



Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

Hello, I know what you're probably thinking, what in the world does this guy mean, where is he going to go with this one?

Recovering from any addiction is very empowering….if you LET it be! Kiss yourself into check!

That is exactly what mindset took place on the 14th relapse. I really wanted to stop using, it wasn't fun anymore but only a chore, I have written this article so you can define the power of addiction yourselves!

My feelings got more suppressed by any mind-alternative substance I could find, I got pulled into my own false assumption that drugs would forever work like they did the first time but as my addiction got worse my tolerance went up. Tolerance creates addiction & its that simple to me. If tolerance wasn't an issue than your old war Veteran Uncle Dipstick would still be getting drunk off the first pint, but tolerance levels build up too fast. Soon one pint won't even make you feel warm, it will take two. Pretty soon that one drink won't make you feel socially awkward it will take two.

As soon as you start to notice your pace pick up or soon as you cut off the voices in your head, then it's a race to 6 feet under, you feel out of control and it's the worse, how do you get the kind voices in your head back? WELL SORRY TO BE THE BEAR OF BAD NEWS but I'm a dual diagnosed addict in recovery who is HONEST now, so I need to tell the truth. You cannot keep using food to shove your true feelings aside, you cannot keep using the substance that is robbing your brain cell’s, keeping you depressed is exactly what that substance wants.

I was once told that if you don't teach what you have learned than you will lose it. Not only are you a prick if you are holding out on critical information that benefits others, but you are also losing what you have gained by holding it inside.


Sit down, grab a cup of coffee and listen to my story. It won't take too long just a couple of minutes so what do you think? Want to know more about the crucial visions that addiction stolen without even asking? Maybe a relapse is on the rise, after this article you may see why.

Want to know the cure of addiction? — No there isn't some magic pill. Be Kinder To Yourself! Grab a shovel and start digging, it may take you time to find it.

1. Find Acceptance

2. Have Willingness

3. Be Open-minded


Wow, that was very hard huh? The three things that I've mentioned above were once found in myself ONLY when I quit caring what others' opinions and thoughts were about that lame ass recovery sobriety type picture they painted and shoved it right back up their own ass that my life did a total 360'.

It’s the ONE’S who WANT you to come down to their level of thinking or wrongdoing that you must appropriately communicate with telling them to get lost.

Polysemy by definition is basically multiple meanings but only one word. What in the fuck kind of confusing shit is that? Well take it as the answer you been waiting for like I did to change the mind-set to growth is possible. The mind-alternative substance’s I was putting into my bloodstream was working on only making the outcome to every situation worse. I don't want addicts in recovery looking around for false information when it's all inside of your mind already. You see my problem was thinking there was someone out there that could eventually pick up the slack and fix the problems I created.

The Answer to CURE YOUR Addiction maybe as simple as not having a phone. A phone can be the addict’s worst enemy. You know why? Its all the false information spread throughout the world on different platforms you watch on drugs that is more dangerous than the drugs itself if you ask me, but you're not so I will continue to share my thoughts on this — if you really want to get clean and sober then get a new phone number, I had 6 different numbers in the last 4 years, and most of the issue was my own hands, its not like the dealers were calling me although sometimes they did but it was me doing all the harm by calling them that sure messed up my life.

The Stages of Relapse

Ready. Set, NOT a problem let me explain briefly the places NO ONE wants to be in!

1.Emotional relapse

2.Mental relapse

Physical relapse — ALREADY DONE IT;(

Everyone can take a lesson from a story, but have you ever had one story with such good information and that you took action to change your entire life around for the better? My entire past life was living in relapse mode, which is why I know these three relapse stages so darn well.

Everyone has a trap door with an endless amount of suffering to follow. Don’t be trapped into thinking trap doors don’t open back up at all though. With further ado, these are the three places NO ONE wants to be in!

Emotional Relapse

  • In emotional relapse you're not really thinking about using substances. It's a decline in happiness with sort of starting the destructive thinking process.
  • Many emotions and behaviors are strictly setting the addict up for a possible relapse in the future.

Three signs of emotional relapse are:

  • Anxiety
  • Intolerance
  • Anger

The sign of emotional relapse are also the symptoms of post-acute withdrawal. Post acute withdrawal usually can last up to 3 years, and is a very uncomfortable place to be in as substance abuse addicts know already. Withdrawing from drugs and alcohol sucks no in and if or buts about it. I’ve gone weeks without post acute withdrawal symptoms then all of a sudden I woke up with terrible sleep, in a bad mood, and with no energy to top that off!

*Post Acute Withdrawal can be a trigger for relapse*

Signs including P.A.W.S: emotional overreaction problems, thinking difficulty, accident prone, and serious sensitivity to stress was my biggest sign.

2.Mental Relapse

“To live, to TRULY live, we must be willing to RISK. To be nothing in order to find everything. To leap before we look.”Mandy Hale

In mental relapse World War III is going down 24/7 in your mind! That thought turns into a progressive dark cloud that eventually will break you in half exactly like it done for me!

Signs of Mental Relapse:

  • thinking about people, places, and things from the past
  • Glamorizing past use
  • Lying
  • Hanging out with old friends
  • Fantasizing about using
  • Planning the relapse around others schedule

Addicts have the opportunity to recognize any of these warning signs, we just ignore them until it catches up to us! Write down your warning signs don’t be an idiot like I was for so long.

“Every guy needs to blaze their own trail; some take the bumpy way some the easy.” — Derek.O

Remember having a community of people who are also struggling with the same issues means you have the choice relate with them. Taking action and learning from someone else’s mistakes is the beauty in writing on a platform like this.

“The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.” — Willi Nelson

Thanks for taking the time to read my article I've wanted to write you the relapse stages in case anyone of you were on stage without even knowing it.

Sometimes you need to hear it or read it, to understand where you're at in those stages is going to give you a little sense of clarity to then actually give yourself a choice! Choices are in the hands of my readers now! Have a great day to everyone and may God bless you all!

Trauma kept me in the active use of addiction for a long time. I thought I was going to have to keep it a secret forever. Find the strength!

Relapse Prevention
Emotional Health
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