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The author reflects on the concept of rejection as a form of divine protection and redirection, emphasizing the importance of faith and trust in God's plan.


The article discusses the idea that rejection and unfulfilled plans can be seen as a protective and redirective force from a higher power, guiding individuals towards their true purpose. The author, inspired by a reader's comment, delves into the Christian perspective on how God's guidance is superior to human plans, and that surrendering to His will can lead to better outcomes. The piece encourages readers to embrace the uncertainty of life's direction after setbacks, viewing it as an opportunity for growth and alignment with a divine purpose. The author shares personal experiences of frustration and anger when things did not go as expected but found solace in the belief that these challenges are part of a larger, purposeful path. The article also touches on the importance of personal development and the transformative impact of faith, suggesting that following God's plan, despite its challenges, leads to a meaningful legacy.


  • The author believes that God's purpose should guide one's life, not personal desires or plans.
  • Rejection is seen as a form of protection, steering individuals away from distractions and towards their true purpose.
  • Human plans are considered imperfect, and the author suggests that God's plan will always be superior.
  • The author advises against playing the victim when things don't go according to personal plans, instead recommending gratitude and faith in God's direction.
  • The article suggests that life's challenges and the feeling of plans "falling apart" are actually redirections towards a path that aligns with God's purpose.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of faith, guidance, discernment, and wisdom in navigating life's uncertainties.
  • Whether one believes in God or not, the principle of rejection as protection and redirection is presented as universally applicable.
  • The author shares that pursuing entrepreneurship and personal development can lead to facing personal demons, which is part of the transformative journey of faith.

Rejection Is Not Only Protection. It’s also Redirection.

When one door closes, another one opens — most likely in an unexpected direction.

Photo by Jacob Dyer on Unsplash

I was inspired to write this after responding to a comment on my most recent blog.

Here it is.

This reader’s comment made me realize that God, the universe, whatever you want to call it (I’m Christian and will be referencing God for the remainder of this blog) doesn’t only provide protection.

When we pray and ask God for guidance, he truly does listen.

He sets people, places, and events in motion to set a path for us to walk on. That is, as long as you pray for God’s purpose in your life to be met.

The mistake a lot of people make is they ask for things to happen or develop their way. The problem with this is we, humans, are not perfect.

God is, and his way will always be better than anything we could think of.

Many times we forget this, and that’s why when things don’t happen according to our plans, we become angry, frustrated, and play the victim.

We blame God instead of thanking him because the odds are he’s course-correcting.

He’s removing us from environments and influences that are distracting us.

I briefly addressed this in my previous blog (shown above).

At first, I wrote it out of frustration and anger.

Things didn’t turn out the way I expected them to, nor did the outcome benefit me.

But now that those emotions have subsided, I’ve remembered that God has a plan for me, and it’s my job to have faith and let him do the rest.

There’s a course correction happening in my life right now.

I don’t know where I’m going next. I’ve come up with a few ideas, and I will pray to God for guidance, discernment, and wisdom.

What I do know is it will be much better than where I was, and it will bring me closer to meeting God’s purpose for my life.

If you’re in a spot where you’re questioning everything — where your plans fell apart or are falling apart when you thought they were exactly what you needed, remind yourself of this.

Write it down somewhere and keep it easily visible.

Whether you believe in God or not, this principle still applies.

Rejection is protection and redirection.

If we work out of faith and the desire to meet our purpose on this earth, this path will reveal itself in ways we could have never imagined.

This is not the only time I felt my plans were blown up into a million pieces.

Where I felt anger, frustration, sadness, anxiousness, and worry because I thought things were supposed to develop in a different way. In a less painful way.

But what I've learned as I grow in my faith is that God never promises us an easy life.

Nowhere in the Bible does it say that if you follow Jesus, your life will be easy.

If anything, it’s probably going to be one of the most challenging endeavors you take on.

But it will certainly be worth it because of the transformation you undergo and the change you will inspire in the world.

When you follow Jesus, you will leave an impact.

You will leave a legacy.

Isn’t that what many of us want?

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