avatarJohn Henry


The article discusses the potential rise in the number of involuntary celibates (incels) due to increasing unrealistic expectations from women in modern dating.


The article posits that societal changes, particularly the high standards and unrealistic expectations set by women, may lead to an increase in the number of men identifying as incels. It suggests that traditional measures of a man's worth, such as sexual conquests, are being challenged by a dating paradigm that often demands men to be aesthetically pleasing, financially well-off, and socially dominant. The author critiques the hypocrisy of expecting men to be providers while also insisting on financial and social equality. The piece also touches on the incel community's negative aspects, such as violence and misogyny, while acknowledging the validity of some of their observations about the dating scene. The author concludes that the current trend could result in more men opting out of dating altogether, leading to a surge in the incel population.


  • The author believes that women's expectations for men, including physical attractiveness, financial success, and social status, are becoming increasingly unreasonable.
  • There is a perceived double standard where women want equality in the workplace and financial independence but still expect men to be the primary providers in a relationship.
  • The article suggests that the incel community's grievances about the dating paradigm have some merit, even if their actions and ideologies are often problematic.
  • The author criticizes the idea that a man's worth is tied to

The number of incels might start to increase!

You know, at one point in time, and perhaps even at the time of this writing, being called an incel was/is considered an insult. There has been a stigma to the label and, perhaps, to a degree there still is. After all, society, fortunately or unfortunately, measured a man’s worth by how much he could get laid and by how many women he could attract. And yes, even women contributed to this standard of measurement! Some women even mocked and insulted men for “not getting laid.”

So if a guy was said to not be able to get laid, it supposedly meant that he was defective in some way. However, that ideology may slowly, perhaps even surely, be going to the wayside. This is because it is quickly becoming common knowledge that women’s standards and expectations are becoming quite unreasonable and unrealistic and may have even reached an all-time high! So I think that there may be more incels coming along (even if they don’t refer to themselves as such due to the obvious stigma), due to the modern dating paradigm. Thanks, there is a good book on the subject that actually goes into detail as to why the incels are right sometimes, at least as far as their observation of the dating paradigm and not necessarily as far as their suggested actions towards it.


For example, there was a recent debacle that went viral because some woman apparently refused to have a first date with a man at The Cheesecake Factory.

Call me crazy, but isn’t a first date often to see if two people are even compatible enough to continue further dating to begin with? Granted, there are some first dates where two people are familiar with each other to a high degree; however, there are also times when two people may not know each other well enough for it to be reasonable to expect a person to take the other out to a five-star restaurant when they barely know each other, let alone whether or not they like each other.. See, this is the kind of stuff I’m talking about. And that’s only dealing with the expectations some women have for a first date with someone who, one would assume, they are at least attracted to enough to “allow” to pay for THEIR food. 🙄 Yeah… what a treat.

But there’s more. A lot of people are beginning to understand that women have standards to where, not only do they expect men to be aesthetically appealing (whether it’s about height, facial looks, or otherwise), but they also expect them to be financially well off, perhaps even more than they are, and may in addition judge by things such as social status, how many other women are attracted to them, how confident they are when it comes to approaching women (even though a lot of women claim to not want to be bothered or approached in the first place), etc.

And so according to studies, statistics, articles, and/or whatever else, there are a lot of men, perhaps mostly young men, who not only aren’t having sex or relationships, but who are being more drawn into the red pill ideologies and being attracted to the teachings of strong men like Andrew Tate in general.

On top of that, add the alleged idea that most women find 80% of men unattractive. Now, how would women feel if most men thought that 80% of women were unattractive? They may claim that they wouldn’t care, but come on, let’s get serious. Even though, to be fair, a lot of those same women who claim that they find 80% of men unattractive, 80% of THEIR beauty could probably be taken off with a wet wipe and a removal of filters, but I digress.

Basically what I’m trying to say is, because of the changing environment of society, you know, with women being so independent and apparently making so much money and all, many women have expectations that might not necessarily be reasonable. Here’s the deal: if women claim to be looking for compatibility and for someone who is a good person, emotionally intelligent, etc., that’s all well and good. The problem is, some women seem to be looking for that… but ALSO for it to be packaged in someone who might be tall, super handsome, extremely financially well off with the type of profession that they are attracted to, etc. Some women wouldn’t even want to date blue collar workers such as plumbers, HVAC technicians, line workers, etc., even if they make good money! Yet what do those women bring to the table? Well, perhaps in addition to wearing a lot of make up, they might be hot. So I guess that’s gotta count for something. 🙄

I also want to talk a bit more about this money thing. I may make another article to touch more on it, but suffice it to say, a lot of women seem to demand that the men they date make at least as much as they do, if not more. Otherwise, they consider it “dating down”, which I think is dumb because isn’t it women who not only demanded to be in the workplace, financial independence, and all of that stuff, but also wanted equal pay as well? Yet they, apparently, still want a man to be a provider. So they talk all of this stuff, yet expect men to “date down” to deal with them? I mean, do they want to be traditional or not? See, this is the stupid stuff that I’m talking about. The following video breaks down the silliness in a little over three minutes. Do yourself a favor and watch it.

