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When You Write About The Wondrous Power Of Writing

What makes people read more about how to write today

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

“If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn’t brood. I’d type a little faster.”

Isaac Asimov.

Certainly, an inspiring thought from Asimov don’t you think?

But what is it that makes us write?

✍We write to communicate with others across this world that we share together, to stimulate interest or action from our readers.

✍We write to help you in reflecting on our experiences and to learn from them.

✍Writing helps us to think, learn, and understand.

✍The University of Nottingham sums up writing as a tool that, “offers you time and space to re-draft and re-focus your message. In this way, it is easier than spoken communication. When speaking, you must think of words and immediately release them to the audience, and once spoken there is no opportunity to ‘edit’ them before they are heard.”

But there is still that unanswered question.

Why do YOU choose to write?

That’s just it. You choose to write, nobody forces you.

I know that I choose to write because it supports me through everyday life.

  • It can help with managing anxiety.
  • It can help to promote an understanding of the world around you.
  • Writing can help you gain a sense of direction when all around you feels as if it’s crumbling under your feet.
  • Writing provides a sense of release when your mind is overflowing, and you can’t make head or tail of any of it; simply putting words onto paper can help create some logical interpretation of it all.
  • It’s therapeutic for your own self-care, self-worth, and confidence.
  • Writing can support you when you just can’t get to sleep. Far better than counting those unruly sheep when, try as you might, they won’t jump that damn gate.
  • Psychiatry taught me a valuable lesson in life, which is that managing our grief can help us discover a healthy outlet through our writing.
Image courtesy of GIPHY.

Have you noticed that everybody is gaining something from writing about writing today?

So, why do you write?

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