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The author outlines a three-step plan to transition from a depressing commuter lifestyle to a fulfilling career as a content creator within a year, leveraging writing, YouTube, and passive income strategies.


The author, disillusioned by the prospect of a future spent in a monotonous office job, shares a personal crisis experienced during a lunchtime walk. Despite previous progress in income diversification, the author's writing revenue recently declined. However, they achieved YouTube monetization and published a book, providing new income streams. With a goal to retire comfortably, the author's plan involves focusing on two platforms—Medium and YouTube—publishing content daily, and tracking progress publicly. The strategy is underpinned by the belief that consistent production is key to success in content creation, inspired by the success of others like Eve Arnold, who wrote daily for years.


  • The author is deeply dissatisfied with the traditional commuter lifestyle and office work, viewing it as unfulfilling and a path to an unhappy future.
  • Consistency in content creation is emphasized as the most crucial factor for success, with the author planning to publish daily without exception.
  • The author values the synergy between written content and YouTube videos, aiming to create content that can thrive on both platforms.
  • There is a strong belief that only through relentless productivity can one achieve the financial independence necessary to escape the commuter lifestyle.
  • The author is transparent about their financial goals and current earnings, suggesting a desire for accountability and community support in their journey.
  • The author sees diversification of income streams—writing, YouTube, and dividends—as a viable path to financial independence.

My audacious 3 step plan to leave commuter life behind in a year

I went for a walk downtown on my lunch break yesterday and I got so depressed.

Then I got inspired.

I was depressed because I saw what my future would be if I didn’t make a change right now.

Sad-looking, scruffy, out-of-shape office workers 10–12 years older than me, taking an hour off from their boring jobs to shovel garbage food in their mouths before shuffling off to sit in front of screens for another 4 hours before the hourlong drive home to suburbia.

I’ve never been shy about my desire to leave the commuter life behind.

Six months ago, I felt like I was getting there.

As I explained in the video below, I was getting close to making a full-time income from writing alone:

The bad news is my writing income fell off a cliff.

The good news is that, around the same time, I achieved full YouTube monetization. And I published my first printed book on KDP (affiliate link).

I also have about $11,000 in cash from writing to buy passive income financial instruments.

So I have options.

But I know that only one thing will ensure my success: I need to be more consistent and productive than anyone else out there.

I know I harp on this a lot, but it really is the most important thing to remember: Consistency is everything in content creation.

This is something Eve Arnold talks about a lot.

She wrote every day for nearly 3 years and now she’s in a position to walk away if she wants.

The simple fact of the matter is: People who produce, get paid.

People who produce only when they feel like it can do fine … but never good enough to leave the commuter life behind.

For me, fine isn’t good enough anymore.

I can’t go on living among the sad-sack office workers and wondering if I could really make a living at this and control my own destiny.

I need to know.

So here’s how I’m going to find out.

Commuter life … I’m over it. (Image licensed by the author under the Unsplash+ License)

Step 1

I will focus in on 2 platforms only: the one you’re reading now and YouTube. I will primarily produce content that can synergistically live on both.

Step 2

I will live up to the name if this Publication and PUBLISH EVERY DAY. No exceptions — either here or on YouTube, you’ll find something from me for the next 365.

Step 3

I’ll be accountable to myself — and anyone who wants to take this journey with me — by posting my progress toward my goal every day (so get email alerts to keep track!).

It’ll look like this:

Publish Every Day Goal Tracker

How much I need to retire comfortably: $250 CAD per day

What I earned yesterday: $19.64 (writing), $0.99 (YouTube), $0.66 (dividends)

What I published:

  • This Substack post about the 13 stocks that helped me crush the market last year
  • This YouTube video:

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  8. Bruce Springsteen’s 1 effective fitness tip for staying cut at 70
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