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The article discusses the modern dating phenomenon of "fuckboys," offering insights into their characteristics and warning signs, emphasizing why it's important to recognize and avoid such individuals for a healthy relationship.


The piece delves into the prevalence of men who exhibit "fuckboy" behavior in dating, characterized by entitlement, controlling tendencies, self-centeredness, lack of effort in relationships, laziness, and excessive dependence on their families. It underscores the significance of understanding these traits to prevent emotional investment in them, given their lack of direction, purpose, and unwillingness to grow or take responsibility. The article suggests that these behaviors stem from a lack of proper upbringing and societal changes that have left many men without a clear role or sense of achievement, leading to a lifetime of dissatisfaction for them and their partners.


  • The author believes that contemporary dating is often superficial and that many people, particularly men, adopt a "fuckboy" persona, which is harmful in relationships.
  • It is opined that modern men are facing a "purpose void" due to changing societal roles and expectations, contributing to their "fuckboy" tendencies.
  • Parents are seen as contributors to the problem by not raising sons to be independent, risk-takers, or to have a sense of accomplishment.
  • The article asserts that men who display a sense of entitlement, controlling behavior, self-gratification, lack of effort, laziness, and over-attachment to family are of low value and not suitable for a healthy relationship.
  • Women are advised not to invest emotionally in such men as they are unlikely to change and are not capable of contributing to a balanced and constructive partnership.

Nope, He Didn’t Change! He Has Always Been a Fuckboy

Master how to read a fuckboy and save yourself from their drama.

Photo by Vera Arsic

These days dating is meaningless. Everyone is faking and pretending to be who they are not.

It’s no surprise the term “fuckboy” or “fuckgirl” is used very often to describe someone who gave you the impression that you are the centre of their world, only for you to be unceremoniously dumped, which is another definition for ghosting.

Then you find out they have been telling different people the same fat-ass-lie.

But today, let’s talk about the fuckboys, how to identify them and why you shouldn’t spend your tears on them when they ghost you.

You see, the reality is that most men today are lost. They act as victims because they have lost focus on becoming strong, smart, and self-reliant. They have abandoned trying to become the greatest version of themselves.

The old purpose of the boys was to serve in the war or to be the sole breadwinner in the family. With fewer boys needed as soldiers and fewer boys needed as sole heads of households, many boys experience a “purpose void.”

Unfortunately, parents contribute to the identity problem men face. Parents raise sons to be helpless and avoid risk, lowering their expectations and rewarding their childhood whims.

As the child matures without a sense of accomplishment, pride, confidence, ability, and willingness to take risks and opportunities, he avoids challenges.

Without discipline, the boys fail and are soon ashamed of themselves and afraid to dream.

The long-term results for them and those individuals they connect with can be devastating, establishing a lifetime of dissatisfaction for all involved.

If a man has no sense of direction, a constructive mind to create his future, and lacks the willingness to learn — to accept the evolutionary dynamic of man and nature, then that is the last man you should keep by your side.

To help you identify fuckboys easily, these are some traits to know these badly raised men with low value and no purpose.

1. They always feel entitled

A sense of superiority resides in self-entitled men. These men expect you to wash their dishes, wash their clothes and take care of them like little children.

This type of behavior would appear to be guided by an unrealistic view of the world, which includes the assumption of favorable living conditions and treatment. Watch out for these men as they can spend the rest of their life acting like you are their mother.

2. He wants to have his way all the time

Controllers will try to dominate and intimidate you and are often jealous and wary of your relationships with other people. They will keep an eye on you at all times of the day and will want to know who you go out with.

If you feel that you are being bullied or manipulated by the guy you are dating, it is time to immediately stop contact as this is a form of abuse.

3. He’s engrossed in self-gratification

If you are with someone who tends to put their needs first, shows little interest in you and your passions, and considers themselves the best man in the world, it’s time to notice that you are dating someone selfish and arrogant.

There is no room for you to grow because everything revolves around him. If he doesn’t take care of your emotional or physical needs, whatever needs you may have, it’s about time you leave the ship.

4. He puts no effort into the relationship

When it comes to dating, the guy is not the only one who should make an effort. However, if you’re the one who always contacts him, have to make plans, and often feels like you have to do whatever it takes to keep your connection alive, then this is a guy you should avoid.

Both of you need to commit to spending time together and getting to know each other. But if you are doing all the giving and getting nothing in return, this is not a healthy relationship.

5. He’s too lazy to be ambitious

This man has no interest in improving his life. He is not motivated. He doesn’t take responsibility for his actions. He doesn’t take accountability for anything or anyone, especially you, and this is something you should worry about. Because if he is lazy with himself, he will become lazy with you.

For men, their purpose in life is critical to their overall well-being. So if he can’t rely on his goal, he won’t show up for a relationship in the best possible way.

6. He is too attached to his family

There’s nothing wrong with loving your family, but a man who doesn’t live a life independent away from his family — financially, emotionally, and physically — is likely not suitable for a healthy relationship.

You want to know that you two are the team and that his loyalty is with you, not his family. Instead of feeling like his girlfriend and number one priority, you will often play the role of the “mother, maid, and lover.”

Dating a low-value immature man can have a huge effect on your overall well-being. You have to understand that you cannot change him.

If you choose to stay in the relationship, you must accept that this person is not capable of anything more. Healthy relationships are forged by two adults ready to take responsibility for their actions and be obliged to work together as a team.

If a guy has an inflated ego and shows no signs of mental, physical, and financial growth, the best thing you can do is stop dating him.

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