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Stand Tall Never To Be Shaken

Conquer Self-Doubt and Unleash the Lion Within: A Tale of Unyielding Confidence

You are an entity by yourself.

No outsider can shake you, demean you unless you let them do it.

Everything happens inside your mind.

Let the incoming demeaning words not sink in. They need to flow out as easy as they have flown in. Flush them out by knowing the reality.

Reality is:

You are God’s making, nothing less than anyone else in this world

If someone thinks you are not good at one aspect. First of all, define ‘Good’. Your definition of good can be different from mine or the actual one. Secondly, other’s judgement about you might be utterly wrong.

Stand tall my friend, let your roots grow deep into the soil of self-belief, positive thinking and self-empathy.

Photo by Jon Moore on Unsplash

If it cannot be avoided, take the beating and keep moving forward.

Always look back to appreciate how far you’ve come; it’s not just luck that got you here.

Banish self-doubt — you’ve come too far to question your own capabilities. You’ve already earned your place and there is only success going forward.

Chin up, walk straight, with confidence.

Low confidence never wins. But being confident can fetch you something. Let me tell you a real personal story (not a fiction):

I had a friend whom all of our class students including me, felt to be overconfident. But closely observing him, his overconfidence worked like a charm:

  • First of all, it never harmed him even though he overestimated himself. May be it’s not as dangerous as it’s made out to be? It turned out to be his strategic advantage, especially whenever he navigated through an uncharted territory.
  • His ‘can-do’ attitude was contagious. His enthusiasm gripped everyone.
  • There was a bandwagon effect, whereby being overconfident he had influenced others to follow, creating a collective strength that overweighed individual weaknesses. He made the people achieve their dreams, which they thought would never be possible.

By then, he had already won over many hearts in my college.

Thanks to his overconfidence, Success will be his shadow wherever he goes!

Healthy criticism and feedback loops are always welcome. Be self-aware. Weigh your risks, nothing wrong! Mitigate them to the extent possible. But never ever lose confidence.

You have it in you. It’s a small life. Live it like a lion ! Have no fear of failure.

Conquer yourself and the whole universe is yours — Swami Vivekananda

Photo by Rob Potter on Unsplash

Stand tall my friend, never to be shaken. Unleash the lion within, keep moving forward with confidence.

Success will be yours !


Self Improvement
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