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“Prenup or No Marriage!” Yes, Ladies Sign the Damn Paper

Here is why you should protect yourself before walking down the aisle.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Prenups are ending the era of female entitlement and some couldn’t be more pissed about it. But what they fail to realize is that there is a silver lining behind that ink paper.

I think women have to accept that this is no longer a time you could indict men with paternity claims or wiggle your way with half his assets on alimony.

Laws are put in place to fish out paternity frauds and family law will be restructured to protect men more than it used to. Change is coming and you must prepare yourself for the outcome.

As it stands now, women have more to lose in divorce suits without a prenup than with a prenup.

Do you remember Kim Kardashian’s divorce? Well, if don’t know who Kim K is I will tell you.

In 2006, Kim K rose to stardom after her ex-boyfriend leaked their sex tape. The leaked video could have ended Kim’s career, the daughter of renowned lawyer Robert Kardashian and reality TV star Kris Jenner.

But Mama Bear, Kris Jenner capitalized on the sex tape saga, started a reality TV show, “Keep Up With The Kardashians” and turned her entire family members into millionaires. In which Kim got $15 to $20 million from the show.

However, she used her fame to grow her clothing brands ‘Skims’ and ‘KKW.’ According to The New York Times, Skims is estimated to be worth $4 billion. Bringing Kim Kardashian’s net worth to $1.8 billion.

Not so bad for a former sex tape star, right?

Kim K was named the Richest Women Celebrities by Forbes right behind Oprah and Rihanna. With the wealth came admirers, critics, and envious and backstabbing friends.

But here is why Kim Kardashian’s story is so interesting. In 2014, Kim married famous American rapper Kenya West and they had a prenup before the marriage.

In the prenup, the couple agreed to keep their assets separate and have a joint account for living expenses.

When the prenup was signed, Kanye West was valued at 90 million dollars and Kim’s wealth was approximately 40 million dollars, but as of 2023, Kim is believed to be worth more than Kanye. Because Kanye lost most of his endorsements during the divorce case.

The divorce settlement states that Kanye will pay Kim $200,000 per month on child support, according to People, and will be responsible for half of the kids’ expenses, including medical coverage, education, and security. But they will have joint physical and legal custody of their four children.

As for property, the two will split their assets based on the stipulations of their prenuptial agreement. Both parties waived spousal support.

You see without the prenup Kim would have lost at least 50% of her assets in divorce settlement because she had more money than Kanye at the time of their divorce.

Other celebrities like Jay Z and Beyoncé also signed a prenup. Before their marriage, a close source to the couple said the two entered into an agreement that said Jay Z would pay Beyoncé $5 million for each child they have, along with a supplementary $1 million for every year they remain married.

The couple currently have three children and they have been married for 15 years. This means Queen Bey is already $30 million richer aside from asset division.

Janet Jackson and Wissam Al Mana’s prenup stipulated that Janet would receive $100 million if their marriage lasted for at least five years and that she would get an additional $100 million if they became parents.

Unfortunately, Jackson would have walked away with a lofty sum of $500 million on alimony and other benefits she could have claimed if there was no prenuptial agreement before the marriage. Although she could have probably spent an insane amount on attorney fees.

Why Everyone Should Get A Prenup

Some people are reluctant to sign a prenup because they are poor or have no assets. However, you never know what tomorrow holds. If you become wealthy after you’re married, you may end up liquidating your assets on settlement.

Even if you are married to a wealthy spouse, they can afford a pricey attorney who will manipulate the law in their favor leaving you with little or completely broke.

I have noticed that most people who are against prenups are those who have nothing to lose in the relationship.

We see it in Halle Berry’s divorce suit. After Berry ended her two-year-old marriage she was ordered to pay $8000 every month on child support for their 9-year-old son and 4.3% of every income she earns above $2 million.

Currently, Berry’s net worth is $90 million and you can say she walked away with a great deal with a prenup set up prior to the marriage. Since family law is set up in a way most spouse use their children as scams in other to get hefty sums they did not earn on settlement so they can live in luxury far beyond the child’s reasonable needs.

Like former NFL star, Chad Johnson who refused to sign a prenup with his fiancée, Sharelle Rosado — a successful real estate broker.

Rosado has starred in TV shows and served in the military for thirteen years before retiring under medical conditions. When Rosado served Johnson her prenup, he laughed over it.

“I found a good one, but I’m having a small issue. She (Rosado) had the nerve to bring me papers to sign a prenup,” Johnson said.

He has lived a life of luxury and wants to make sure he secures that lifestyle after the divorce.

“This woman has provided me with the ability to be a stay-at-home dad. I’m trying to get out of signing this prenup. If she leaves, I need half. I want to sustain the same lifestyle,” said Johnson.

It’s obvious Johnson sees Rosado as his money bag just like most women who refuse prenuptial agreements. Johnson has eight children from his previous relationships and he is paying child support for all his children. He had also been to jail for physically abusing his ex-wife.

Allegedly, his net worth is 10 times that of Rosado’s, but it’s possible those are not liquidable assets and might lose after a divorce which is why he’s refusing to sign a prenup.

Prenups are intended to protect both parties in case the marriage turns sour. Many studies have shown that 45% of marriages end in divorce, therefore you should have a safety net in the event of dissolution.

Some may argue that prenups signify a lack of trust and faith in your partner. Or that you are basically hoping the marriage will fail if there is a prenup in place.

If that were so, then why do we have health insurance?

Death comes without calling. Accidents can happen at any time, which is why your health insurance is paid in advance to cover expenses from such tragedies.

The same applies to prenups. Feelings can change and couples may disagree on how the other raises their children. And when that happens, divorce might be an option.

The purpose of a prenup is to prevent one party from going from poverty to wealth and vice versa. Prenups should not be one-sided. If you love someone, your priority will be to protect them and that is why a prenup clearly states how assets will be allocated, which assets are marital property and what not.

Without a prenup, you can spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on divorce fees. However, prenups make it easier for divorcing couples to split without so much hustle.

Protecting your assets is not all the prenup does. In the case of death, if your spouse is responsible for his ex’s medical finances, his ex will be entitled to some of his assets as settlement which means you will have to share his assets with his ex.

Besides, prenups are only evoked in the event of a divorce. This means without a divorce the paper stays irrelevant.

Getting a prenup when you are still in love will ensure there is fair play and consideration for both parties. Because at the period of divorce, resentments can cloud the couple’s judgment making it difficult to agree on a fair settlement.

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