Missing People on Medium
Where did everybody go?
There’s something happening here, but what it is ain’t exactly clear. — Buffalo Springfield, “For What It’s Worth”
Many highly active writers seem to have disappeared. Here’s a running list:
Logophobic is missing. Logophobic IS BACK!!!
Dave Logan is missing. Dave Logan IS BACK!!!
Emika Oka (Mika) is missing. Mika is BACK!!!
R C Hammond is missing. RC IS BACK!
Nour Boustani is missing. Nour’s account will not be reinstated. See Misbah Sheikhh’s story. UPDATE — Nour Boustani has been reinstated!!!
Sam Writes is missing.
Ryan Canady is missing. Ryan is back!
Lynn Alexander is missing. LYNN IS BACK
Bruno T is missing. BRUNO IS BACK!
Tommaso Nobili is missing. Tommaso Nobili is BACK!
Doc Samurai Sam is missing. DOC is BACK (on hiatus)
Cipher Max is missing.
Waseem Baloch is missing.
Harry Hogg is missing. HARRY IS BACK!
Additions from the comment section:
Mr. Money Maker is missing.
Leonard Tillerman is missing. Leonard Tillerman is BACK! You can read Leonard’s story he posted upon being reinstated here.
Toni the Talker is missing. Toni the Talker is BACK!
Brandon Springer is missing. Brandon is back (and rightfully livid)
Dion Groove is missing. Dion is BACK!
Katy Ramm is missing.
LongEarDev is missing.
Viktoria Marty is missing. Viktoria is BACK!
Sohaib Mustafa is missing.
Derek Morgan is missing. Derek’s account has been deleted by Medium.
Saeed Sobhani is missing.
Doro Volknova is missing.
Lanu Pitan is missing.
I started reading later than usual today (originally written March 5th). I check my email, try to open R C Hammond’s latest. He’s gone. I have no doubt he’ll have something to say upon his return. I was in the process of writing in support of his recent post about the need for a “State of Medium Address,” but I can’t link it now.
My inbox felt a little light. That’s because Logophobic is missing. Who has my little brother? And what are you doing to him? You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.
I don’t think there’s been a day when I woke up without having a new piece from Mika in my inbox.
Ryan Canady was trying some insane ass “publish 100 stories in March” challenge. But nothing from him today either.
I’m sure there are many more who should be on milk cartons.
Do you all have any names to add to the list?
I mean that’s one hell of a spam filter glitch.
And some of these are “FRIENDS” of Medium. Is this how we treat our friends?
I’m hoping that their accounts will be restored soon. There’s just no way that each of these writers would have left on their own on the same day. As I notice their returns, I’ll update this list and tag them. Maybe they can share about their experiences.
If you’ve noticed some mysterious drop in your stats/engagement, the disappearance of many accounts all at once is likely why.
I had to check and make sure my buddy Jay Squires was still around. I’m his number one fan after all. Jay Squires, your carrot/asterisk/hashtag scoring system is going to be all screwed up now.
You can read my follow-up protest poem below.
Chantal Christie Weiss has posted on this topic as well, linked below.
John Ang also posted about this issue.
And from Jason Daughtry
A spot on article from Cyn BehindMind