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The author describes a personal journey from a state of anhedonia to one of euphoria by adopting five healthy lifestyle choices that enhance mental and physical well-being.


The article outlines the author's methodical approach to transitioning from anhedonia, characterized by a lack of interest or pleasure, to a sustained state of euphoria. This transformation is achieved through intentional lifestyle changes, including consuming whole foods, practicing time-restricted eating and fasting, engaging in mindfulness and meditation, regular physical activity, and fostering positive social interactions. The author emphasizes the importance of natural euphoria, as opposed to drug-induced states, and details how each step contributes to cellular rejuvenation, hormonal balance, and emotional harmony, ultimately leading to a joyful and fulfilling life.


  • The author views life as a party, with euphoria and anhedonia representing the extremes of liveliness and indifference, respectively.
  • Euphoria is seen as a controllable state of joy that can be achieved through intentional actions and lifestyle choices.
  • Whole foods are credited with improving mood and energy levels, while junk food is associated with negative effects on mood and energy.
  • Fasting and ketosis are praised for their benefits on metabolism, inflammation, and mental clarity.
  • Mindfulness and meditation are considered essential for mental health, with the ability to rewire the brain and enhance emotional well-being.
  • Physical activity, particularly calisthenics and barefoot walking, is believed to boost happiness through the release of endorphins and other neurotransmitters.
  • Social harmony and positive interactions are deemed crucial for releasing chemicals that contribute to euphoric feelings.
  • The author warns against the potential downsides of excessive euphoria, such as addiction or motivation slumps.
  • The article is presented as a personal narrative rather than professional advice, aiming to inform and inspire readers.

The Way I Transitioned from Anhedonia to Euphoria Intentionally

Five healthy lifestyle choices to increase the quality of my life anytime and anywhere at my disposal as I age.

Photo by Sh-Andrei from Pexels

I see life as a party. In this analogy, euphoria represents the lively and energetic side, while anhedonia is like a gloomy spectator. I’ve experienced both states, but I’ve chosen euphoria and bid farewell to anhedonia intentionally and using a methodical approach.

Living in a state of euphoria means controlling joy intentionally with our actions. It’s like having stable access to a joyous experience whenever and wherever we need it. I am talking about natural euphoria, not drug-induced one. My scientific background helped me design a lifestyle that can induce euphoria at my will.

I envision euphoria as celebrating life as if every moment is a special occasion because we are chosen among billions of cells in our parents' sperms. On the other hand, anhedonia is like a persistent feeling of indifference or lack of interest and hopelessness.

Our body’s cells respond differently to these mental states. In a state of euphoria, our cells are filled with energy and enthusiasm. Conversely, anhedonia may lead to a lack of vitality and energy.

Natural euphoria is not some mythical or unattainable state. It’s a continuous and subtle experience rather than a dramatic spotlight. Euphoric feelings are like having a constant positive outlook on life.

It’s not about being the center of attention. My definition of natural euphoria is more like having continuous contentment and joy at our will. Anhedonia, in contrast, tends to keep things low-key and indifferent without our intention.

Euphoria is like experiencing a mental standing ovation, where the mind appreciates and celebrates our existence on this earth. Anhedonia, on the other hand, represents a lack of enthusiasm or interest in life.

Euphoria is an intentional positive experience, while anhedonia is characterized by a more subdued and indifferent state of mind.

However, feeling down does not necessarily mean anhedonia. It’s about finding the balance and recognizing that life’s rhythm includes highs and lows.

The good news is that we can experience euphoria whenever and wherever we want. So, what’s euphoria all about?

It is a magical state where happiness, excitement, and positive vibes unite for a joyful dance. Now, you might wonder, “Can I get there without much hassle?” The answer is a definite yes. Let me share my approach briefly with key points.

Step 1: Fuel the Body with Whole Foods

I started a culinary journey beyond filling my stomach — it’s about powering my way to euphoria. I said goodbye to villainous junk food and welcomed nutrient-dense and whole foods packed with essential vitamins, minerals, bioavailable proteins, and healthy fats.

B vitamins, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids in these superfoods were my mood managers, orchestrating my brain’s emotional harmony.

Essential amino acids and healthy fats in nutrient-dense foods fuel neurotransmitters, with dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin having a dance-off in my brain.

Conversely, junk food, promising instant gratification, shadowed my mood and energy levels when feeling anhedonia.

I turned my dining experience into a euphoria-inducing ritual, treating every meal like a sacred ceremony. It’s not just about what I eat; it’s about crafting a symphony of joy on my plate once a day. I don’t like snacking.

Step 2: Fast Track to Euphoric Moments

Meet ketosis! I love time-restricted eating and occasional long-term fasting — the ultimate power couple for health, well-being, and joy.

