flame guidance, book a session with me. I am also the author of Twin Flames and the Love Story Within, available on Amazon. You may also be interested in the Twin Flame Support Group that I run.

The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.

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Twin Flame
Spiritual Growth
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