avatarSusie Pinon


The Orange Journal (TOJ) provides guidelines for writers submitting personal development stories, with a focus on self-improvement, vulnerability, and social issues, aiming to inspire and foster growth within the Medium community.


The Orange Journal is a Medium publication that seeks to empower writers to share personal development stories that resonate with the theme of self-improvement. The guidelines, updated in June 2022, emphasize the importance of vulnerability and the shared human experience in overcoming life's challenges. TOJ welcomes a diverse range of topics, including love stories, professional advice, veganism, spirituality, and social issues, with the caveat that all submissions must tie back to personal growth. The publication encourages new writers on Medium to contribute and offers resources to help them succeed. TOJ has specific formatting and tagging requirements, and while it accepts writers readily, not all submissions are guaranteed publication. The guidelines also outline the expectations for writers, including the process for submission, the importance of adhering to feedback, and the use of proper grammar and feature images.


  • The editor believes in the power of vulnerability and its role in personal development.
  • Sharing stories of overcoming struggles is seen as a way to inspire others and rekindle one's inner strength.
  • The publication has a strong stance on veganism, requiring related content to be exclusively about the vegan lifestyle.
  • TOJ values efficiency and respect for the editorial process, with a one-week follow-up policy and a one-critique rule for submissions.
  • The editor emphasizes the importance of proper tagging and formatting to align with Medium's best practices for increased visibility and potential Top Writer status.
  • The guidelines express a commitment to fostering a supportive community for writers, with an open invitation to contribute and grow within the publication.

Medium Submission Guidelines for The Orange Journal Writers October 2022

What we publish and how to submit your story

Created by Susie Pinon in Canva

Updated June 21st, 2022

Welcome to The Orange Journal submission guidelines 2022. TOJ is a publication devoted to personal development and feeling your feelings. I believe that when we are able to harness the power of vulnerability, we will maintain control of our lives in a way that is different than before.

I created this publication to help inspire other people to never give up on themselves and to keep moving forward when life throws them curveballs. We are all more alike than we tend to realize.

Sharing the strength that helps us overcome struggles helps inspire others and re-ignite the fire inside of us that can sometimes be dimmed by society and life.

If you want to help others improve themselves on a physical, spiritual, and/or emotional basis, then I would love to welcome you to this pub! Though I primarily want to focus on self-improvement, I am also accepting out-of-the-box approaches to personal development.

Table of Contents--> I am clickable!
  ∘ Topics Accepted Around Personal Development
  ∘ Other: Educate on Social Issues
  ∘ What You Should Expect
  ∘ How to Submit
  ∘ Once Added
  ∘ Guidelines
  ∘ How to Format Your Article + Curation

I want to read your stories ranging from love stories (romantic, platonic, familial, self), to religion, to other types of self-discovery you have experienced thus far.

I believe it can all be tied back into how we can further grow as individuals. Please share great vegan recipes! Anything that has to do with liberating animals or being a voice for the voiceless is also highly encouraged. Don’t be afraid to send a draft in to see if it could potentially work!

Submission Guidelines for The Orange Journal 2022

Topics Accepted Around Personal Development

  • Personal essays
  • Professional advice/research-backed
  • Love stories (heartache → transformative results/ lesson learned: romantic, platonic, familial, self)
  • Veganism (recipes, animal liberation, health benefits, climate change, the power of compassionate living, anything about how the lifestyle changed your life for the better) Why exclusively vegan? Learn more here.
  • Focus on improving physical appearance eg: weight regulation/benefits of particular exercises, recovery from eating disorders, improve skin issues, healthy recipes (will only accept vegan-related diet/lifestyle coverage — here’s why.)
  • Focus on improving relationship with higher-self/spirituality/religion
  • Focus on improving relations with the world: double-standard of sexuality, gender equality, the tension in the workplace, racial relations, climate change, gun laws, healthcare, medical freedom, etc — just tie it into personal growth!

