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On a Date With The Muse

Another Çonversation With The Muse

PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook for Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers (100-word challenge)

Out on a date with The Muse… “You’re really struggling with this prompt picture, aren’t you?” The Muse smirks as Tannille nods. Clearly, The Muse is relishing in the power. “Do you have anything?” “Well, I could always pick my toenails… no? How about picking the flake off my heels, a vibrating burp, or a ripper of a fart?” “Gross. Now, you’re plagiarising Mark’s bad blind date story.” “Not my fault. I have zero control over what gets stuck in your head.” Tannille looks out the window and changes the subject. “Do you think there is a serial killer out there?” “Sure, you want to go hunting.” “Let’s go…”

Story Background

This gem was inspired by two stories. The first, Mark Baquiran’s blind date. Fantastic read. Check it out (link below). The second, Adrian CDTPPW’s story on who gets to decide who is worthy (to live). I struggle with serial killers in this debate (kind of the point). Just a bit of light reading before bed. It amuses me what lingers in the brain.

Anyway, The Muse wants to go hunting and she can. Fiction is awesome!

Originally published at http://tannille.com on September 14, 2023.

Flash Fiction
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