avatarMarcus aka Gregory Maidman


ChannSpirations and Coincidences is a Medium publication that seeks personal stories of synchronicity, inspiration, and meaningful connections, emphasizing a collaborative and respectful writing community.


ChannSpirations and Coincidences, co-edited by Marcus (Gregory Maidman) and Anthi Psomiadou, is a spiritual publication on Medium that invites writers to share their experiences with synchronicity, channeled inspirations, and profound coincidences. It was created in January 2021 to serve as a sanctuary for stories that resonate with the universe and foster connections among readers. The publication encourages a wide range of writing styles, including essays, poems, and articles, but does not accept "how-to" guides or content that promotes negativity. Contributors are expected to follow Medium's rules, provide a "Writer's Note" explaining the relevance of their piece to the publication's themes, and use properly cited images. The guidelines emphasize originality, with a strict prohibition against plagiarism and AI-generated content. New writers are welcomed and provided with resources to navigate Medium's platform. The publication also has a clear stance against hate speech and encourages mutual respect and cooperation between writers and editors.



Write for ChannSpirations and Coincidences — Significantly Updated 8/19/23 (Minor 10/5/23 Update)

A sanctuary for synchronicity where stories can live, breathe, and spark meaningful connections between us, our readers, and the universe

Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

If you are not yet a Medium member and have read your free stories for the month, here’s a friend’s link to this post.

What Is Our Publication ChannSpirations and Coincidences?

I, along with my co-editor and dear friend, Anthi Psomiadou, created this publication, ChannSpirations and Coincidences, in January 2021 as a home for celebrating synchronicities and that every person has within them a portal to other dimensions or realms. Lately, we have seen signs that it’s time to attempt to reinvigorate the pub. Since I first did this update, Claire Kelly has also joined us as an editor.

Celebrations of Synchronicities

If you experience a mirror coincidence or directional coincidence, a story that simply describes it/them and the meaning to you qualifies for our publication.

Many times an essay, article, or poem you will write or already wrote results from synchronicity. You can house them here, or, you can breathe additional life into prior creations by telling our readers about the genesis of their creation and linking back to them.

Synchronicity is actually a simple concept. It’s often just a meaningful coincidence. Don’t fear the topic. I guarantee you, you all experience it.

Beyond Synchronicity, What are ChannSpirations, or, If You Prefer, Co-Inspirations

What, includes but is not limited to a) innovative thinking often inspired, with or without the vessel realizing it, by a channeled spark from a guide, angel, oracle, divine or earthly muse, or a God themselves; b) other-writer-triggered stories, but then the question is what constitutes a qualifying response to the trigger — it should be more than “it made me think of [something obvious]. It should be a significant and original building on the thought, or not directly responsive at all but leads to a significant insight or innovative thought in a seemingly unrelated realm; and c) aha moments.

From my experience, aha moments are a subset of “a)” fully stated this way:

innovative thinking is often inspired, with or without the vessel realizing it, by a channeled spark from a guide, angel, oracle, divine Muse or God themselves, and that the rush of energy one feels is the sharing of energy from a spirit-entity, and that infusion is the reward, which for me, leads to further development of not only my third-eye chakra, but it cements my connection to and awareness of God’s love.

For more thoughts behind the formation of the pub, its Jungian nature, and some in-depth discussion of the concept of synchronicity/meaningful coincidences, please see:

As messages often come to us in our dreams and in the space between asleep and awake known as hypnagogia, we have specifically added Dreams as a topic category on our homepage.

Specific Guidelines/Rules

1. Follow Medium’s Official Rules Submissions must comply with Medium’s Rules, Ad-Free Policy, and relevant portions of Content Guidelines. Following the Boost Standards is suggested but by no means is required.

2. Types of Writing and Themes All types of writing (poems, essays, etc.) are accepted, as long as they respect our rules and guidelines.

We don’t accept “how to”/ “5 ways to…” articles. We are sure they satisfy a need and they are attractive or useful to a part of society, but they don’t coordinate with the mentality of “ChannSpirations.”

