Pssst! Hey Writer! Want Some Read?
The Pub’s first draft

I had chicken with peas for dinner. Needless say, I’m pumped. Without further ado, let’s start.
Backstory for reading time
We’ve all been there.
We wrote a deep and heart-wrenching story inspired by a secret childhood memory, and nobody read it.
It’s not because it was some uninteresting crap that has been written ten thousand times already by writers ten thousand times better than us.
It’s because the Algo was mean.
BUT worry no more! We have the solution.
It’s called The Pub.
What’s new at The Pub?
1. Who are The Pioneers?
2. Economics
3. Deleted
4. Moved to the next newsletter
5. Awards and numbers
7. Tag Wall
Who are The Pioneers?
Upon request of Kristen Stark, the following Medium writers are henceforth members of The Pioneers.
Congratulations to: Kristen, Evon, Scott, and Carlos.
If you want to create a club within The Pub too, and compete with The Pioneers for the coolest club name of all time, the process is quite simple.
Do like Stark and ask in the comments.
The submission guidelines article already got 321 views and made $8.11.
We’re hoping it will reach new heights with this newsletter as it is the only way we found to reward our editors for their “work.”
You could also buy them a Guinness, although we don’t recommend it as drunk editors are not too reliable.
Awards and numbers
Big Clap Award for the article with the MOST INTERNAL VIEWS
As it should be, the most-read article of the month was the submission guidelines. Thank you, all. However, thanks to spaghetti magic, Uvebruce managed to get 200+ people to click on his title.
Well done, Uve. You win the Big Clap Award for this month.
Google Wave Award for the article with the most EXTERNAL views
The surfer of the month is Napoleon with more than 5,000 external views at the time of writing. Always Napoleooooon.
Article of the month — Editor’s pick
Written by Kristen Shitbrick Stark, this article will put you on the fast track for your next promotion at your 9 to 5. Thank me later.
Article of the month — Readers’ choice
Sorry, no article of the month in this category as we didn’t have readers.
Tag competition
As you must have noticed, we have some new tags at the top of The Pub’s page. The current list includes:
- Home, About, Submission Guidelines
- Smillew is Love
- Smillew is Magic
Now is your chance to add the tag of YOUR choice. We’re waiting for your proposals in the comment section.
Tag wall at the end
I recently asked Medium writers on Twitter if they wanted to be tagged in an article. Twelve beautiful souls answered the call. Here’s the list.
Reuben Salsa, Justy, Bob Merckel, Kristen Haveman, Kevin Alexander, Liam M, Patrick Metzger, Dexxie Flash, Joselromero $$$, Jann Christoph von der Pütten, Judey Kalchik, and chilaikalaan.
Cool stuff! Thanks for participating! :D
If you want to be on the next tag wall, leave a comment or drop me a message on Twitter.
Have a nice day!