avatarFred: Almost Famous


“Me, Myself & I”: Healthy, Wealthy, & Wife

NOT QUITE THE EXPECTED: “Healthy, Wealthy, and WISE” !

This is one of myMe” and … stories … true stories from my life. №.17: “Me” and ‘The Wife’!

HEALTHY; WEALTHY and WIFE ! * photo by Karolina Gabowska on Pexels (words added by author)

I imagine that when you first saw my headline, you read it as: ** “Me, Myself, and I … HEALTHY, WEALTHY, and WISE” **

That’s why I added the sub-title … to give you an immediate ‘correction’. You may not know where exactly I’m going with this right now, but at least, I’ve got you onto the right track: its “HEALTHY … WEALTHY … and WIFE

Shall we continue?

The background thinking to this story:

What made me think of my wife regarding: ‘Health’ and ‘Wealth’? Well, I was about to write a story about my own life’s happiness and associated factors when I realized that my wife plays a big part in how it all pans out:

My wife plays a big part in how my life pans out

And on thinking about this further, two additional thoughts came to mind:

1: Is she a lover of exercise like outdoor activities, and sport, and if so, has it ‘rubbed-off’ on me?, and, Is she dripping in dollars, and if so does that ‘rub-off’ on me too?

2: Is my own health and wealth because of her guidance? Is my own health & wealth due to my wife’s influence? Does she (in any way) direct the way I live, and thus influence life & lifestyle outcomes?

Well, as far as the first thought is concerned (exercise), I have to tell you that although I personally have participated in sport for much of my middle-adult-life (whilst being married to her) … including as a football player up until my mid 50s, she herself, is not (and never has been) an active participant in such activities … being more drawn to such ‘sports’ as card-playing where she reveals herself to be a champion card-counter. (The only games venue that she has been banned from is a casino!)

Never-the-less, I have to admit that ‘her influence on me and my lifestyle’ has indeed been great, and has given me ‘an edge’ on health & wealth. (If indeed I have ‘an edge’ on these things!).

So, How influential is she … really? The answer is … she’s been a GREAT INFLUENCE … and still is!

It didn’t take me long to remember that several of my previously-published stories had touched upon this topic, and, without being particularly focused on health & wealth, they are, none-the-less very instructive.

But first, I thought you’d maybe like to see her, so here she is in these photos of our wedding (in 1977) and together earlier this year (2023):

FRED and KATIE … 1977 Wedding (in England) … and in 2023 near our home in Australia * family photos

Some of my previously-published ‘wife’ stories:

Do have a read, and see what you think:

1: A bit-of-fun read:

2: I called her ‘My Princess’:

3: Our beautiful honeymoon (it continues to this day):

If you have read the above three stories, you’ll now know that:

She influence my life: SHE CARES … and I love her dearly

And I tell her so … every day.


Is there anyone in your life that you care about, and perhaps you’ve never told them? Maybe a friend or colleague, or, someone close like a partner. If so, the following short story is just for you. It’ll give you a ‘tool’ to use when you decide to tell them (especially if you’d like to add a touch of mystery to your message):


“Me” Story №.17: “Me” and ‘The Wife’! “Healthy … Wealthy … and Wife by Fred: writer on Medium ***** © Fred Ogden 2023 ***** Email: [email protected]

Original Photo by Brett Sayles on Pexels (wording added by author)

* * * (Feel free to share it on social media if that’s your scene) * * *

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And for extra “Me” Story reads: Click Here to see all my“Me-Stories Collection”.




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Health And Wellness
My Wife Rocks
Happiness In Life
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