Question Everything: Who We Are Is Usually Someone Else
Are You, You, Or Are You Everyone Else?
Who are you really? Are you compiled of your own ideas and beliefs, or ideas you’ve adopted along the way from others?
Something I love about stoicism is how it never ceases to encourage its pupils to question their beliefs, character, philosophies, and behaviors.
As a habit, I’m cautious about adopting the ideas of others. I’m also not gun hoe about forcing others to adopt my beliefs. Furthermore, when others share their beliefs and opinions with me, I’m comfortable with disagreeing and standing by my beliefs if their beliefs don’t align with the values I stand by.
So many of us easily adopt mainstream messages because, well, we are taught to do this from the first day of kindergarten.
Think for yourself, and then question those thoughts and beliefs, too. Why do I feel this way. Does it make sense. Does it serve myself and others well?
Things We Adopt Without Question
Social Media
If you don’t utilize social media often or are not a user of social media, you are ostracized and labeled “weird.” It’s normal for many to spend countless hours on social media apps doing absolutely nothing but stalking and staring at other people.
- Social Media’s Message: Show off your life to the world to people you don’t even know. External validation is consequential. Your social worth and self-worth are equated to the number of followers you have.
Because someone is of another skin color, we often automatically judge them or treat them differently without taking time to understand and know the individual.
- Racism’s Message: Ignorance and inhumane behavior are okay.
The more money we make, the more money we tend to spend. Most people live above their means, keep up with the latest gadgets, drive a luxurious car, or they won’t feel “cool.” It’s normal for us to hoard a bunch of pointless things that don’t add value or genuine joy to our lives.
- Materialism’s Message: Being in debt is okay because it’s important to keep up a certain image. Buy, buy, buy, and buy unintentionally. You need to have the “best.”
Many women and men feel they have to wear makeup and present themselves perfectly to the world.
- Makeup’s Message: Wake up earlier or before you go out remember to prep that bare face and contribute to the billion-dollar industry to look prettier. Your natural face isn’t good enough. The prettier you are, the better your life will be. The external you is more important than the internal you.
The Daily Stoic’s Thoughts
“It is easy to get wrapped up in our own opinions of things. It’s as if we’re adhering to invisible scripts — following instructions or patterns we don’t even understand. The more you question these scripts, and the more you subject them to the rigorous test of your education, the more you’ll be your own compass. You’ll have convictions and thoughts that are your own and belong to no one else.
Character is a powerful defense in a world that would love to be able to seduce you, buy you, tempt you, and change you. If you know what you believe and why you believe it, you’ll avoid poisonous relationships, toxic jobs, fair-weather friends, and any number of ills that afflict people who haven’t thought through their deepest concerns. That’s your education. That’s why you do this work.” — The Daily Stoic, p 132