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The article discusses the importance of mindful planning across various time frames, from seconds to years, to enhance well-being and personal growth.


The "Art of Planning Mindfully" emphasizes the significance of being present and intentional with our time, suggesting that mindfulness extends beyond meditation to encompass daily activities and long-term goals. It outlines a methodical approach to personal development by focusing on the present moment, daily routines, and future aspirations. The article encourages readers to consider the impact of their actions on different time scales, advocating for the cultivation of habits that contribute to a fulfilling life. By planning mindfully, individuals can navigate their seconds, days, weeks, months, and years with purpose, leading to increased happiness and a deeper sense of meaning.


  • Mindfulness is not limited to meditation but includes being aware and intentional in all aspects of life.
  • Well-being is a philosophical concept that varies among individuals, but the pursuit of happiness can be guided by mindful living.
  • The article suggests that time should be segmented and treated differently depending on the duration, from seconds to years, to maximize personal growth.
  • It is important to slow down and concentrate on basic human experiences like breathing and feeling in short time frames.
  • Daily routines are crucial in shaping one's life, and thus, planning each day with healthy, growth-oriented activities is vital.
  • Long-term planning, while challenging due to unpredictability, is essential for achieving significant life milestones and personal desires.
  • The author believes that each moment is an opportunity for self-improvement and that being present is key to a balanced life.
  • The article promotes the idea that by starting with small, manageable time frames and gradually expanding to longer-term goals, individuals can create a roadmap for a more fulfilling life.

The Art of Planning Mindfully: From Seconds to Years Ahead

Image by macrovector on Freepik

We hear some particular words too much nowadays, especially the next one:

  • meditation
  • mindfulness
  • well-being

And if we know what exactly it means, the first one is sitting in a quiet place, breathing, and not thinking about anything. At least, it’s an essential determination of this word.

But regarding the two others, we have questions. What does it mean to be mindful? What does well-being mean?

These questions are more philosophical than practical. It’s the same if I ask you what it means to stay happy. It might be different for people.

The obvious thing about this is that we can build a road that may take us in the right direction. What does that mean? So, the answer is how we should live to become happier and get more sense into our lives.

I want to underline the following sections in our life that we should work on. These items are the next:

  • thoughts you get during several minutes
  • things you do during your day
  • how you spend your weekend
  • what happens during one month
  • do you have a plan for a year
  • what do you want to become in 5–10 years

Here, we take time, start from the tiny portions of it, and move forward by increasing it by minutes, hours, etc.

The main principle in this methodology is the next: we can’t do the same things in different amounts of time.

You can finish a project in several years, cook a dinner for several hours, talk to your friend for several minutes, do breathing exercises for several seconds, etc.

As you can see, we need to work on different dimensions of time to make us better at each of them. That’s why it’s so essential to look near and look far.

Let’s start from the small pieces of time. What can we do during this time? If we have only several seconds, firstly, we need to slow down and concentrate on the following things:

  • breathing
  • thinking
  • feeling
  • smelling
  • hearing

Each item on this list is essential. If you always breathe too quickly, your body is in an emergency state. Also, if you think destructively, you need to understand why you do so and then change your attitude toward yourself.

Then, if you start understanding yourself in the moment, you can go forward. But before taking the following steps, you must take your time and benefit from watching yourself each moment.

Each second is essential, and that’s why we need to be in the current moment but, not the past or future. The present should take at least 50 percent of your attention. And the more you have, the better for you!

Then, we can take a look at the next dimension. What are you doing during your day? Usually, we do the same things as other people:

  • using socials
  • talking to friends
  • working on our jobs
  • watching funny content
  • doing sports
  • reading, listening, consuming
  • writing, speaking, creating

These items are also essential because how we spend several hours explains how we spend our days.

That’s why we must work on our day plan as much as possible. It’s vital! Doing healthy, helpful things that get us to grow up is essential.

If you want a great body, an intelligent brain, and a fantastic life, you must work on your daily habits.

Then, if you have a fantastic day, we can move forward to the weeks and months. During this time, we can do more compared to the previous steps.

For example, you can:

  • finish a project
  • lose several kilograms
  • read a book
  • learn a course

This place is good to plan if you want to achieve something to make a small milestone in your life. And then, with everyday steps, you can achieve your goals.

After this, we have a year plan and plans for the next several years ahead. It’s the most challenging work because we never know what might happen in the future.

But we can work with our desires and plan essential things for ourselves.

These items can be the next:

  • working on your career
  • planning your projects
  • improving your skills
  • becoming a better person
  • thinking about the world around yourself

So, these are the main dimensions you need to think about. They are essential! Each of them!

Start from the small and grow to the big! While you are still here, I want to recommend other great stuff. Check it out!

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