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Oh No! Hide Under the Bed! Roz Just Got Her Hands on Another Writing Prompt

Silly injuries, specific museums and winning the lottery

With my pal Anne at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. (author photo)

Answering writing prompts has become my favorite way to procrastinate when I’m supposed to be working on an actual essay and Sharon Meyers just published this one, so here I go:

If you could jump into a pool of anything, what would it be full of?

Water! I’m a swimmer. I love to swim. I swim every day. The best thing you can possibly fill a pool with is water.

What is the weirdest thing you’ve eaten?

I don’t eat weird things. I only eat ordinary things.

What’s the silliest way you’ve ever gotten an injury?

A few years ago, I broke my toe when I went outside at night, barefoot, to admire the stars and stubbed it on a rock. After which I resolved to always wear shoes, both indoors and out. Protective footwear was the way to go. No more broken toes for me!

So naturally, on the last day of my next vacation, after placing my shoes beside the bed before I turned in so I wouldn’t even have to cross the room without them, I got out of bed in the middle of the night, tripped over a shoe… and broke my toe.

What is the weirdest thing in your home?


If your phone could talk, what’s the most embarrassing thing it would reveal about you?

If my phone could talk, it would keep my secrets. We’re just that close.

Have you ever had a nickname?

Nope. I have no idea what, if anything, this says about me.

If you could only listen to one band/artist for the rest of your life, who would it be?

It would be Jonathan Coulton.

What is one super-specific museum you would visit?

I would visit any museum. It doesn’t have to be super specific. There’s always something interesting to look at and the air is usually really moist, to protect the paintings. Gotta love the combination of great visuals and moist air.

What’s the best compliment you ever received?

Every time a reader tells me that something I’ve written has made them laugh it makes my day. Especially if I’ve made them laugh so hard that coffee comes out their nose. I live for compliments like that.

If you won the lottery, what are the three top things you would do first?

Tell my sister, go into hiding and hire an accountant.

Is there something you should be writing? Why not answer this writing prompt instead? And tag me when you do!

Writing Coach and editor-for-hire Roz Warren, who writes for everyone from the Funny Times to the New York Times, can help you improve and publish your work. Drop her a line at [email protected]. (That’s Ros with an “s,” not a “z.”)

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