If not apparent from the guts of the story/poem/essay, every submission should start or conclude with a “Writer’s Note” explaining to the reader the circumstances or message that you feel make our pub a place to house it — that it fits within our topics described in the section “What Is Our Publication ChannSpirations and Coincidences?” This also allows the Co-Inspired content to be of any genre (e.g., essay, creative non-fiction, fiction, poetry of any length or form, etc.)

If you have trouble articulating the note, we will work on it with you.

I recently read a beautiful poem by Joseph Lieungh in Marilyn Glover’s home for spiritual poetry, Third-Eye Gypsy:

After the poem portion, which I hope you will read, Joseph wrote:

This past week, sitting with my own ending of a long chapter and passing of our mother, quietly listening for universal response, reassurance approaches in the most elegant way.

While sitting quietly, a pair of mourning doves land at my feet. Assuring me of the resilience of my being, future’s hold on what’s to come, and the dissolving fear of unknown chapters to come, these messengers carry a cosmic whisper, all is happening right on time.

That would have perfectly satisfied this requirement.

3. Impermissible Content We will not accept content that promotes violence, abuse, hatred, etc. Our publication is a place for people with self-respect, who, therefore, respect others, too. While we already have a link to Medium’s rule above, we consider this a crucial topic and state it again clearly here to underscore its importance.

Moreover, Medium’s hate speech guidelines do not go far enough. I created this guideline that ILLUMINATION and its sister publications adopted two years ago:

Regarding content that propagandizes or fosters the continuation of stereotypes based on race or creed or gender beyond what Medium guidelines may deem to be hate speech, the editors of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications (IIP) will reject any work that is written primarily to demonize or diminishing the value of another group of people. We will not tolerate such speech whether blatant or implied — whether couched as fact or opinion. We believe that our message of inclusiveness is furthered by erring on the side of excluding a piece that some but not all may find to be hate-filled. [emphasis added] The editors of IIP are all from a diverse background of people, and though we occasionally disagree, we recognize we are all human, regardless of our cultural history. Having an argument against a governmental or philosophical policy is appreciated when discussed in a thoughtful and respectful manner but we have zero tolerance for content that targets a specific group, gender, or creed. Unsubstantiated claims or attempts to make broad assumptions against an entire culture will not be tolerated.

4. Images — Rights to Use and Proper Citation Images must be free of someone else’s copyright or you must have permission to use the image, which permission must be clearly stated in your caption. No story will be accepted within the publication if the image sources are not properly cited. You may find copyright-free images on Unsplash, Pixabay, Pexels, etc. If it’s your own image please cite it as “Image from author” in the image caption, but snapping your own picture of a copyrighted image DOES NOT CUT THE MUSTARD.

I strongly urge you to read and understand the image policy created and published by ILLUMINATION, which I largely drafted using my legal training when I was a full-time editor there (I am presently a consulting editor).

We will not accept any fair use arguments. I wrote this piece stating why.

Find another image. No one image that you didn’t take or create yourself can be so critical to a story.

5. No Plagiarism AND NO AI-GENERATED CONTENT (other than properly credited/captioned images disclosing the use of AI)

If we wanted to read someone else’s writing, we would do that. There’s no need for someone else to bring it to us, as theirs… We want your personal style, your unique way of expressing yourself.

If we feel a piece is AI generated, we won’t accept it. Our intuition and EQ are the only AI detectors that count in this pub.

6. Formatting your story — New Writers A subtitle is strongly suggested but not required. Dividing your story into different sections and subsections is encouraged where appropriate. A featured image is compulsory. It can be of any size and can be above or below the Title/Subtitle.

We welcome writers that are new to the platform. This tutorial that I created a couple of years ago is useful if you are new to Medium.

7. Editing But for minor typos, which we hope we will not find (please at least use the free version of Grammarly to catch typos), we will not edit your piece without discussing any suggestions or comments with you first, through a private note.

8. Tags From the five tags you’re allowed, at least one must be chosen from “dreams,” “synchronicity,“coincidence,”inspiration” or “channeling.” Another tag must be poetry, articles (this will populate under “essay” on our homepage), or fiction, as applicable. The rest of the allotment can be freely chosen by you.