Other: Educate on Social Issues

  • Educate on important social issues that people need to learn about. Here are a few I can think of off the top of my head — please comment any additional topics that you would like to see covered in The Orange Journal. If you are unsure if your topic is a good fit, just send it in and let’s see what happens.
  • LGBTQ+ rights, racism, immigration rights/laws, what it’s like to be on free healthcare/public assistance, medical malpractice in the US, war on abortion, the rapid overuse of nonrenewable resources, domestic abuse, animal agriculture and climate destruction, substance abuse and addiction/sobriety, gender pay gap, disability laws/equal access to opportunity, food deserts, poverty, minorities in the workplace, prison reform, access to clean water, homelessness, healthcare reform, and SO MUCH MORE.
  • Remember, just tie your piece into personal growth. It should always come full circle to keep the pub consistent with its purpose and initial intent of creation.

What You Should Expect from TOJ

  • All writers can be added, so long as they have published at least one piece on Medium. I will add you within 1–5 days. I’m getting faster and more efficient every day! New writers on Medium are highly encouraged to become contributors.🍊

When I add you, I will reply to your comment and let you know you have been added. If you don’t hear back from me in a week, feel free to follow up as it’s possible I missed your comment.

  • Between 1–4 business days to be published. The pub is growing and I will always try my best to be quick to publish. Now, we have three additional editors to keep keep the process moving. You can learn about them here.

As of May 24th, published articles sent in will be removed from queue without a courtesy note (as we previously have.) Kindly respect our time and we will respect yours.

  • Every submission gets one critique. If proper edits are not made in one round, the piece will not be accepted.
  • All submissions must use ‘the orange journal’ as one of the tags.
  • You must follow The Orange Journal for consideration.
  • Pieces about Medium should be submitted to our sister pub, Anyone Can Write Online. (Currently accepting writers and editors! No prior experience needed.)
  • While anyone can be added as a writer, not all pieces will be accepted to be published.
Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels

Some Reasons Why Your Piece Will Not be Accepted:

  1. overly poor grammar
  2. redundancy throughout
  3. unclear/missing takeaway
  4. not adhering to formatting guidelines after being asked to make edits in a private note
  5. sending in a published article

How to Submit to The Orange Journal

In order to submit, simply comment your Medium handle below that you would like to join. This may be different from your username. On your Medium profile, look at the url. Your @_____ is your username.

Please include a brief message about why you want to join The Orange Journal and the topic(s) you would be most interested in contributing about. We love to get to know you folks!

You are like our virtual pen pals from around the globe.

Once Added to The Orange Journal

TOJ will only accept unpublished drafts. Please use at least one of these relevant tags (besides ‘the orange journal’) in your story if you want your story to appear under specific subtitles of the pub: relationships, mental health, food, spirituality, personal growth, it changed my life

One of your tags must be ‘the orange journal.’

If you don’t add it as a tag, we will replace it as your last tag.

Learn more on the art of tagging here. And why you should learn how to tag properly if you want to be a Top Writer on Medium.

Here is a detailed video explaining the process of adding your unpublished draft to 𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒪𝓇𝒶𝓃ℊℯ 𝒥ℴ𝓊𝓇𝓃𝒶𝓁.

Guidelines for The Orange Journal

  • Original work only.
  • Feel free to send posts (as a draft) that have been previously published somewhere else on the internet (not Medium) by you. Just credit the original source at the bottom.
  • Subtitle under title gets sentence case and small t, which means it reads like a normal sentence (only proper nouns will be capitalized.)
  • Must have feature image 1000 X 1000 pixels (px). Feature image always goes immediately below title. Find your picture at Unsplash or Pexels. You can always use an original relevant photo. Many authors also opt to edit a picture in Canva. Always credit the photographer in the caption (even if it’s yourself!)
  • Paragraphs should not exceed 4 lines. Most folks read on mobile.
  • Become familiar with the quoting feature of Medium.

This means that this sentence is found elsewhere in the piece. (Pull quote)

This means you are quoting someone else’s words.(block quote)

  • Use Grammarly before submitting. It’s free. : )
  • Once you are added as a writer, click the three dots at the top of your draft, click add to publication, and then select The Orange Journal.

How to Format Your Article + Curation for The Orange Journal

Read this before sending in your draft!

New here and want to make significant money? I did the work so you don’t have to.⬇️

Welcome to The Orange Journal!



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‘I love oranges!’

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