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How to Identify a Karmic Relationship So You Don't Waste Too Much Time

One day it's sweet and the next it turns sour

(Photo: Pixabay)

I. What is A Karmic Relationship?

A karmic relationship is an agreement made between two souls before reincarnating on earth to help each other’s souls evolve. From a spiritual perspective, karmics are teachers and helpers.

Karmics — the two souls involved in the karmic relationship — recognize that there are lessons they still need to learn, so they recruit each other as helpers. This is why there’s usually an instant connection because you recognize them. You feel magnetically drawn to them, but deep within you know something isn’t quite right.

Karmic relationships come to help you break free from toxic cycles and patterns carried over from past lifetimes. It teaches you important life lessons you have failed to learn. It shows you all that can be wrong with a relationship, so you can steer clear of such relationship patterns.

A karmic relationship can feel like a soulmate relationship because of the intense attraction, but the difference between the two is that a soulmate relationship isn’t toxic or chaotic.

Karmic relationships are often very toxic. They are some of the most frustrating relationships you will ever find yourself in. They are filled with intense passion and pleasure but also with death-like pain at the same time.

Karmic relationships come to help you break free from toxic cycles and patterns carried over from past lifetimes.

II. How to Identify A Karmic Relationship

Identifying a karmic relationship is very tricky. There’s a good chance you’ll be in the thick of it before you know it.

One of the most common signs of a karmic relationship is the roller coaster of emotions. Things are never quite consistent, and while you may have good, even wonderful days where everything seems perfect, it’s only a matter of time before things turn sour.

If you’ve ever experienced a bond that feels so magnetic, but with a turbulent and chaotic twist from the beginning, it’s likely a karmic relationship. Those highs and lows repeat themselves over and over again because they are the same patterns you may have carried over into this lifetime.

Because they are about teaching you important life lessons, they will be full of red flags, especially at the beginning of the relationship, but you become so addicted to them that you find it very difficult to break it off. Even with the many red flags that will be presented to you, you put on rose-colored glasses and come up with every excuse to stay.

But there’s a price to pay for staying.

The extreme nature of such a toxic relationship can bring the worst out of even the most level-headed people. It can turn you into something you are not! You will find yourself doing and acting in ways you wouldn’t normally act. And you will almost always regret your actions.

All the chaos, the ups and downs, the frustrating life, and codependency become mentally, emotionally, and energetically exhausting. You’ll get tired of it after the initial spark is gone, but you won’t let it go because you both become codependent on each other. Soul ties form.

If you’ve ever experienced a bond that feels so magnetic, but with a turbulent and chaotic twist from the beginning, it’s likely a karmic relationship.

III. How to Break Away From a Karmic Relationship

You have to see the relationship for what it is. It’s meant to teach you things that will prepare you for a lifelong relationship, but they are meant to last a lifetime.

You can hold on to your karmic relationships as tight as you can, but they aren’t meant to last; if they do, it will surely be a miserable life. And you will keep reincarnating until you finally learn the lesson.

Because of how addicting the relationship gets, significant strength and self-love are required to break and walk away from it.

When the time is right and the work has been done, your soul will release them from their assignment. You will learn your lesson, cut your losses, and move on with your life.

And then you will be free!

Because of how addicting karmic relationship can get, significant strength and self-love is required to break away.

IV. Important Lessons From Karmic Relationships

Karmic relationships will almost always feel like love at first sight, but there is no such thing as love at first sight. It takes time to get to know another person.

A karmic will almost always want to move very fast. Don’t rush to move in with a person you just met. The most stable relationships start slow. Question it when someone wants to move in with you right away.

Karmics will almost always be getting out of a relationship when you meet them. Dating a person fresh out of a relationship is the worst thing to do. If someone is just out of a relationship, they haven’t taken the time to reflect on their past relationship, learn from their mistakes and properly heal from it so they will more than likely bring over trauma and emotional baggage which becomes your trauma and baggage.

Most karmic partners will look like they need saving. Like they need help. Stop thinking you can save and heal every person you meet. You may be a healer or a helper, but you're not God. You can’t save anyone and you can’t change them either.

Also, karmics will always present you with red flags right from the beginning. People will always show you who they are if you pay attention. If a person shows you who they are in the beginning, believe them. The red flags you’re ignoring now will be the same reason the relationship ended.

Your intuition will always try to tell you the truth. Listen to it. Those uncomfortable feelings that tell you something aren’t quite right from the beginning? You must listen to it.

And listen to the messengers the universe places on your path. They will try to forewarn you. If you disregard these messages; you disregard the universe’s attempt to save you from horrible situations!

If something feels off about a person, place, or thing, something is off.

V. What to Do After a Karmic Relationship

After you get out of your karmic relationship, it's best to avoid all rebound relationships and focus on healing. Allow yourself time to process what has happened. Take the time to learn your lessons. If you rush too quickly into another romantic relationship, you’ll likely fall into the same karmic patterns because, obviously, you didn't get it.

When you cut the cord with the karmic, put the focus back on yourself. The karmic relationship presents opportunities to learn important things about yourself so you can master and love yourself.

No matter what has happened, don't hate the other person. You may be tempted to hate them for what has happened, but how can you hate someone who is just doing what you agreed upon?

Look on the bright side.

A karmic relationship comes to speed up your spiritual growth and bring you an awakening, wisdom, self-love, and soul evolution, all of which will make you who you were created to be. It’ll lead you to find yourself, step into your power, and help you move toward greater love and peace within yourself.

© 2022 Kimberly Fosu. All rights reserved.

Note: This article is only meant to provide spiritual guidance and lighthearted content.

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