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The author has switched from Google Analytics to Fathom Analytics due to dissatisfaction with GA4's interface and performance, finding Fathom to be a more user-friendly and efficient alternative.


The author expresses frustration with the new GA4 interface, citing increased navigation complexity and slower statistics reporting compared to the previous version of Google Analytics. They emphasize the importance of real-time stats and a user-friendly dashboard for managing multiple websites. After discovering Fathom Analytics through a recommendation, the author has transitioned to this new traffic tracker, praising its simplicity, sleek design, and ease of setup. Fathom Analytics offers the ability to import Google Analytics stats, provides real-time monitoring, and has a pricing model that scales with traffic levels. The author finds the service to be a delight to use and worth the investment, despite not being technically inclined or an SEO expert.


  • The author is dissatisfied with GA4, finding it less intuitive and slower than the previous Google Analytics version.
  • Real-time data and a straightforward dashboard are important to the author for managing their websites effectively.
  • Fathom Analytics is perceived as a significant improvement over GA4, with a simple, sleek dashboard and quick setup process.
  • The author values the ease of use and is willing to pay for a service that simplifies their daily site management.
  • Fathom Analytics' ability to import historical data from Google Analytics is seen as a valuable feature.
  • The author believes that Fathom Analytics is worth the cost due to its user-friendly interface and efficient performance.
  • The author recommends Fathom Analytics to others, suggesting it as a preferred alternative to Google Analytics.

I Quit Google Analytics — Here’s what I use instead now

Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

Ever since Google Analytics switched to GA4 a few months ago, it’s been a total pain for me to navigate. I’m clicking around in my dashboard at least 4X as much, not truly finding what I need to find.

The stats I get from GA4 are slow, too. Maybe that’s the norm but the old Google Analytics wasn’t like that.

I have to wait a few hours after the day ends to get my stats for that day.

For example, I wait until 3 am on Tuesday to see Monday’s stats.

I’m not very technical and I’m not an SEO but, I do run multiple websites and getting my stats in real time and from a user-friendly dashboard is important to me.

So, I found an alternative.

This is what I use now…

I Quit Google Analytics and Now Use This Traffic Tracker

It’s called Fathom Analytics.

I don’t think I would’ve ever come across this traffic tracker but, one of the course creators I follow started using it for his sites and recommended it.

I’m on a free trial and I really like it so far.

Here’s what it looks like…

Fathom Analytics

The dashboard is simple and sleek…

Fathom Analytics

The referral info and other stats look like this…

Fathom Analytics
Fathom Analytics

Fathom Analytics Features

Once you get set up, you can import your Google Analytics stats into your Fathom dashboard.

Monitoring one or more sites is super easy to do. It literally took me 2 minutes to get my website set up.

I love this dashboard look and navigation so much better than Google Analytics.

People put Google as the gold standard and I understand why, but, at the end of the day, I’m managing my site from day to day.

I want it to be easy on me and I don’t mind paying for it!

Fathom Analytics Pricing

How much does Fathom Analytics cost?

The pricing changes based on your traffic levels. It starts from under 100K to 25M views per month, at $14/month to $274/month. Here’s a clipped version of the Fathom Analytics pricing table.

Fathom Analytics

Is Fathom Analytics worth it?

Absolutely. It makes my life easier. It’s actually a delight to check my traffic stats now.

Click here to check out Fathom Analytics and start your free trial.

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Google Analytics
Business Owner
Niche Websites
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