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A 17-year-old Destiny 2 player named Luca Leone has been legally banned from all Bungie games for repeatedly using cheating software and sending threats to Bungie employees, resulting in a $500,000 fine.


In the gaming world, a 17-year-old Destiny 2 player named Luca Leone has faced legal action from Bungie's legal team for using cheating software and sending threats to employees. Bungie has taken action against cheaters in the past, suing them for millions of dollars, but this is the first time they have targeted an individual player. Luca has been banned for life from playing any Bungie games and has been fined $500,000. The case has set a legal precedent, with some gamers worried about the impact on game modders who tweak the game UI to improve it.


  • Some gamers believe that Luca's punishment is justified, given his repeated cheating and threats to Bungie employees.
  • Others are concerned about the legal precedent set by the case, with some Reddit users worried about the potential impact on game modders who tweak the game UI to improve it.
  • Bungie's legal team has argued that Luca's use of cheating software created an "unauthorized derivative work," violating copyright laws.
  • The case has raised questions about the legality of game modding, with some concerned that modders could be seen as creating "unauthorized derivative works" just like cheaters.

Gaming News

Some Kid Managed To Get Himself Legally Banned From All Bungie Games

A repeated Destiny 2 cheater has faced legal action from Bungie’s legal team.

Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

In some of my past posts, I’ve chatted about folks who like to cheat their way through various games. You can find those links at the bottom of this post.

But today, let’s dive into the wild story of a Destiny 2 player who somehow got himself booted from all Bungie games!

So, you probably heard about the whole Bungie vs. cheaters showdown, right? I mean, it’s no secret that Bungie, the folks behind Destiny 2, has been on a bit of a warpath against cheaters lately.

They’ve taken some of these rule-breakers to court, and guess what? They’re suing them for big bucks, like millions of dollars. Crazy, right?

Well, the latest episode in this saga just went down, and it’s a doozy. So, typically, Bungie goes after these cheat-selling organizations or groups of people. But this time, they had their sights set on one lone cheater.

Yep, you heard that right. Just one person. And let me tell you, the fallout from this case was epic. This lone wolf cheater got slapped with a $500,000 fine, and to make matters worse, they’re banned for life from playing any Bungie games. Ouch!

Now, you might be thinking, “Isn’t that a bit harsh?” Well, here’s the kicker. When this whole legal drama started a year ago, the cheater in question was just 17 years old. Yep, a teenager. Goes by the name Luca Leone. So, what did this young whippersnapper do to deserve such a hefty punishment?

Well, Luca was no ordinary gamer. Nope, he repeatedly used cheating software to get an unfair advantage over others. But that’s not all, folks. He didn’t stop at cheating; he also managed to dodge multiple bans. And if that wasn’t enough, he even stooped to sending threats of physical harm to Bungie employees. Yeah, you can see why they weren’t too thrilled with him.

Now, here’s where it gets legally juicy. Bungie’s legal eagles argued that Luca (just like other cheaters they’ve taken to court before) broke copyright laws. How, you ask? Well, they claimed that by using this cheat software that messed with the game’s graphics, Luca essentially created an “unauthorized derivative work.” And in the land of the free and the home of copyright law, that’s a big no-no.

But that’s not all. Luca had to pony up more cash for every account he created to evade bans. And let’s not forget the unauthorized game copies he downloaded in his quest for unfair glory.

In the end, both parties agreed that Luca owes Bungie $300,000 in statutory damages for copyright infringement. But wait, there’s more. Luca also owes an extra $200,000 for a whopping 100 acts of ban circumvention, at a cool $2,000 per evasion.

So, what’s the fallout for Luca? Well, it’s not just about the money. He’s basically banned from anything and everything related to Bungie. That means no more cheat software, no more messing with Bungie game stuff, and definitely no playing Bungie games. Oh, and he’s got to steer clear of Bungie offices by at least 1,000 feet. It’s like a real-life game of “stay away.”

But wait, there’s more. Luca has to delete any social media accounts connected to Bungie, cheating at Bungie games, or harassing Bungie employees. So, in short, he’s got to wipe his online presence clean of anything even remotely related to Bungie.

Now, while many Destiny players are probably doing a happy dance at the thought of a cheater getting their comeuppance, there’s a flip side to this coin.

Some folks are worried about the legal precedent set by these Bungie copyright infringement cases. For example, there’s this Reddit user who is concerned that these judgments could potentially spell trouble for game modders.

See, these modders aren’t cheating; they’re just tweaking the game UI to make it better. But according to Bungie’s legal lingo, these mods could be seen as “unauthorized derivative works” just like what Luca did. And that means these innocent modders could find themselves in hot legal water.

Final Words

So, it’s not all rainbows and unicorns in the gaming world, my friends.

While cheaters might be getting what they deserve, there’s a shadow of uncertainty looming over the modding community.

Let’s hope Bungie doesn’t go full legal eagle on them next.

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I will continue to share my thoughts and insights on a wide range of topics in the world of entertainment and technology.

With that being said, thank you for reading my post, and have a good one.

Here is everything I wrote last month:

Here are a few of my previous stories relating to cheaters I believe you will enjoy:


DotabLAH Reddit Post.


Destiny 2 Cheater Legally Banned From Ever Playing Another Bungie Game.

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