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The article discusses a mindful approach to online writing that prioritizes personal fulfillment and enjoyment over the pursuit of growth metrics such as money, fame, claps, and comments.


The author of the article emphasizes the importance of writing for intrinsic reasons rather than external validation. They suggest that writers should focus on having fun, gaining knowledge, building discipline, boosting confidence, being honest, and self-discovery, rather than obsessing over audience size or revenue. The article argues that by removing the pressure of growth and avoiding comparisons with others, writers can find true satisfaction in their craft, which paradoxically may lead to organic growth. The author encourages readers to apply these principles to their writing practice for a more fulfilling and potentially successful writing experience.


  • Writing should be enjoyable and not solely a means to achieve fame or money, similar to how sex should not be pursued only for procreation.
  • Obsessing over growth can detract from the joy of writing and ultimately hinder one's development as a writer.
  • Comparing oneself to others is unproductive and can lead to feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction.
  • Writing has transformative potential, but only when approached with the right mindset and intentions.
  • The true measure of success in writing is the personal growth and satisfaction derived from the process, not external markers of achievement.
  • By focusing on personal improvement and making writing fun, writers can achieve a sense of fulfillment that may also lead to increased readership and success.

How I Write Online (Without Obsessing Over Growth)

The irony? Once applied, you’ll grow.

Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

We all always want more.

No wonder because you need to have more than others to be someone. More claps, more comments, and more money. But while we chase growth, we often waste our lives and miss the fun.

But we can do better.

It’s time to stop wasting your life chasing growth.

Try this instead.

Ask yourself this question

What am I in for?

Are you only in for the money? Or the fame?

Then do yourself a favor: quit.

Writing for the money and fame is like only having sex to make babies. Babies are a (sometimes) pleasant byproduct of sex.

But they shouldn’t be its only goal.

The same goes for writing. Fame and money can be cool, but they shouldn’t be why you’re writing.

Instead, let’s focus more on something worth writing for:

  • having fun
  • getting smarter
  • building discipline
  • gaining confidence
  • embracing honesty
  • learning more about yourself

Writing has the power to change your life for the better.

But only if you pursue writing for higher purposes.

Make writing fun

Nobody has fun with a gun aimed at his head.

Take off the pressure. It’s great others have success on here.

But this doesn’t mean you’re a loser if you don’t.

Because the main reason you should be writing for is fun. If you don’t enjoy writing, you’ll never make it big. It’s that simple.

You can use all the hacks, but writing is a waste of time without fun.

Obsessing over growth can kill your fun. Which eventually will kill your growth. Don’t let it come this far.

Focus on the fun, and the growth will follow.

Stop comparing yourself

You won’t get anywhere comparing yourself.

It’s easy to get lost when you compare yourself to others. I’ve been there, too.

When I was exercising in the gym, I was constantly comparing myself to others. I hated it, but I couldn’t help myself. I felt miserable seeing how they looked and that they were doing better.

I stopped going to the gym and started working out outside.

The fitness content I consumed was only for education, not entertainment or comparison anymore. I understood what I had to do to get the results I wanted.

Now, I feel better than ever. I still don’t train in the gym, but people come to me asking me for advice. Why?

Because I made exercising fun again.

Stop comparing; start improving.

Writing can be a true game-changer if you:

  • know what you’re in for
  • make it fun
  • stop comparing yourself

Thanks for reading!

Photo by Kenrick Mills on Unsplash

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Writing Tips
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