The Hot Women of Medium
Smart, funny, gutsy and SMOKIN’!

What makes a woman “hot?” For me, it’s intelligence, wit and a hearty helping of sass. And, one more attribute that perhaps trumps the others: Self-confidence.
There are few things sexier than a self-confident woman. One who struts into a room and commands attention. A dame who knows she’s got the goods and isn’t afraid to flaunt them. That’s some killer stuff right there.
Back in my bar-hopping days, I had a pair of red pants that made me feel like that. So sure of myself that I could take on the world…and bring men and women alike to their knees.
As I stated in my story about The Hot Men of Medium — which I’ll link to at the end of this piece, “good looks” factor into the equation, sure, but it’s not about appearances, especially on a platform like this where we can’t really see what our fellow writers look like, except on our eentsy profile pictures.
It’s not about age. It’s not about size. It’s not about big boobs and a tight ass. It’s not about hair or eye color or anything like that. We women have had to deal with that shit long enough, thank you very much.

Even though many of these women are undeniable babes, what I’m talking about is more visceral. Something you feel in your gut. There’s a kind of cerebral steam that these Medium Femme Fatales give off every time they hit their keyboards and pound out another stellar story.
That’s hot, people. Like walking into a hotel room where the lights are off, the bed is turned down and you’re turned on because someone you barely know and have never seen in the flesh, is waiting in that bed. For you. If that sounds a little twisted, well, I am a little twisted. Just like the women I’m going to reference, I make no apologies. As Popeye said, “I yam what I yam.”
Good old Psychology Today says that getting turned on by someone you’ve never met is actually quite common. There’s nothing weird or pervy about it. This is how they explain it:
Certainly, the human imagination is powerful enough to feel affection for people we build solely out of the various data in our head. Novels, after all, are based on this principle — who hasn’t read a book with a character so engaging we feel we know her, or him, and care for that person too?
That makes sense to me as I’m fairly certain I’m not a perv. Give me time, though. Who knows?

What I love about these women is that they’re not afraid to be vulnerable. As if they’ve come to a point in their lives where they feel “Screw it. I’m not pulling any punches and if you don’t like it, move the hell on.”
I, too, have come to that point and I can tell you that it is freeing, indeed. Once you’ve made it to this juncture, there’s no going back.
Another thing I respect and admire about my favorite women writers here is that, like me, they are unapologetic. That’s a big-time turn-on.

Just like there’s no crying in baseball, there’s no room for “I’m sorry I’m writing this,” on Medium. Either you’re passionate about your topic, or you’re not. And, passion is muy caliente.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the heaping helping of kindness, of which I’ve been the grateful recipient, from my women buds here. It extends beyond the platform, which is amazing in and of itself. We actually give a shit about what’s going on in each other’s lives. We exchange info about our partners, our pets, recipes, our health — and, whether we realize it or not, we help each other become better writers.
That’s cool! No, it’s hot! Smokin’ hot!

As soon as I realized I was going to write this story, I started to fret because I don’t want to inadvertently leave someone off this list and then, wake up with a jolt at three am and say, “You dumb ass! You forgot so and so!”
Also, and this is a biggie, I don’t want to offend anyone who might, well…be offended by being on a list like this. But please remember what I’m basing this on. Smarts. Self-confidence. Courage. Kindness. A wicked sense of humor. And a passion for one’s craft. All the good stuff.
Now I’ve stalled long enough. It’s time to name the ladies. My picks for The Hot Women of Medium. And I’m going to want yours. More of that in a bit.
First, I want to give a special shout-out to Helen Cassidy Page, who is a true role model. She certainly is mine. Smart, sexy, and ageless. And a true human being.
I’ve learned a lot from Helen and the rest of these wonderful gals and I hope they feel the same about me. So here goes nothing and as with the men, the following is in no particular order. (Except for Helen!)
One more thing: I was torn about whether I should add my name to this list, or not, but hell — I’m no shrinking violet, so add it I did.

The Hot Women of Medium
Helen Cassidy Page, Kristi Keller, Katy Velvet, Kathryn Dillon, Robin Klammer, Suzanne V. Tanner, Bebe Nicholson, Ramona Grigg, Michelle Monet, Jewel Eliese, Susan Brearley, Meghan Ward, Jun Wu, Charlene Fate, Juliette Roanoke, Cheridan Smith, Kyrie Gray, Jenny Justice, Tantra Bensko, Kim McKinney, Meg Stewart, Leslie Wibberley, Glenna Gill, Daphelba DeBeauvoir, Nikki Kay, Sally Gallagher, Natalie Frank, Ph.D.Claire J. Harris, Hurriya Burney, Vanessa Torre, Remington Write, Jessica Archuleta, Sam H Arnold, Cheney Meaghan, Shaunta Grimes, Itxy Lopez, Krissy Edmonds, Keara Lou, Edie Tuck, Samantha Brightwell, Liz Gallo, Jocelyn Soriano, Zita Fontaine, Elle Fredine, Nikki Tate, Sam Kimberle, Selma, Donna Barker, Gillian Sisley, Louise Sawyer 2.0, Kim Cheel, Mary Gallagher, Kallie Allen, Zulie Rane, Zoe Day, Tanya Storey, Nicole Bedford, ZUVA, Marguerite Floyd, Peggy Gillespie Hazelwood, Emma Austin, Anna Rozwadowska, Erika Burkhalter, Christina Ward, Shelly McIntosh, Linda Caroll, Roz Warren, Francelia Belton, Gladys Day, Anna Rozwadowska, Pam Livingston, Britni Pepper, Chris Hedges 🦄, Gurpreet Dhariwal, Sterling Page, Sydney Duke Richey, Sylvia Clare MSc. Psychol, Jezebel Feast, Carol Burt, Dawn Bevier, Tina L. Smith, Terry L. Cooper, Denise Shelton, Melissa Bee, Tracy Stengel, Sherry McGuinn.
There you have it. For now, because this is where you come in. Admittedly, this is a fairly big list, but I’m certain that I forgot several badass babes, at the very least. Will you please help me by chiming in with your own picks? Once you do, I’ll add them with unbridled glee. Or just “nominate” yourself, as I did. Why the hell not?
Now it’s time to turn up the heat and read what these talented women are putting down. Please join me.
Note: Since originally writing this piece, I connected with, even more, hot, fabulous babes who I just had to add. And I’m probably still leaving a bunch of you out. If so, my apologies.
Sherry McGuinn is a slightly-twisted, longtime Chicago-area writer and award-winning screenwriter. Her work has appeared in The Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, and numerous other publications. Sherry’s manager is currently pitching her newest screenplay, a drama with dark, comedic overtones and inspired by a true story.
Thanks so much for reading. If you enjoyed this, please check out the following:
And please check out the great writers in my pub, Rogues’ Gallery.