avatarJonathan Townend, RMN - Editor - Friend of Medium


Communities / Giving A Helping Hand

Let’s Think About Writing Communities Today And How They Help

It’s about writer’s supporting writer’s so, let’s do it

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Quote.cc describes a community as being an “ …essential part of human existence as it unites people and gives them power, and many people feel they cannot live without a community around them. It helps to build connections and never lets us feel alone. It improves relationships, leading everyone to have a better life. Helping others can be just as fulfilling as receiving help from someone else.”

Dr Chris Bagley (Tutor, Lecturer, Research Supervisor at The Institute of Education, University College Hospital, and Director of Research at States of Mind, has this to say about humans & society:

It is not possible for a person to exist alone. We cannot become ‘a self’ in a social vacuum. We shape each other’s characters and expand or limit their opportunity for growth through social interaction in real time, all the time. Messages we receive from birth about who we are define what person we become. Neurons in our brains form intricate pathways as a consequence of our engagement with the social world and at a cellular level, our selves are shaped by the messages we receive about our place in the world.

Hence, there are no atomized individuals, only persons in relation. If denied social stimulation infants fail to develop physically and mentally, as demonstrated in the heart-breaking documentary, Bulgaria’s Abandoned Children. This is why children in care, or subject to an atmosphere devoid of love, find it hard to thrive in the world

Behind every successful human being is at least one successful relationship; a touchstone around which a stable sense of self can develop.

The British Psychological Society. (BPS, 24th May, 2022)

Essentially, this is precisely what we are all doing, every single one of us here on the Medium platform…

We are creating, encouraging, growing, supporting, and fostering an atmosphere of friendship & wellness by writing and sharing what we enjoy doing.

What so many people believe is that this is just another form of having a hobby, or perhaps even another job, another form of income.

But that isn’t it, is it?


It’s about fueling our positive mental health.

Something of a topic that is sadly not considered by many social communities today still.

But quite important, and very true.

Image created by the author in CANVA PRO.

Caring for ourselves everyday is not simply about eating the right foods and making certain that we drink plenty of clear fluids such as water, that’s purely about meeting our physical needs.

But it is so much more than that.

It’s about being able to self-focus.

Self-focusing on ourselves.

Our very own personal mental health, our mental wellness.

“Try to think about that gas tank in your car, when it’s full, your car is happy to keep going but, when it it’s empty, it quickly shuts up shop and won’t budge until you fill it up once more…”

Jonathan Townend, RMN / Editor

Now consider yourself this time.

If you don’t eat or drink regularly, for want of another way to say it, you will eventually ‘shut up shop’ too, won’t you?

That is where focusing on your self awareness, knowing the signs that you are not quite happy, and doing something to counteract it, is vital.

Going back to the empty gas tank idea, becoming self-aware is the way to notice when your own ‘mental wellness tank’ is empty.

So fill it up…

So, let’s take a look at some easy ways to fill your human mental wellness tank up, the first one is easier than you could even imagine.

A great way to help fill up your ‘wellness tank’ is by writing or journaling.

The advantages of both journaling and writing, very much speak for themselves as you can read for yourselves from these couple of articles I have written before, here on Medium:

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They can support you in enabling your troubled mind to release all those thoughts and worries that have been weighing heavily on your mind and which rapidly empty that ‘wellness’ tank of yours; effectively topping that tank up and resetting your wellness meter.

The saying “a problem shared is a problem halved” expresses the idea that, when in difficulties it is useful to talk to someone about them. This phrase was first used in print within the English newspaper The Morecambe Guardian, November 1931

That is what the very essence of NO SHAME is all about.

So, why not come aboard and find out for yourself?

Why not come and join the rest of our writers who actively contribute to this publication too?

Wondering why I am tagging you?

Firstly, if you don’t wish to be tagged, then please do let me know, and I will remove your name. Yet, You are included because, this publication aims to encourage you all in participating towards a healthy community.

Let’s support each one of us here at Medium, to grow together as a mentally positive & stigma free community.

MelissaWithAPen Juniper Riess Klara Jane Holloway Dr. Tracy Davis Mary Kay Ranger Ann~ Cheree’ Means Patricia Ross Noreen (Writer) Danijel Crncec Kajal Kamani Daniel Ng Sherry Atkinson Khadija Rana hurea The AuDHD Philosopher Wild Wombat Nicola de Vera DeryaSefer @ IdeaMastery Salman Khan Abby Laporte Kari Nieves

Perhaps you would like to become a writer for No Shame, if you would like to, then please click on the link below to find out more:

My writing is supported wholly by all of you who are kind enough to read my work.

If you would like to support me further, then why not ‘but me a coffee’ too☕?

Image created by the author in CANVA.
Mental Health Awareness
Emotional Health
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