The Story Of Day Tripping Through History
What’s Past Is Often Present
For a while, as we collectively rolled with the punches of the pandemic over the past year, it seemed as though each day was slowly melding into the next.
Had time actually stopped?
Nothing changed. Nothing happened, except a growing awareness that our normal routines were being replaced with empty days. This can’t be true, I thought.
So, after nearly a year of daily waking to an endless loop of COVID-related newsfeed, I decided to look more closely at each day to learn its unique place in world history.
From that perspective, Day Tripping was born on February 1, 2021, and through the patterns that were emerging in the cycle of our history, I also discovered each calendar day possesses moments of profound change.
Historical awareness has the power to affect change if we use its lessons to our collective advantage. How often have we heard or read the cautionary words of philosopher and essayist, George Santayana?
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
But, not all days are created equal!
History’s Impact On The Present Day
From the smallest contributions of innovation to the great leaps in technological advancement, each moment plays a part in propelling our lives forward or back.
Every day reminds us of people who have made an impact on us in some form. Many are people only we know, while others have gained notoriety without ever knowing.
Then, there are also those cataclysmic events that remind us of the fragility of human existence, a reminder of the behaviours that should never be repeated.
Finally, some moments are just so uproariously weird or funny they bare mentioning if only for the sheer entertainment.
My one true aim with this venture through time, to present a personal perspective of the world’s history to shed some light on the things that make each day different. I hope to inform, entertain, and perhaps remind you, and myself, of certain events that are best not forgotten.
A Brief Word About Me
I have always had a love for history. I enjoy historical fiction and hope to complete a novel in that form soon, but because in many cases, truth is stranger than fiction, Day Tripping has become my current muse.
Here are my recent bios to help you understand where my perspective on history comes from…
In Conclusion
Like many of you, there are definitive influences in my life’s journey, and each has played a part in shaping who I am today.
Much of the above would never be possible if weren’t for the tireless work of our resident genius, Dr Mehmet Yildiz. His mentorship and his relentless pursuit for providing a voice to all those like me who wish to speak through his inclusive publications have my undying gratitude.
The best part is, every day as new people come on board with my tour, I make another writer friend. Welcome all!
So, I hope you’ll hop on board and enjoy these day trips with me. You may catch up at your pleasure here. I will update each month with an easy to use reference guide.
A special thanks to some people who continue to support my venture. As always, I thank you all for taking the time. Forgive me if I have missed anyone on this list.
K. Barrett Katie Wallace Maria Rattray Joseph M. Learned Maryam Merchant Tree Langdon Myriam Ben Salem Phil Truman Chelsea Mandler MAT Terry Mansfield Hollie Petit, PhD. Terry Trueman Dr Preeti Singh John Gruber Bill Abbate James G Brennan ScienceDuuude Marcus Liam Ireland Claire Kelly Britni Pepper Agnes Laurens Holly Kellums Thewriteyard Terry L. Cooper