avatarVictoria Hydes


The author shares a personal travelogue featuring a collection of unique and memorable signs encountered on their journeys, reflecting on the joy and humor these signs bring to the travel experience.


In a delightful exploration of travel memories, the author presents a curated selection of signs from various destinations around the world. These signs range from city name landmarks to quirky shopfronts and thoughtful park rules, each offering a glimpse into the culture and character of the places visited. The author expresses a particular fondness for capturing photos with city name signs, viewing them as a highlight of their travels. They also appreciate the stories and local flavors that other, more spontaneous signs represent, such as a boutique in Sorrento with a cheeky sign about lunch breaks or a national park sign in Croatia that emphasizes the importance of respecting nature. The piece is interspersed with the author's musings on the significance of these signs and their ability to encapsulate a moment or a place, as well as references to other Medium articles that explore similar themes.


  • The author finds personal joy and a sense of accomplishment in finding and photographing large city name signs.
  • There is an appreciation for the cultural nuances and humor reflected in the signs, such as the trust implied by an unattended Italian boutique during lunch hours.
  • The author admires the respect given to the natural beauty of Plitvice Lakes National Park, as evidenced by the adherence to a sign's message.
  • A sense of amusement is conveyed regarding a Costa Rican bar's inclusive and whimsical bathroom signage.
  • The piece suggests that signs can be more than just directions or rules; they can capture the essence of a location and its people.
  • The author acknowledges a break from posting on Medium and expresses intentions to become more active on the platform.
  • There is an endorsement of other Medium articles that delve into the themes of signs and their cultural significance, suggesting they are worth reading for those interested in the topic.

It’s All In The Signs

Some of my favourite signs

Guess where this was taken? 😉 (Photo by Author)

I have found this month’s challenge an interesting one to explore, and have enjoyed going back through my travel photos from over the years for inspiration.

When travelling, I actually actively try to seek out a particular type of sign. I always find having my photo taken in front of a large city name sign is a huge boost to my day — sad as that might be! For example, I missed this one on my first visit to Budapest, so was pleased to find it on Margaret Island when I returned a few years later.

Other signs, however, are encountered more randomly, and so I’m happy to share with you some particularly memorable gems.

Eating Pasta — Photo by Author

Whilst shopping in Sorrento, we passed this gorgeous little boutique, and my first thought was how the owners dared to undertake such an act. It reflects well on the neighbourhood and Italy as a whole, I supposed, as sadly in the UK something would have likely been stolen or vandalised. And they offered no simple, ambiguous ‘Back in 10’ either; instead we can imagine them enjoying a homemade pasta dish they’ve probably been anticipating for hours.

Appreciating Natural Beauty — Photo by Author

This sign in Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia has always stuck with me, as I just love the quote and the way it sums up what exploring such a pristine area should be all about. I also love how much this rule has clearly been respected by visitors, as the park remains a beautiful place to visit.

Would Poop Here Again — Photo by Author

In a Costa Rican bar, I found a toilet that was not only ungendered, but also catered for the likes of mermaids, aliens and even Batman! You have to wonder who or what they might have seen over time. Perhaps there’s a fun fiction in there. Very highly rated too! Would poop again.

Any Shopaholic’s Dream — Photo by Author

Other notable mentions include this establishment in Prague that certainly has the right idea about everyone’s priorities!

Free wine? If only! — Photo by Author

Whilst this one in a pretty Portuguese village has truly mastered the art of good marketing.

Cats. That’s the picture — Photo by Author

And this particularly ominous sign in Antalya is very stark indeed… After all, shouldn’t we always be at least a little wary of our fluffy feline friends…?

I hope you enjoyed my whirlwind showcase of signs around the world, as I try to get back into posting on Medium again after a break.

This piece by Kenny Minker also shows off some eerily fascinating signs.

And I love the way Adrienne Beaumont captures the Croatian National Park I explored in Photo 3 too. You will see why the sentiment is so important.

Happy New Year everyone!

Monthly Challenge
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