avatarLeonid Hass


Top 4 Addictions That Steal Our Freedom

Get Rid Of Them and Become a Happy Free Person

Image by macrovector on Freepik

The best advice I ever received in my whole life is the next one.

The ultimate productivity hack is saying no. Not doing something will always be faster than doing it

I found this one in the following article written by James Clear, which I appreciate for sharing with people. Check out it if you are interested.

And to be honest, it’s the indisputable fact and secret of our life. Avoiding many things can bring more results than new items into our lives.

First of all, it’s easier, cheaper and needs less resources from our side. Saying “no” is more accessible from the resourcing view than the spiritual one. At the same time, we quickly say “yes” to every proposition but never think how much time and energy it will steal from us.

Now we coming to our addictions. Take a look one more time at the image of this article and answer the following question:

  • What do I lose?
  • How much do I spend?
  • Who gets benefits from this?

These questions are not specific, but you already know what words you can add to them.

I won’t look into each possible addiction but will concentrate on those that look most horrible from my point of view. So, let’s deep dive into it!


This addiction is the number one in my list. Trust me, I am a person who quit drinking three years ago and smoking as well. It was much easier in comparison with sugar.

At first, it seems like an innocent product that makes us happy and feels good. But remember how many days you could live without it, without cookies, candy, Coka Cola, Fanta, Snickers, etc.

Science says that after several days without additional sugar, people start feeling stress, depression, and aggression. These feelings are more appliable to the drugs, but now you see it is possible even for your favorite sweets.

Another fact is that sugar addiction is coming faster than cocaine or similar drugs ten times! It’s a fact, you can find it on the Internet.

But anyway, all these facts won’t stop you from eating it until something wrong happens. I plugged it, or, better to say, trying to avoid it maximally after hearing from my doctor that I needed to fix more than ten teeth. I spent a lot of money on this and had a real pain. So, now I can’t imagine that I can do such evil things with my body as sugar does.

That’s why I think about the next thing. Do you agree if you have problems with your:

  • Teeth
  • Weight
  • Energy
  • Irritability
  • Other organs

That’s too much text for one addiction. But after learning all this info, I can’t keep silent. All product companies use our dependence to sell us more sweets because we can’t live without them and feel bad. But they don’t care about our bodies and mental health. But that’s fine because medical facilities will earn money on this, so the government even likes such a model. And do you like it as well?


It’s not a big secret 2023 that we are addicted to social media. But the biggest problem is not addiction but losing our time.

We feel stressed when sitting and doing nothing. That’s why we get so much dopamine after scrolling several posts on Instagram. We did an important job. Our brain feels good, and we feel even more tired after this.

But listen to me, please. And an even better answer to the following question:

  • Do you have the best shape?
  • Do you know everything you wanted?
  • Do you have all the skills you want to have?
  • Have you done all the things you planned to do?
  • Have you called or met your friends, relatives, or other people you wanted to?

After answering these questions, tell me, please. Can you spend ten or more hours per week scrolling and watching funny videos?

We always say we need more time and must do so many things. Alright, do it. But why do you still scroll your TikTok?

Remember, please, that even scrolling for only two minutes at one time can still several hours per day. Make the right rests, and don’t overload your head with shit, do things that are important to you.


It’s not a big issue, especially when you talk with friends you don’t see or hear for a long time. But you need time and energy if you have a big project or things to do. Many talks, especially in the office, that can be repeated every hour for several minutes can steal your focus and time.

Concentrate on things you do, and only when you need a rest make some calls. That’s fine. From my experience, you can feel tired without wanting to continue your work if you have several calls during lunch. So, keep your concentration and energy in a safe place.

Endless Learning

For some people, learning is necessary, especially if these people think they know everything but don’t like their life at all. Changes are only possible with new actions and knowledge.

But for those who want to achieve something new and learn new things all the time, I have some advice. Don’t rush! Sometimes, you need a small specific portion of knowledge to do what you need. But when you learn everything without pause, you must remember new information and overload your head. Yes, you will know many new things, but will you apply them and get any benefit from them?

That’s all from me. Also, I share the following articles with you. I hope you enjoy reading them.

Life Lessons
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