

Is This Why Some Writers Disappeared Overnight?

Updates and how to back-up your data?

Photo by Carolina Pimenta on Unsplash

So, I got some updates…

After reading a few articles on the mass disappearance that happened yesterday, I found this:

Was this the reason why what happened, happened?

It is all just speculation at this point although it does make me feel like I should be backing up my data, just in case…

I don’t want to leave Medium and am not trying to leave but I would like to have a copy of all of the content I have created on this platform.

I’ve spent so much time and energy here, writing, publishing, and connecting with you all.


! ! ! U P D A T E ! ! !

(see screenshot below):


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Here’s how to back-up your data:

  1. Go to your Profile photo
  2. Go to settings
  3. Security & App
  4. “download your information”

Here is the original article with the screenshot:

Thank you for reading.


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