Let’s take an example of a woman who makes $100,000 a month and meets a guy she is compatible with who makes $70,000 a month. If they were to combine their incomes, obviously, that would be $170,000 a month. But nooo, some women would probably rather sit around and “do bad by themselves” as opposed to “dating down” (dating someone who’s supposedly beneath her) because, even though women fought for equality, they still want the man to be the provider or better than them in some way, at least when it’s convenient. Almost as if they want their own money to be theirs and the men’s money to be theirs. Go figure. I could probably write another article on all of that stuff in itself, though.

Back to incels. Now, I’m not saying that I agree with the violence, entitlement, and the goofball racist mentality that a lot of incels have. You know, the idea that they should shoot up the place just because women are superficial.

It may suck, but there is no need to handle the situation in that way. However, I do think that there may eventually be an increase in men who are aware of the unrealistic and unreasonable expectations placed upon them by women in general and who may then feel less-than-positive feelings towards the female demographic and more and more may go their own way, refusing to participate in such a silly dating game where they are highly disadvantaged. This doesn’t mean that they will be violent towards women, it just means that they may not like them enough to want to jump through hoops to try to date them anymore.

So you all can talk trash about incels, but there might be a lot more incels now then people realize and perhaps more than there have been in history. At one point, men didn’t have to be the most attractive, confident, tall, etc. to get a woman. Generally, they just needed to be able to provide, and that was mostly it. Granted, some of those men probably had messed up personalities and may not even treated their women that well. I’m not saying that it’s a good position for women to have to be dependent upon men financially if those men aren’t going to treat them well just because those men know that those women need them. At the same time though, now that people should probably be looking for compatibility and a reasonable amount of mutual attraction, I’m also not sure if it’s good for women to think they can shoot for Henry Cavill or whatever other Hollywood heartthrob there is while blasting any men who they might claim are only expecting Barbies.

Yes, men can be said to be shallow when it comes to looks, but there are two points that I want to make about that subject. One, fortunately or unfortunately, that’s at least the only thing that some men might be shallow about. Other than that, for some men, a woman can be as dumb as a box of rocks and work at a place that, let’s just say, a lot of women wouldn’t date men who worked there, and they would still give them a taste. Generally speaking, as long as a woman is attractive to a man and has a tolerable personality (that is, she isn’t b**tchy, too demanding, stuck up, unpleasant, all about drama, etc.), they can work with it. Of course, men who want a little more compatibility would prefer a woman who has a sense of humor, and who they have things in common with, obviously. But for the most part, I think that those things are fairly reasonable expectations to have.

The second point I want to make about the allegation that men are shallow when it comes to looks and the whole “men are visual creatures” thing, is that I still think that there are more varied personal preferences than some women may claim. In other words, women don’t have to look like Margot Robbie, Beyoncé, Halle Berry, etc., to be considered attractive to a man. Contrary to popular belief, all men aren’t looking for model types. They just want a woman who is physically attractive to them. And there are men who are attracted to BBW’s, different shapes, sizes, etc. I suspect that most men find at least 60% of women physically attractive, as opposed to the alleged 20% of men that it is claimed that most women find attractive. Not only that, but women tend to have a lot of tools, as alluded to earlier, to at least enhance their physical appearances, so there’s that.

In conclusion, I think that women having high standards in comparison to men having low standards, especially when men were used to being in power to a degree, may be a disaster for dating. Equality is all well and good, but a lot of women, when they have power (such as making more money, for example) don’t seem to know what to do with it and don’t seem to know how to handle it well. Furthermore, a lot of women seem to lose respect and/or attraction for men that they feel are less “powerful” than them in some way. Which would then suggest that maybe there is something to be said about the patriarchy, since enough women desire men who are more powerful than they are (for lack of a better term), apparently. In other words, maybe some women want to be submissive. 🤷🏾‍♂️

In any case, due to this paradigm shift of women using their newfound power to dismiss 80% of men (regardless of how great those men might be), we’ll probably see a lot more incels exist. They may not be obvious incels and may not even prefer to refer to themselves with that term, but there will probably continue to be a lot more men who have negative viewpoints towards women due to women’s unreasonable expectations of men, expectations that they themselves probably don’t have or aren’t willing to bring to the table.

Good luck and bling bling! 😁

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