avatarVal Francis



Saving the Best for Later

Or just for me

Photo by Saman Taheri on Unsplash

Today’s random word is — Blasphemy

Drabbles are short — only 100 words. Please stay on the page for 30 seconds or more, so the stories are counted as read. Please read, highlight, clap, comment — let us know you’ve been here! Thank you!

“This is a nice bit of plonk,” Charlie emptied his glass.”

His friend’s irreverence when drinking fine wine amounted to blasphemy. “That bottle cost me fifty dollars.”

“They saw you coming, mate.”

“It’s vintage wine.”

“You mean old?”

“Vintage.” Paul groaned.

“I wouldn’t have paid ten bucks for it, what with it being old, Charlie replied.

“You’re a philistine — devoid of taste.”

“What’s wrong with that? I pay ten bucks, you pay fifty — So who’s the mug?”


Filling Charlie’s glass, Paul was glad he’d only paid eight dollars for it. He’d keep the expensive stuff he’d bought for himself.

Short Fiction
Short Read
100 Word Challenge
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