Fasting is a master conductor, aligning my internal clocks for improved sleep, heightened energy, and overall well-being.

Fasting is a cell makeover guru. It’s beneficial for our cells and mitochondria, replacing tired ones with fresh, energized versions: Autophagy and mitophagy clear cellular clutter and metabolic garbage.

Metabolism gets a boost, too, with improved insulin sensitivity, fat adaptation, and a ketone-powered brain and heart boost.

Fasting zaps away chronic inflammation blues, leaving me feeling lighter and ready to conquer the world.

Fasting has nothing to do with starvation. It’s about a boosted metabolism and a defined body. It turbocharges our brains, too. With distractions gone, focus and productivity skyrocket with ketosis, giving me euphoric moments.

Another activity for my fast tract to euphoria is thermogenesis through daily cold showers and dry sauna sessions. They change my biochemistry, activate the lymphatic system, and calm the nervous system and HBA axis.

Step 3: Mindfulness Mastery for a Euphoric Mindset

Some readers wonder why I eat once but meditate three times a day.

I imagine a zen virtuoso engaging in mindful meditation like a mental maestro. It’s a symphony of tranquility, replacing mental chaos with a harmonious euphoria-inducing melody.

Now, let me introduce brain magic — the fundamental rewiring that meditation brings. Regular meditation is a brain boot camp, sculpting neural landscapes. Yes, Meditation Can Boost the Cortical Thickness in the Brain and Prevent the Thinning It.

Increased BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor) and gray matter make the brain a euphoria-fueling powerhouse capable of producing positive emotions on demand.

Meditation and mindfulness practices shift the script of mind-wandering. The default mode network, responsible for self-absorbed thoughts, takes a backseat as euphoria steps into the spotlight.

Mindfulness practices can lower stress. They rein in chaos, promote relaxation, and transform stress into serenity and uncertainty into euphoria. The power to focus on the present moment turns me into a force for positive change.

Let me mention self-love, kindness, empathy, and compassion. These mindfulness gems are the emotional Avengers, fostering positive relationships and social connections. Empathy, kindness, and compassion can unleash a tidal wave of euphoria and positive emotions.

Mindfulness and meditative practices can improve the immune system. Regular meditation rolls out the red carpet for immune cells and antibodies, ready to defend our well-being fortress.

Step 4: Move the Body for Euphoric Moments

I love moving my body in different shapes and forms balancing hormones and neurotransmitters. Physical activity like calisthenics and barefoot walking enhances these neurotransmitters, setting the stage for a euphoric experience.

Endorphins, working with our brain’s receptors, lead to a symphony of joy involving dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine — the happiness rockstars.

Movement and exercise boost our immune system by recruiting immune cells to combat infections. Moreover, these activities provide a social superhighway to euphoria, fostering accomplishment, self-esteem, and creative expression.

Step 5: The Social Harmony for Euphoric Feelings

Positive social interactions create a chemical symphony, with dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, GABA, and acetylcholine joining forces for a euphoric extravaganza.

Oxytocin, the trust-building chemical, is released during social interactions. It creates trust and bonding, turning everyday moments into euphoria-fueled experiences.

Let’s discuss the collaboration crusaders — the masters of achieving greatness through teamwork. Meaningful collaboration isn’t just about working together; it’s about co-creating euphoric moments.

When minds and efforts unite, a euphoric symphony plays in the background, fueled by belonging, accomplishment, and pride.

Positive relationships aren’t just a feel-good bonus. They’re the golden ticket to better health and well-being.

Studies reveal that meaningful social connections are a shield against the stress storm, promoting relaxation and joy. It’s like having a squad of euphoria bodyguards at our side.

Final Words

While euphoria is fantastic, too much of a good thing can have quirks. I am talking about addiction, motivation slumps, and the dreaded dopamine overload.

Oh, and if you find yourself laughing for no reason or chatting with your reflection, you’re on the right track. Euphoria is a natural wonder — embrace it, share it, and let it light up your life. Cheers to a euphoria-fueled journey ahead!

I was surfing the galaxy in my lucid dream, and I Uncovered the esoteric interpretation of God Watching from a Distance, giving me euphoric moments when I woke up.

You can find more stories like these on EUPHORIA, my beloved pub.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

To inform my new readers, I wrote numerous articles that might inform and inspire you. Some topics I cover are brain and cognitive function, significant health conditions, valuable nutrients, ketogenic lifestyle, self-healing, weight management, and humor.

I contribute to multiple publications but keep my health and wellness stories on EUPHORIA. My posts do not include professional or health advice. I only document my reviews, observations, experiences, and perspectives to provide information and create awareness.

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