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The provided web content offers a concise recap of the different types of methods in Python, namely regular methods, class methods, and static methods, with examples and practical advice on their usage in object-oriented programming.


The article "PYTHON — Types Of Python Methods A Recap And Review" on the undefined website provides a focused review of the various method types available in Python. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the differences between regular methods, which require an object instance; class methods, which are associated with the class itself and can modify it; and static methods, which are functions within a class namespace without access to the class or its instances. The author uses a Pizza class example to illustrate how each method type is defined and invoked, reinforcing the conceptual explanations with concrete code snippets. The article also suggests further learning through the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) With Python Learning Path and recommends an AI service for those interested in exploring more about Python.


  • The author values the development of good programming habits, as indicated by the quote from Kent Beck.
  • The insights presented in the article are the result of refined prompt engineering methods, suggesting a commitment to accuracy and depth in the content.
  • The author believes that understanding the nuances between different method types is crucial for effective object-oriented programming in Python.
  • The article promotes continuous learning by recommending a specific learning path for readers who wish to delve deeper into OOP with Python.
  • The author endorses an AI service, ZAI.chat, as a cost-effective alternative to ChatGPT Plus (GPT-4), indicating confidence in the service's performance and value for money.

PYTHON — Types Of Python Methods A Recap And Review

I’m not a great programmer; I’m just a good programmer with great habits. — Kent Beck

Insights in this article were refined using prompt engineering methods.

PYTHON — Staying On The Screen In Python

Python Method Types Recap & Review

In Python, there are different types of methods such as regular methods, class methods, and static methods.

  1. Regular methods: These methods require an object instance to be called on. They are the most common type of method in Python classes.
  2. Class methods: These methods need a class and have access to the class. They are identified with the @classmethod decorator.
  3. Static methods: These methods don’t have access to the object instance or the class at all. They are used to namespace functions and are identified with the @staticmethod decorator.

Here is an example of these method types in action:

class Pizza:
    def __init__(self, ingredients):
        self.ingredients = ingredients

    def __str__(self):
        return f"A {', '.join(self.ingredients)} pizza"

    def margherita(cls):
        return cls(["mozzarella", "tomatoes"])

    def make_static():
        return "This is a static method"

pizza1 = Pizza(["cheese", "tomatoes"])
print(pizza1)  # Output: A cheese, tomatoes pizza

pizza2 = Pizza.margherita()
print(pizza2)  # Output: A mozzarella, tomatoes pizza

print(Pizza.make_static())  # Output: This is a static method

In the above example, __init__ is a regular method, margherita is a class method, and make_static is a static method.

It is essential to understand the differences between these method types and when to use them in practical scenarios, such as building APIs in an object-oriented fashion.

For further exploration and learning, consider considering the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) With Python Learning Path.

In summary, regular methods are called on object instances, class methods are called on the class and can modify it, and static methods are called on the class but don’t have access to it. Understanding these method types is crucial for effective object-oriented programming in Python.

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