9. [10/5/23 Addition]

We reserve the right to add at the end of your submissions, “If you like what you read, please consider following the writer and our publication, and if you would like to share your experiences across the spectrum of synchronicity with us and our readers, please review our submission guidelines and request to be added as a writer.”

9. Calls to Action (CTA) A simple text link at the bottom of your stories to your newsletter or personal website is acceptable. Internal linking is also acceptable at our discretion. Sign-up forms are not acceptable.

10. Removing the piece from the Publication Removing a post from the Publication should be done only after informing us of that. Of course, the post is yours, but mutual respect and straightforwardness within the spirit of cooperation is a prerequisite for harmonic, responsible, and honest relationships of all kinds.

11. How to Become a Writer for Us

Please leave a request in the comments and provide your Medium ID. A note acknowledging that you have read and understood the guidelines would be appreciated and if something is not clear to you, please ask for clarification.

Since we started this push to revitalize the publication, I am pleased that these great writers and people have joined us and we look forward to their submissions: Prasanna Srinath Subhasinghe, Maria Rattray, Scott-Ryan Abt, Natasha MH, Assumpta Nalubowa, Brooklyn Muse (editor), Benighted, Terry Pottinger, Katherine Myrestad, and William J Spirdione

Reminding our previously existing writers that we are back and actively looking for submissions: Stuart Englander | Kira Dawn | Susan Christiana | Shannon Pike | Sanghamitra Moulik | Ricky Derisz | Ravyne Hawke | Priyanka Priyadarshini | Dr. Preeti Singh | George Ochsenfeld | Noorain Ali | Nicky Dee | jules — Miz Mindful | Kyomi O’Connor | Reverie | Libby Shively McAvoy | Keri Mangis | Katrina Bos | Kathryn Eriksen | Joseph Lieungh | Esther George | Jadine Lydia | Erin M. | Desiree Driesenaar | DL Nemeril | Debra Taitel | Denise Darby | Claire Kelly | Christina Sponias | A Unicorn Word | Bingz Huang | Camille | Carrie | A.P. Bird

Tagging my subscribers in the hopes that since you have signed on to read me, perhaps you’ll want to write for us and, reinforcing that there seems to be a frequent glitch in the emailing system, I notice more engagement when I do so: DJ Hopkins |G.R. MELVIN | Kelly | Priyanka Priyadarshini | Benighted | Jenine “Jeni” Baines | jules — Miz Mindful | Josh Balerite Acol | Diana Meresc | Shirley Willett | Subhasinghe SPS | Kelley Murphy | T. V. Knight | Ufrancis | Joe Merkle | John Cunningham | Rebecca Romanelli | SAP5683 | Patricia Ross | Rip Parker | ANDRIA ANDERSON | Donald Gibson | Anthi Psomiadou | KaliAvatar.com Cabbage1ady | Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid | Glorie Lee | Brian G (aka ‘bumpyjonas’) — he/him | Gabriel Aryeh | Elizabeth Emerald | Elizabeth Sobieski | Carol McClain Craver | Jesse Wilson | Noorain Ali | carl goldscheider | Adesola Orimalade | Susan Farmer | Jessica White | Amy Sea | Sparklez Eternity | Ariadne Ross | David Pahor | Life is Amazing with Books and Writers | Marilyn Flower | Gadwall Jackson | David Perlmutter | Roxanne Barbour | Tara Desai PhD | YAW AMOAH | Jerry Fields | Catherine Moore | James Ernest lobue | Jennifer Hooper | Jessicay | Ella Ann | Libby Shively McAvoy | Dr Mehmet Yildiz | Ravyne Hawke | Patricia Ann Rogers (MadRobin) | Natasha MH | Ted Czukor | Claire Kelly | Sir Pineapple | Loreta Dubaldi | Conni Walkup Hull | Britt H. | Jerileewei | Xce | Amy Annan | EUNSEO SEOL | Raine Lore | Steven John Miloradovic | Mariana Busarova

In Rama I create, with soul energy surging through my body, inspiring me and breathing wind into my sails,

Marcus (Gregory Maidman)

Spiritual Awakening
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