avatarEva MacInnes



True Love Abounds

A heartwarming fairy tale…

Photo by James on Unsplash

Once upon a time there was a woman named Farah, who was the most beautiful woman in all the land. She was beautiful both inside and out, which made her extremely attractive to Devin, who was a particularly devilish wizard. In fact, an argument could be made that he was the most nefarious that had ever lived.

He was obsessed with her. He sent her flowers each week with handwritten manifestos attached. He called her at work and texted her at all hours. Farah was afraid of offending him, so she didn’t block his messages. It would have brought shame upon her family, never mind the dangerous position she’d be putting them in.

Devin was an old family friend. Most in the wizarding community wanted nothing to do with him, but her father had taken him under his wing when his parents passed. He taught the young man everything he knew about magic, and he did his best to point him in the right direction. But Devin never got over his grief, and his heart had darkened over the years.

But alas, Farah was in love with another. A young man named Benjamin was the object of her affection. He wasn’t part of the magical realm, and that was part of why she loved him. He was an innocent. He knew nothing of her family heritage, so he wasn’t enthralled by it. He loved her for who she was, not her family’s legacy.

On one particularly snowy evening Farah and Benjamin had just exited their favorite coffee shop, and they were walking hand in hand through the town square. And that’s when they ran into Devin. He planned it all of course. He’d been planning his run in with them for weeks. If he couldn’t have her, no one could.

Devin pulled his wand out of his cloak, aimed it at Farah and started to chant. At the exact moment that the spell was cast, Benjamin jumped in front of Farah, and he was hit.

Devin was so embarrassed by his blunder that he ran off, never to be heard from again.

Farah married another innocent and had a happy life with many children, the oldest of them all named Benjamin.

She never forgot him.

Each year she’d gather up the snow in the meadow where they first met and roll it into large balls. She’d place them together along with his favorite scarf and beanie.

You see, Benjamin had caught the curse of being a snowman forever.

But for that one evening every year he’d come to life in that meadow, and they’d dance.

This prompt December Photo Prompts- Musers and Scribers (Prompt 3- His Wish) is from Susi Moore in The Scriber’s Nook.

Thank you for reading my story. I’d love to hear your responses.

You can check out some more of my writing and follow me here. (She, Her) I am a writer, an artist and a freelance editor. I edit all genres, and I specialize in Romance. I write a little bit of everything, whatever is on my mind at the moment. Get an email when I publish a new story. And you could buy me an iced latte if the mood strikes.

Thank you for reading and supporting The Scriber’s Nook. We publish five days a week — Monday to Friday inclusively 🖋️🌟📚

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The Scribers Nook
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