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The article criticizes a group of U.S. Senators, referred to as the "GOP Fab 50," for failing to address gun control and legislate in the best interest of their constituents, particularly in light of recent mass shootings.


The piece titled "The Self-Righteous GOP Fab 50 on Capital Hill" questions why certain U.S. Senators are not taking action to prevent gun violence, specifically the murder of children in schools. It argues that these Senators are neglecting their job responsibilities by allowing personal beliefs and prejudices to overshadow their duty to represent the American people. The author points out that the majority of Americans support gun control measures, including background checks and mental health interventions, and that the Senators' inaction is in direct contrast to the public's desire for change. The article also highlights the Senators' avoidance of the issue and their refusal to implement common-sense gun laws, despite the prevalence of gun-related violence and the ease with which firearms can be obtained at gun shows and by criminal organizations.


  • The author believes that the Senators are not fulfilling their job description by prioritizing personal agendas over legislative action that reflects the will of the people.
  • There is a strong criticism of the Senators' excuses and inaction following the Uvalde school shooting, with specific mention of Senator Ted Cruz's controversial comments.
  • The article suggests that the Senators are ignoring the common characteristics of mass murderers, which include childhood abuse, being in crisis, having written a manifesto, and having a background with firearms.
  • It is expressed that the Senators' refusal to support gun control measures, such as background checks, national red flag laws, and gun registration, is a failure to protect citizens and is influenced by lobbying and reelection concerns.
  • The author implies that the Senators' inaction on gun control is indicative of their likely failure to address other pressing issues, such as women's health, Black voting rights, and green energy.
  • The piece calls out both Republicans and Democrats for their ineffectiveness, suggesting that trying is not enough and that meaningful action is required.

The Self-Righteous GOP Fab 50 on Capital Hill

Why Are you Allowing our Children to be Murdered?

Illustration by BSIENKART (with permission from artist)

I don’t know if you are aware of this but United States Senators have a job description; not unlike any other individual. At the moment, we have about 50 or 51 or maybe even 52 United States Senators who are not doing their job. Really, they’re not. They are doing what they want to do, not what their job requires them to do. They are allowing their personal beliefs and prejudices to guide their actions, and that is not in their job description.

The first thing to know about that job is, “The job of a Senator is to act on behalf of the American people in legislative sessions to ensure the voice of the common citizen is heard.”¹ Please note that this does not say that the job is to ensure that the voice of the common white citizen is heard. It simply says, common citizen. It makes no reference to religious beliefs, it refers only to voice.

“The most important job of a senator is to represent the people. A senator speaks with citizens about problems, concerns, or suggestions they have for their district.

People elect their senators with the expectation that they will fight for legislation that is in the best interest of the average citizen.” It does not say here that a United States Senator is supposed to make up BS excuses in lieu of addressing actual problems his constituents encounter. For example, this directive would not allow Teddy Cancun Cruz to blame doors for why 19 children were murdered in their classroom two days before the end of school. It does not allow a United States Senator to offer thoughts and prayers as an answer to such an atrocious act. Teddy’s constituents are scared. Thoughts and prayers do nothing at all to address such a grave issue.

According to a Public Policy Polling survey², a majority of Americans want some kind of gun control action from congress and the senate. 89% want some variety of mental health augmentation. One of the reasons for this is that there are four things that all mass murderers have in common. One is childhood abuse. Another is they are in crisis. The third is they have written it all out. This aspect is often called their manifesto. The fourth thing they all have in common is a background with firearms. Those 50 or so Senators think that mass murderers are crazy, lone wolves. They’re neither. They are experiencing a crisis to be sure, but crazy is not part of their profile. So these Senators are ignoring the facts.

Remember that the job description says that Senators will fight for legislation that is in the best interest of the people in their district. I’ve watched the entire Republican delegation to the Senate run away from reporter’s questions over the last week since those babies were butchered by armament that United States Marines did not have in Vietnam. That does not represent fighting for a damned thing in my book. My question to those yellow-bellied cowards is what exactly do you think is in the best interest of those people in your districts that sent their 10-year-old babies to school in the morning only to collect their bodies identified from DNA samples because their faces were not recognizable? That cowardly crowd of 50 should run away. They should forever carry the shame that their negligence has brought upon their office.

83% favor background checks for both private and for gun show sales². Do you know that a major issue that Mexico has with the United States is that the cartels can purchase guns from a gun show and load them into a car to be transported to the border where they are smuggled into Mexico? Do you think those guns do not murder babies in Mexico? Do you think that those guns do not murder babies’ fathers in Mexico? If it’s easy for Mexican cartels to purchase guns, how hard do you think it is for American cartels to purchase guns? Yo, Fabulous 50 you have a job to do. How about getting that job done you lazy S.O.B.s.

72% want a national red flag law passed². The kid that shot those babies in Texas had been cutting his face, was not about to graduate, and his family had kicked him out of their house because of his strange behavior. Come on folks, he shot his grandmother. That pretty much defines someone in crisis, doesn’t it? In other words, he was a stick of dynamite with a lit fuse. He should have been flagged. A national database with the ability to flag individuals with the kind of characteristics that mass murderers have can’t be a bad idea. But passing a law that allows them to buy tactical military armament doesn’t merely defy logic, it is stupidly crazy. I don’t care how much money a politician makes from the gun lobby or how righteous they think they are. That kind of action in any corporate office in the world would result in that individual sitting on a street corner with a “will work for food” sign.

72% want guns to be registered². How can that be a bad idea? My car is registered. I have a registered dog. Sex offenders are registered. There’s a multitude of registrations we all endure. But the fabulous 50 think that is a bridge too far. That kid bought two military war machines on his 18th birthday and the Governor of Texas thought he was the cat’s meow when he signed brainless behavior into law. Insurance companies raise their rates for teenage drivers with reason. Teenagers are not experienced, they are careless because of that lack of experience. That doesn’t mean they are awful citizens, it only means they have not lived long enough to have garnered patience.

But we have the Fab 50 who just cannot get to the place of passing meaningful laws that are in the interest of the majority of the people in their districts. In other words, they are not doing their jobs. I don’t care if they’re from Texas, Wisconsin, Maine, Kentucky, or Nebraska. They’re making a mockery of their job and thumbing their noses at the people they are supposed to be fighting for. Now if this gaggle of 50 dummies can’t see past their reelection lobby and that fat checkbook the lobby gives out like candy to pass something that only requires horse sense to understand, then what do you think that bunch of Harvard educated theocrats are going to do to fight for women’s health issues or Black voting rights or even green energy? That bunch will never, ever do anything to fight for the people in the districts they represent. The only thing they’re ever going to fight for is what they think will get them re-elected. I’ll guarantee you that they have that all screwed up as well. Democrats; the other do nothing Weakling 50, please take note. You’re no better than the Fab 50. Trying doesn’t count. What do any of you yahoos think someone like Vince Lombardi would have to say to the lot of you? Never mind, you tried?????


1. National Survey Results. (2015, November 12). Center for American Progress. Retrieved June 2, 2022, from https://americanprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/PPP-GunOwnersPollResults-11.17.15.pdf

2. Romano, A., & Wallechinsky, D. (n.d.). Departments. AllGov — Departments. Retrieved June 2, 2022, from http://www.allgov.com/departments/legislative-branch/united-states-senate?agencyid=7433

Gun Law Reform
Uvalde School Shooting
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