Passive Income For Writers
The brainchild of a hero
Who is the hero that I write about? Dr Mehmet Yildiz! Lots of writers and readers tell me that he is their hero! He writes about technology, leadership and he also writes about arthritis, six-packs, travel exercise, and the readers love it. I enjoy these stories too.
He is my superhero !!
He takes us to new heights. He challenges us. Draws us to new platforms. He is different. He leads but works in collaboration with his team and he never lets them down. I am excited about this new publication introduced by him. It is called Passive Income For Writers (PIW). I am a writer and an editor in it.
I thought that some of our esteemed editors Tree Langdon, Lanu Pitan, Karen Madej, and Liam Ireland have written so much about Passive Income for Writers, what is there for me to write now? It turns out that I can share what they have said and then maybe add something to it if possible.
First, let me see what my other friends have written. Tree Langdon has given the different tags which are going to be useful for writing in the new publication Passive Income For Writers.
She has also given the submission guidelines. She calls it the ultimate collaboration for writers. According to her, the following tags will be useful to submit in PIW. Technology, marketing, freelancing, blogging, business, and finance, writing, opportunities, and social media.
“Creating, sharing, and collaborating are the core values of this publication.”Tree Langdon
Lanu Pitan has outlined eight profitable niches with low competition
She has explained the advantages of PIW. She said that she lost a Medium friend when her account was closed suddenly. She is concerned and In her words “You also may lose your writings, so it is best to move them to your website. And find alternative ways to monetize their blogs”.
“PIW is going to be like a business website and will look for ways to monetize the blogs” Lanu Pitan
Karen Madej has outlined her experiences with different websites such as Vocal, Newsbreak, and Vocal and has discussed the need for a publication like PIW.
The importance of this new publication according to Karen Madej,
“Alongside your new-found social media marketing skills, you can add learn how to create that passive income you’ve dreamed of for years.”
Liam Ireland wants to learn to fly a plane, to drive an Aston Martin, to sail a yacht around the world, and probably travel around the world. To achieve these dreams he thinks that PIW is the right publication for him
According to Liam Ireland
“I can make some passive income right here on Medium and that’s a good starting point”
I have read and understood such profound knowledge from these editors. I also would like to add my experience.
I am not on any platform that makes money. Medium has no MPP program in India. I am not in Vocal, Newsbreak decided to reject my application after three attempts to apply to them. I have a WordPress website that I stopped operating after I joined Medium in September 2020.
I have Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and Quora which are mainly my social media sites.
My dream is of the future. When Medium has an operative MPP program in India, Passive Income For Writers is the publication that will fulfill my dreams too. Then I can also travel around the world.
I invite all the writers and readers to join Passive Income For Writers and the invitation by Dr Mehmet Yildiz is given right here: