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The Adventures of Sir Laughsalot

The knight's unlikely guide

Today’s random words is directed.

Image: DALL-E/Author

Please enjoy this 100-word drabble of Sir Laughsalot and his merry band. A fantasy in the style of Monty Python.

In a dimly lit room filled with maps and half-eaten sandwiches, Sir Laughsalot the Brave, faced his most perplexing challenge yet.

“Gentlemen,” he directed, pointing with a chicken leg, “we must find the Holy Grail.”

“But how?” asked Sir Beveledear, the Wise, scratching his head with a spoon.

“Simple,” Sir Laughsalot replied, munching thoughtfully. “We ask for directions from that lizard over there.” Chuckling, he nodded toward a bemused iguana in the corner.

The knights all stared, then shrugged. In their quest, even asking an iguana seemed perfectly reasonable. And so, off they went, directed by their improbable guide.

Thanks for reading this bit of 100-word drabble silliness. Read another piece of true-to-lifeness here by Randy Pulley.

100 Word Challenge
Flash Fiction
Monty Python
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