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Suspensions On Medium (Update from Medium Staff!)

Sometimes hiccups happen even to the best of us

AI-generated image (Magic Studios by Canva)

To all the lovely Catalysts and Enzymes out there, Medium released some updates explaining the recent events.

As some of you might have noticed, several authors vanished overnight — their profiles and articles nowhere to be found. Write A Catalyst is not an exception and we’re noticing several articles missing from our pub.

Screenshot by Bin Jiang

Director of Medium.com — Buster Benson — shared some information about the recent events. Please see the screenshot below:

Screenshot from a story by Nancy Santos

In summary, there has been a significant increase in suspicious activity here on Medium:

  • spamming
  • links in comments
  • fraudulent behaviour
  • private messages inviting authors to join Telegraph and similar apps

Recent account suspensions are an attempt to battle suspicious activity. Medium is investigating these accounts as they have been flagged, however, they are expected to be restored throughout the next week.

Screenshot by the author

Save the following link:


If your account gets reported and is unjustly suspended, contact Medium staff through the link above.

State your case, explain why your account was flagged incorrectly and staff will review your profile. Let’s hope all of our friends will be soon restored and back online.

Another thing, DeryaSefer wrote a great article about some of the ideas as to why writers are getting suspended. Growth hacking and forced engagement are a few.

If you are worried about your engagement and recent activity, copy your data — just in case, it doesn’t hurt. I copied and pasted from the article above, this is a great how-to:

  1. Go to your Profile photo
  2. Go to settings
  3. Security & App
  4. “download your information”

Keep your eyes wide open for potential spammers, but also be aware of your own behaviours here on Medium. Let’s make sure we’re creating a safe and enriching environment.

Happy writing!

Writing On Medium
New Writers On Medium
Write A Catalyst
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